It's simply a fact that during puberty your penis grew naturally, without the interference of penis pumps, pills, or extenders. Just like you had growth spurts with your height, you had growth spurts with your penis.
Using these devices, which are so heavily promoted on the internet, is contrary to natural penis growth - and could, potentially, put your penis in real jeopardy. But the penis enlargement industry is thriving. Last year they made record sales of $900 million. That is big business and something that many people want to tap into.
That's the main reason why many penis enlargement products exist. They serve to make a vast profit for those to create and promote them. However, some products do work and get real, positive results.
There are a few myths regarding penis enlargement. One is that the penis can be exercised like a muscle. The problem, of course, is that the penis is not a muscle. It has different attributes from a muscle and can't be enhanced in the same way. Penis growth and muscle growth are by no means the same thing! The main problem I have with many penis enlargement products, the ones which force your penis to grow, is that their side-effects are so negative; impotence, pain, scar tissue formation, bursting of the penis, Peyronie's disease and urinary incontinence, to name but a few.
Herbal penis enlargement pills have become very popular, and take up a large chunk of the penis industry's profits. Because of US law, the people who produce these pills can claim whatever they please, because pills that fall into the herbal category don't have to prove to any authorities that they actually do what they say they do. A study was done into what is contained in penis enlargement pills, and worryingly they found E coli, manure, and lead. The manure, the study report suggested, came from where grazing animals defecated on the crops.
Penis extenders lead us to believe that if you split one of the delicate blood vessels contained within the penis, cellular regeneration will take place. They use the theory of muscle growth, and causing micro-tears in muscles, to back up their claims. Anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that a muscle and a penis are two very different things. If they weren't then you could get your penis to pull all sorts of extraordinary poses as you sit there, reading this article right now.
Natural penis growth occurred during puberty because the biochemical levels which were in your body when you were growing up allowed for penis growth because of the equilibrium of oxygen, nutrients, growth hormone, and biochemicals.
However, once you've stopped growing this equilibrium shifts into maintaining your body rather than encouraging it to grow. But once you know how to replicate the environment which caused growth in the first place you can learn how to cause your penis to spurt in size again.
Now Listen Very Carefully Here:
I searched for products that do this for a long, long time; and along the way, I tried many of the vast variety of penis enlargement products out there. Sadly for me the two products that were available each cost over $5,000. But now there is a far, far less expensive option available to us, and it's called The Penis Enlargement Remedy. It could help you with your penis enlargement today.
After a cure of 4 months, It grew 2.8 inches, it is huge! But Penis Enlargement Remedy had a second unexpected effect on me, I gained so much confidence that I became a real magnet for girls, even though they didn't even notice me before, now they all want me! And they are never disappointed... My friends ask me what has changed, but that is out of the question I won't reveal my secret.