Sunday, March 5, 2023

How to Jelq Without A Jelq Device and Grow a Huge Penis!

Has anyone taught you how to jelq? Perhaps you do not even know what the word means. In this article, we will discuss a natural method to increase the size of your penis. Every year men spend hundreds of dollars on the latest gimmick to make their penises larger. You can jelq naturally or use a jelq device.

The process of jelqing is an ancient method that has been around for over 100 years. The process of jelqing is simple and easy to learn. Some men prefer to use a jelq device but these also are not necessary. They do help to make it easier, but if you want to learn how to jelq naturally this article is for you.

The average size of a man's penis is 6 inches in length. This is quite inadequate to satisfy a lot of women. Sure, people will tell you that five or six inches are enough to satisfy a lady, but if you have seven, eight, or even nine inches you will send her through the roof with pleasure. Learning how to jelq naturally will help you gain these inches.

So, do you want to learn how to jelq? If your answer is YES then keep reading.

Learning how to jelq naturally or with a jelq device is simple. It is the easiest cheapest and best method to increase the size of your manhood. The first thing you want to do is get comfortable. You can jelq lying down, standing up, or even sitting down. For best results, you should be able to hang your penis downward.

Once you're comfortable, grab some lotion or KY jelly. You can jelq without lotion, but it makes it smoother and easier if you lube up.

You want to grab your penis at the base (near your pubic area). Once you have a good grip here use your thumb and index finger or thumb and two fingers to create a circle or ring grip. Now you want to slowly move the circle you created downward towards the penis head. 

Once you have reached the head you want to repeat this process using your other hand. Make sure your grip is fairly firm. You want to increase the blood flow and the length of your penis. You will know that you have the correct grip when you see that your penis is engorged and the head is very large and red. 

When starting out jelqing you want to take it easy to start. These tissues and muscles are sensitive and rarely get used the way you are going to be exercising them.

Once you are comfortable with the process you will want to set up a strict regime. When you are first learning how to jelq, you will want to do them every second day. Over time you will build up how often and how many times you do the exercises. Some men prefer to use a jelq device to make it easier but they really are not necessary.

You will notice a drastic change in the size of your penis within the first week. It is important that you keep up with the exercises and not just stop once you have added inches. I hope with the use of this article that you have learned how to jelq without using a device.

Listen very closely, here is your next step,

75% of Men don't do the penis exercises correctly resulting in little or no growth. Guarantee success with this "HANDS ON" video series demonstrating 30 different penis enlargement exercises... Click here for instant access.