Monday, July 11, 2022

How to Get a Bigger Penis Head — Super-Secrets Revealed For Real Enlargement

Do you consider yourself a professional when it comes to penis enlargement? If you do then that’s good and we can understand and appreciate that sense of accomplishment.

If you have already started a program for enlarging your penis and have missed out on one of the most important aspects of that member-building adventure then please allow us to show you how to get a bigger penis head; otherwise known as the glans penis.

End of the Line

Some men work for years on the increasing of their penis and fail to appreciate the end of the line so to speak. That end of the line is the glans penis or the head of your penis in other words. This is the first thing your lady friend sees and the last thing your lady friend sees before and after a sexual episode.

First and last impressions are the ones that matter so the size of your penis head makes all the difference in the world in that regard. This is why it is so important to pay attention to this area and to find ways to increase the size and the general aesthetic and physical look of your penis head.

Super Secrets

We said that we would show you some super secrets and reveal them so that you can have a larger penis head and that is exactly what we are going to do. Before we begin this instructional format we need to explain to you the goal of having a larger penis head.

The main goal is to increase the blood flow and sustain the blood flow to this foamy-tissue area that if looked at from an anatomical and surgical point of view is nothing more than a mass of tissue surrounding the end of the urethra.

Let the Blood Flow

Increased blood flow is the number one goal of increasing the size of the penis head. Without blood flow and increased blood flow that the entire ability to increase one’s penis head size will be at a virtual standstill.

Just as you increase the size and girth of your penis through stretching and massaging exercises so will you increase the size of your penis head? There are many ways to go about this journey and one of the most popular and easy to do is a brief massaging during any of the other penis enlargement exercise routines.

All you have to really do is pay attention to the penis head sides and stroke and rub this area as you are gliding up and down the shaft of your penis or in any Jelqing or milking exercises.

Here are your instructions. You will need to get yourself half erect. Then you will grip it at its base with your right hand. Then take your thumb and forefinger and form a ring around them. You will need to pinch your dick with the forefinger and thumb of your left hand.

You will continue to make this squeeze pinch going all the way to your head. You will continue this until it looks like it is about to pop. You will go back and forward like this.

You will want to do this for about 5 minutes are more. This will definitely help you on your quest for how to get a bigger penis head. You should see results within roughly 5 days and may see some even sooner!

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Why is it no surprise that natural enlargement works while other methods don’t?

There are literally hundreds of things pout there, all ‘guaranteeing’ to make your penis grow. They promise almost instant results and say that it works for something like 8 out of 10 men. That’s their escape hatch. You will always be in those other 2. I know, that was me a few months back.

Natural enlargement works because it does the one thing that all those other products do not. It works with your own body. It uses your own system to get your penis to grow. When you really think about it, this is not rocket science. During puberty, your penis grew.

It was your own body that made it grow through the production of stem cells specially designed specifically for this job. Products you can buy do not contain these cells. That’s why they fail, Besides, these special stem cells must come from within your body, they are not something you can buy in a jar and then rub in.

Natural enlargement gets your body to work for itself to make these stem cells which in turn make your penis grow. This is the only way to get your penis to grow. Without these cells, you won’t see your penis grow.

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer. And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the penis. And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact. Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Here’s a quickfire Q & A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I personally added 3.9 inches to my member and most men can expect gains of between 2 and 5 inches. It works for everyone! If you are serious about getting bigger manhood then this really is the only way to go.

“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. This quiz is something I’ve never seen before.

Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!