Monday, November 7, 2022

Never Ever Use a DIY Penis Stretching Device

The ever-popular penis enlargement stretcher (more commonly known to the everyday man as the penis extender) is so popular these days that many men have tried to construct the devices in their home's backyard. 

If you are one of them... stop and think... do you believe that tying one end of a rope around your beloved penis and fixing the other end to weights or your thigh is safe? 

Do you using an industrial-grade vacuum cleaner on your penis and sucking away for several hours a day to enlarge your penis is safe?

When it comes to penis enlargement, I urge you to seriously forget about DIY-ing and using homemade penis extenders. 

If you think you are able to churn out something similar to commercially produced type 1 medical penis devices, the sad truth is it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to achieve the smooth and seamless surface finishings that one will find in type 1 medical penis devices.

In this modern age, you can certainly find, on the internet, tons of information and articles about building your very own simple and cheap penis extenders. 

However, always bear in mind that there is little info (if not, none at all) on what happens when you end up in the hospital's Accident & Emergency Department because you had attached a rope with dumbbell weights to your penis.

The most common risks associated with the usage of DIY penis stretching devices:

Cuts, lacerations, and bruises 

The above happens because the materials used for self-built penis devices do not have the smooth surface finishings required to cushion and protect the extremely sensitive penis skin. 

Although cuts and bruises do not leave noticeable scars on your penis, such injuries are very painful and unbearable. So unbearable that you would not be able to make love during the healing period. 

So if you suffer cuts and bruises with your DIY device, just stop your enlargement program, dump the DIY device and forget about starting again once your cuts and bruises heal.

Blood vessel damages 

Such damages occur when the blood flow is interrupted for a prolonged period or when you constrict your sensitive penis with extensive and constant pressure. 

Once you start to experience any loss in sensations anyway on your penis or if your penis starts to turn blue-ish... zoom down to the hospital's Accident & Emergency Department immediately. 

These damages can be very serious and should be addressed by specialized medical staff. Do not try to 'rub it off at home! You will cause more harm than good! And of course, dump that DIY device and forget about starting again!

Finally, I will have to say that if you seriously want to achieve results and be safe at the same time, you should try to buy a certified medical type 1 penis enlargement device. 

Always get one that conforms to safety standards and had passed quality checks before it is released into the market. Penis extenders do produce wonderful and amazing results. If you ever wish to have a big penis that boosts your confidence in absolute safety, buy a quality device and read the usage instructions carefully. 

There is no point in taking chances with a penis enlargement program by using an unsafe DIY homemade device.