Monday, July 18, 2022

Top 5 Penis Enlargement Oils – Best Oil For Penis Size

Massage of penis oil is the safest, cheap, and easy way to enlarge the penis. Like a cardiac heart, there is a bunch of blood in which the amount of blood that can be absorbed becomes as big. Massaging the penis with oil increases blood circulation in it and it becomes much longer and bigger. 

Also, by massaging regular sex, the ability to keep its blood in the blood for a longer period increases, so that your semen does not fall quickly during sex and helps in sex for long periods of time.

Here are the names of the 5 most beneficial penis enlargement oils that help to increase the penis. By regular massage with them, you can make your penis stronger, hard, bigger, and healthy. 

Because the right way to massage the penis is also important to give full benefit to the penis, before using these oils, know the correct ways to massage the penis. We have given full information about these methods below.

Top 5 Natural Penis Enlargement Oils

1.IH4 Oil for Penis Enlargement

IH4 Oil is known to increase the size of the penis, it is considered the best oil in the world, which increases the size of the penis naturally. IH4 oil is an Ayurvedic herbal oil prepared with very special effective herbs. It is a very effective and powerful oil. This is effective for increasing penis size.

IH4 oil has to massage on the penis. It strengthens the nerves of the penis. Flaccidity of the penis and weakness remove by using this oil. It brings hardness to the penis. And it is very effective to increase the size of the penis. It is a powerful oil, which can increase the size of the penis and satisfy the woman.

How To Use IH4 Oil: You have to take some drops of IH4 (7 to 10 drops). Gently massage the penis using 2 fingers. you can do 2 times massage also. use this method and daily massage your penis with soft hands.

2. Olive Oil

Many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and essential omega fatty acids are found abundantly in olive oil. Therefore olive oil is the most beneficial and safe for massage of the penis.

You can use it without any doubt or fear about your own gender. It will provide plenty of nutrients to your penis and will help to increase its blood circulation, which will help to make your penis bigger and stronger.

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is one of the most beneficial oils to strengthen the muscles of the penis and increase blood circulation in them.

Many types of research have shown that lavender oil enhances sexual arousal and also has a relaxed and stress-less effect on the body. It also helps in balancing the body’s hormones.

Lavender oil is very thick, so to make it thin, add some carrier oil like olive oil. Then massage it by putting it on the penis. Regular use of this for about two weeks will give you results that can be seen.

How To Apply This Oil – First, take a hot bath and then put some drops of lavender oil mixed with olive oil and massage it on the penis.

4. Almond Oil – Badam Oil

Almond is a substance that is eaten or applied to the skin from the outside, it is very beneficial for health in both circumstances.

Almonds contain excessive amounts of minerals in which the most important is zinc. Zinc is also beneficial in nourishing the whole body and also improving the health of the penis.

By massaging almond oil on your pen every day, you can rejuvenate your sex life again.

After taking a massage for maximum benefit, keep the oil on the penis for a while. By doing this, the skin of the penis is well absorbed.

5. Cinnamon Bark Oil

Cinnamon bark oil nourishes the skin, so it is widely used in health and beauty products.

In addition, it enhances the production of testosterone in the body and helps increase the quality of semen and increase the quantity. Apart from this, cinnamon is considered beneficial in enhancing sex, increasing mood, and reducing stress.

How To Use – Take two drops of cinnamon bark oil daily with half a glass of milk and take it. Keep in mind that this oil does not massage the penis because it can cause skin irritation.

All the above natural oils will help you to increase your penis. Apart from this, a list of some other natural oil is given below, which can be used to massage the penis.

  • Peppermint oil
  • Basil oil
  • Jasmine oil

Penis Enlargement Oils Available In the Market

  • Many oil products are available in the market to maximize penis. But before choosing these, you have to take care of some basic things.
  • Always consult your doctor before using any oil or supplements. Because some of the ingredients in the oil product can react with your other medicines or they may have some side effects.
  • When you get this satisfaction through the doctor that you do not get allergic to any of the ingredients in it, then you should use it.
  • Add a little oil to the small part of your penis foreskin.
  • Now put a bandage or tape on it and leave it for 24 hours.
  • During this time if you do not have irritation, redness, or swelling on your penis skin, then you can use this oil on the whole penis.
  • After passing the above test, use oil as per the instructions given in the oil packet. Do not use more than the amount of oil given in the instructions.

The Right Way To Massage Penis With Oil

  • First, wash and dry the penis thoroughly.
  • Now, back forward your penis of Foreskin.
  • Then place the directed amount of oil on the penis. Some men feel that by applying excess oil, gaining more gains will increase. But using more than the directed quantity of oil, there may be several side effects such as irritation, swelling, rashes, etc. If you are using any pods purchased from the market then use them according to the quantity given on the cover.
  • After applying the oil, massage your index finger (index finger) and gradually massage the penis with your thumb. Do not use your palm any time because it can increase your sexual arousal and your desire to masturbate can awaken. During this masturbation, your penis will not get any special benefit from the oil.
  • Do the massage for at least 5 minutes, so that the skin of the penis absorbed the oil well.
  • Always get massage slowly and with light hands to get good results.
  • After the massage, stay away from the outside cold environment for a few hours.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How a Stem Cell Secret Can Grow Your Penis By 3.2"

For complete instructions on penis enlarging exercises and for a routine that only takes 6 minutes a day, see Penis Enlargement Remedy.

Penis Enlargement Remedy is an online program that teaches you natural and safe techniques you can do to increase your penis by up to 4 inches. The approach is highly focused on the fact that stem cells are the only cells in your body that can be turned into any type of cell.

For example, a brain cell or a muscle cell can be turned into a penis tissue cell. You guessed it, a penis tissue cell. The more penis tissue cells your penis has, the larger it can grow.

This online program provides you with all the techniques needed to turn other cells in your body into tissue cells on your penis. It’s based on a three-phase process, which is:

Phase 1: The Stem Cell Secret

Phase 2: Body Exercise

Phase 3: Accelerate

Phase one reveals the secret to this stem cell discovery before moving into body exercises to turn your newfound knowledge into action. The last phase focuses on accelerating your results to maximize your growth.

Throughout the system, you not only receive step-by-step instructions but you also get schedules and regimes to follow that’ll help you enhance your penis size naturally.

So, what do I do next?

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. This quiz is something I’ve never seen before.

Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!