Tuesday, November 15, 2022

3 Easy Penis Enhancement Exercises That Will Show Results in 2 Weeks

There are so many penis enhancement exercise programs out there it is very difficult to know which ones actually work and which ones just relieve you of your hard-earned cash.

I will run through a few things that you should consider before parting with your money.

Clearly, if you are reading this article you have realized that you have a smaller penis than you would ideally like. It could be that you have seen other guys' penises at the gym when showering and realize you don't measure up or maybe you cannot totally satisfy your partner the way both you and her would like.

The good news is that some programs can genuinely enhance the length and girth of your penis within 2 weeks.

A word of warning! Whatever you do please stick to the exercise program schedule. I know it will be tempting to over-exercise your penis but you could seriously harm yourself and also make the results less effective. 

The penis is sensitive and won't react well to being subjected to severe punishment straight away. A good program will recommend a limit to how much exercise you should do each day.

Break the schedule and you will affect the results.

There are three main exercises that you will be shown and I will talk about them below.

The first exercise can be practiced anytime and anywhere.

Pelvic floor exercise (Kegel exercise). Have you heard of this before and thought this was performed by women after having a baby?

Research has shown that this is a great exercise for men looking for harder erections. However, a great side effect is that the exercise forces more blood into the penis which when practiced over a couple of weeks gives a fatter stronger penis.

When you clench your anus muscle you will feel your penis clenching as well. You should squeeze this muscle for 10-12 seconds and then relax and practice it for no more than ten minutes at a time.

This is a great first exercise but to really work needs to be used as part of a structured exercise regime.

The next exercise is called the Basic Stretch. You need to form an O with your thumb and finger and then hold your penis head. 

Extend your penis and hold that position for no more than 20 seconds. Repeat this exercise another 10 times and then stop. This exercise should not be painful and you should pull less hard if you suffer discomfort. In time your penis will grow by up to 2 inches.

The final exercise is jelqing. You have two options here either dry jelqing or wet jelqing ( water & soap). If you suffer a little from premature ejaculation I would stick to the dry method as the object of this exercise is to grow your penis and not to ejaculate.

Firstly hold your penis with the O hold as discussed in the basic stretch but this time start at the base of the penis. Slowly move your hand up to the head of the penis and squeeze firmly and then return your hand to the base of your penis.

Repeat this exercise between 30-40 times and then stop for the day. This exercise forces blood along the penis shaft and after 2 weeks will start to show good results.

You need to read this very, very carefully.

If you have read this far I would suggest that you are not as well endowed as you need to be. Many surveys have shown that a fatter and longer penis makes lovemaking far more pleasurable for women than smaller skinnier ones. 

A long penis will hit the G spot which is located deep inside the vagina and you need to stimulate this to make a woman climax. 

You cannot reach this with a small penis.

A thicker penis will stimulate the sensitive nerve end on the inside of the vagina that doesn't get stimulated with a "pencil" shaped penis. 

As you are serious about penis enhancement and giving your partner mind-blowing pleasure I have great news.

There is a stunning natural way to get a bigger penis and it doesn't involve popping pills in your mouth or walking around with a weight of metal hanging from your penis! What you will discover by reading the next page will blow your mind and hers.

Find out what other guys don't want you to know by clicking here.