Monday, November 14, 2022

The Building Blocks of Penis Exercises - Increase Your Penis Size by 2-3 Inches!

Lots of guys would really like to increase their penis size by 2-3 inches and it is great that they have this desire. But having the desire is really not enough and it is crucial to understand the building blocks of penis exercises. 

Sadly most guys simply don`t bother with this because it is too boring and takes too much effort. It is impossible to get results with something if you don`t understand the basics.

When a person exercises their muscles, they lift weights and over time the muscles get stronger and bigger. This concept is also true with penis exercises. Although with penis exercises no weights are needed. Results are achieved in 2 ways: stretching and expanding!

Stretching exercises

In order for the penis to grow in any way, some sort of stimulus needs to be applied to it. Stretching exercises require you to pull the penis gently and they are known as length exercises mostly because they help to obtain length effectively.

There are lots of different programs available but in general. during the first 5 weeks or so, you are going to focus on basic stretching exercises. These basic stretching exercises will give your penis a proper workout and prepare it for more advanced exercises ahead. 

As you get more familiar with stretching exercises and as you progress further, you will incorporate more advanced exercises into your routine.

Expansion exercises

Expansion exercises are more known as exercises for girth because they use squeezes, grips, and various other methods to obtain girth. Certain expansion exercises such jelqs work on length as well. 

With jelqing exercises, you push the blood throughout the penis. During the first 5 weeks or so, the jelq is the only expansion exercise used. Again it is important to start off slowly and to condition the penis first, not to start doing advanced exercises right away!

The Routines

The first task for everyone is to learn the exercises. You can not move on to exercise routines unless you have mastered the penis exercises first. After learning the exercises, you can put them together into an effective workout routine, because the exercises by themselves are not very effective.

Basic routines mainly include only 3 fundamental exercises such as the jelq, basic stretch, and kegel. 

How often you exercise your penis is open really. Some penises need more stimulus to grow, while others need very little. Some men exercise their penis once every few days, while others exercise many days in a row.

To make the penis grow, a person will most likely have to exercise the penis 3 days per week for about 15 minutes a day (which increases over time). Since every person is different, a workout program has to be tailor-made for the person. You can not just pick a random program and make it work. 

There are lots of details which need to be taken into account! It is much easier to get results with a program that is specially made for you and the better programs can make it happen!

But besides the penis exercises themselves, exercising the penis is not very much different from any other type of exercise. In any kind of exercise, there are certain principles you need to follow to get results. These basic principles also apply to penis enlargement.

The main thing is to follow these principles in order to make gains. It is not unheard of to gain 2 inches in length and maybe even 3 inches in length, it has been done. It all depends on how much desire you have. 

Some people might train in the gym just to lose some fat, build a bit of muscle and just look fit, while others want to compete in a bodybuilding competition. You can make huge gains but very often it is not necessary or realistic!

Here’s the Penis Enlargement Formula 

Penis enlargement is actually possible through a number of methods. One method is by stretching the penis on a regular basis which stimulates new cell growth and the expansion of cell penis tissue.

The other method is by taking supplements that are scientifically formulated to increase the amount of blood that flows to and through the penis and also increase the size of the penis blood vessels.

Either way, both methods work and I will now touch on what these methods are, and then advise how a combination method has been clinically shown to give the biggest enhancement results over the shoulders period of time.

As far as stretching goes, there are penis exercises. Exercises will give you some penis enhancement results, however, they a very labor-intensive, they are quite inconvenient, and most men give up even though they start with the best of intentions.

So that is why research has shown that penis exercises give the permanent enhancement results that men are really after.

“So, what do I do next?”

Take this quiz. It will compute how big you can become using penis exercises.