Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Penis Enlarging - Does Jelqing or Pumps Work Better For Getting Bigger?

Many guys who research penis enlarging will come across two methods that appear to be legitimate for actually getting a bigger size. Jelqing and penis pumps are the two methods we will discuss.

Jelqing is a hand exercise that guys perform using the thumb and forefinger, making a circle, and basically massaging the penis from the base to just before the head. It is performed in the semi-erect, lubricated state.

Penis pumps on the other hand are contraptions in which the penis is placed in a cylinder of some sort and pressure is added either by air or water. This is left on for a certain amount of time, then released and repeated.

Now right away you might be thinking that the pump method sounds too risky and must not be the safest technique to try. Well, to a degree that has been the case in the past.

Current penis pumps are mostly water-based. These maintain the pressure more safely and effectively. Most guys find them easier to use than traditional pumps. And the results have been positive for many who have tried these newer, water-based pumps.

Jelqing on the other hand has always had a reputation for working well and has been around for decades (some say it originated hundreds of years ago by tribal men looking to increase size as part of the male ritual).

So which method is better? Does jelqing bring on more size or do penis pumps make you bigger?

Giving a definitive answer is very difficult since guys are different, the pumps or jelqing routines they use are different, and ideally, you would need a set of twins to jelq and pump to see what definitely gives better gains.

But, we can determine a good way to get a bigger penis using these methods.

Since jelqing has been around forever and has a stronger track record for working, then guys should try this method first. 

After you notice gains tapering off, or if you haven't been impressed with your jelqing results, then resting for a period and starting back up with a water-based penis pump can be the way to go.

It's always good to go with an all-natural method first to see how far you can get. You may very well be satisfied with jelqing results and then will have no reason to get a pump.

Another issue is safety. Any time you introduce a device or contraption you increase the safety risk. 

Now while the newer pumps are much better and have been reported much safer than previous contraptions, it still exists that you are using a contraption, as opposed to just using your hands, as with jelqing.

Jelqing has the "all-natural" label attached to it because essentially all you are using are your hands to perform the exercise. No jelq machines, extenders, or anything else. Really the only other things you need with jelqing are a hand towel for warming up and lubrication to do the exercise.

Having said that, you should always get on a good jelqing routine. Many guys try to jelq on their own and not only fail to get results but actually don't jelq properly, thus leading to potential injury. Getting on routine will ensure safety protocol is followed.

Another reason jelqing should be tried first is that you "get a feel" for your penis, and for penis enlargement in general. When you switch over to a pump you will become more in tune with what you are doing, and the goals you are trying to achieve.

So jelqing first (and remember jelqing does take time; consistency and patience are the keys), and then a pump for further gains if you so desire.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your significant other MIND BLOWING orgasms? 

Well, I highly recommend the Stem Cell Penile Enlargement Program! This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! 

I grew 2 inches bigger in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

For more information, click to learn more! 

WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.