Sunday, November 27, 2022

Penis Exercises - 4 Common Mistakes People Make

A lot of people are instantly interested in the mention of penis exercises as an enlargement method. The reason is that it sounds logical to a lot of people that the penis would respond to exercises just like any other body part responds to exercises.

While enlargement with penis exercises is very successful, one has to make sure that they do not commit the following mistakes while doing them.

1. Doing random exercises 

Would you go to a gym and start doing heavy weights all of a sudden. You will first of all not be able to do heavy weights and if you do try them, you will just end up really sore and possibly hurt your muscles in the process. 

Similarly, if you quickly search for a penis exercise on the Internet and then start pulling away the next minute, it does not mean that you are going to have a bigger penis overnight. In fact, penis exercises need to be done at a gradually increasing intensity that will give you safe and effective growth. 

There are a whole bunch of variations that a good program will put you through to get you the results that you want.

2. Doing exercises for too long 

This is another common mistake that is committed by a lot of people. They exercise their penis for about an hour every day hoping for quick gains. You could not go more wrong here. A good program will only require you to exercise the penis for about 10 or 12 minutes a day, never more than that.

3. Doing the exercises wrong 

This is probably the biggest reason why penis exercises fail for a lot of people. They just do not know what they are doing. Exercises need to be done only after a warm-up. A warm-up could be a hot shower or a warm towel wrap for a few minutes. 

While this may sound unnecessary, it actually helps a great deal in improving the blood flow into the penis, thus preparing it for enlargement exercises. You also need to know that these exercises are never to be performed on a fully erect penis. 

Depending on the exercise, you should do them only when you are soft or semi-erect, never fully erect.

4. Expecting too much 

A lot of people also expect too much from penis exercises. It is realistic to expect a gain of an inch or two from this type of enlargement. People also expect results in a couple of days. A typical exercise program will take between 5-9 weeks, with results starting to show somewhere in the 2-3 week range.

Having mentioned all the mistakes that need to be avoided, you can go ahead and begin exercising your penis the right way to get a bigger penis in a few weeks.