Sunday, November 20, 2022

PE Bible Review: How I Enlarge My Dick By 1.4 Inches in 6 Weeks And You Can Too

An in-depth PEBible review, discussing the all-natural penis enlargement guide created by John Collins. Do the techniques in this guide work and is it worth the money?


There are many different techniques you can use to get a bigger dick, knowing which method, technique, or route to take is another story altogether. 

PE Bible is packed full of all-natural techniques that you can use in the comfort of your own home to add between 1-4 inches within weeks.

PE Bible Review

I’ve had the guide for a little over three months now and I must say I’m very surprised at the level of detail it goes into with each technique.

Honestly, the name made me think it was going to be a bit of a joke, but after reading through the first few pages I changed my mind.

John Collins, the author is a great writer and looks at the various aspects of male enhancement. He gives you a firm understanding of how your penis works, what’s possible with natural methods and what you can realistically expect to achieve in both length and girth.

The most important thing to stress here is consistency.

My Results And Gains

If you’re not consistent with using the exercises outlined, then you’re not going to see ANY gains.

I was inconsistent for the first couple of weeks just out of laziness but decided that I needed to be more strict with my approach and treat it just like I would anything in life, I wanted to get better at.

So I kept a journal and I strongly urge you to do the same.

Six weeks in and I’m happy to report that I’ve seen a 1.4-inch gain in length and a 0.8-inch gain in girth.

Pretty cool right?

Here’s how I used the techniques:

Three exercises split up into split sets (yes just like the gym).

  • Warm-up techniques to increase blood flow and warm up the skin (3 minutes)
  • Jelqing for length – 5 minutes
  • Bulging for girth – 5 minutes
  • Stretching for length – 5 minutes
  • Hot towel for recovery – 5 minutes

Total time: 23 minutes

NOTE: There are dozens of exercises and methods outlined in the guide, so you need to choose the ones that you’re most comfortable with and get the best results. I stuck with three just to keep things simple.

Check Out PE Bible

The Pros

Great support: I had a question regarding one of the exercises and one of their support staff replied within 15 minutes, so I was very surprised at that.

Easy-to-follow methods: Each technique and method is super simple to follow and you’ll understand how to perform each one within minutes.

Proven by science: There are exercises in the guide backed by science and approved by the NHS, so you know they’re going to work, which really put my mind at rest.

Money-back guarantees: Best of all, if you’re not happy with the guide, you can get a full (no questions asked) refund within 60 days of purchase. Awesome.

100% Natural: No dick pills, potions, or risky surgery. Just 100% natural ancient techniques that have been used for thousands of years.

The Cons

Lack of videos: There are a couple of videos on exercises, but most are just in the guide. I think it would be way better if they were explained in videos.

No kindle support: Right now it just supports PDF, so you would need to convert it into ePUB format to view it on Kindle. It would be nice to have a Kindle version so I can read it immediately on my Kindle.

No audio version: I listen to a lot of audiobooks, so it would make sense for me to listen to this also, as well as read. The author should consider doing that.

4 Tips For Better Results

To get the most out of the PE Bible, you should use the following tips:

1. Take supplements: 

Some supplements which have been known to help with penis growth and cell repair should be taken as part of your daily routine. John outlines the best supplements on page 74 of the guide.

2. Use lube: 

Some exercises require you to stretch the penis, so lube or vaseline will help achieve that.

3. Warm up/down: 

Always use a hot towel to warm up and down. There are several exercises use can use to warm the penis up also, so use those to help increase blood flow and stretch the skin.

4. Listen to your body: 

If your dick is aching or painful to touch after you exercise, then you need to let it rest. Just like in the gym, you should have rest days to avoid injury.

PE Bible Review Conclusion: Is It Worth the Money?

Absolutely. I would recommend this guide to any man who wants to see at least a one-inch gain in length or girth. It’s laid out in a way that makes the information easy to absorb and you really do see results in a few days after starting.