Friday, November 11, 2022

Grow Yourself a Porn Star Sized Penis by Following 1 Simple Rule That Every Other System Ignores!

Penis size can be a sensitive issue and is sometimes the make or break of a relationship. Not just because a larger penis is more stimulating for women, but because of the mental and emotional baggage that comes with not being as physically blessed in the size department as other men. 

Men with larger penises tend to have more confidence and are more self-assured. It's human nature to want to better yourself physically and penis enlargement products have been around as early as the ancient Egyptians and Aztecs. 

Men would hang weights onto the end of their penises to try and desperately increase the size of their penises. So if they've been around for that long, then they must work, right? 

Read on to discover the truth about penis enlargement products.

Herbal Remedies or Myths?

Penis enlargement pills are one of the biggest sellers online but is there actually any substance behind what the pills claim to do? The claim is that by taking a few pills every morning your penis becomes bigger because the ingredients of the pills (which itself is often a mystery) cause the arteries in the penis is relax, smoothen and widen, allowing more blood to enter the penis and thus become larger. 

Whilst most of this is true, the main false claim is that your penis will become bigger simply from more blood entering the penis. Your erections will become harder and fuller, but your actual penis size will remain the same.

Separate Fact From Fiction

The only real way to increase the size of your penis is to implement a series of exercises and biochemicals that essentially '''feed'' your penis into allowing it to grow. 

Exercises force more blood into the penis than you could ever expect to achieve through natural erections and are the only way you can actually change the structure of the penis. 

Think about it, if you want to get bigger muscles, you don't just take a pill, and 6-8 weeks later you're ripped like a bodybuilder! You need to exercise the muscles, feed them, and then allow them to rest. The penis isn't a muscle, but it works on the same principle of growth.

Feed Your Penis In Order For It To Grow

The one simple rule in order to grow your penis is that although exercising your penis is beneficial, it's not enough and you MUST feed your penis. 

One of the most important factors that men tend to forget about when it comes to penis exercises is the necessity for the correct ''penis food'' to allow the exercises to become effective. 

Nutrients rich in growth properties and hormones that were present in puberty are the perfect foods that can make the penis grow. The penis grew once before using this blend and it will do again when using a proven system.