Thursday, March 30, 2023

Increase Your Penis Girth: 5 Essential Exercises

In this day and age, men are looking for ways to increase the size and girth of their penis. You've seen the commercials and heard the jokes, and it's no secret that having a large penis is a symbol of masculinity and power.

But before you consider drastic measures to enlarge your penis, there are some proven exercises you can do to increase penis girth naturally. While there's no scientific evidence that these exercises will permanently increase your penis girth, there's plenty of anecdotal evidence from men who swear by them.

In this article, we'll tell you about 5 essential exercises for increasing your penis girth. These exercises don't require any special equipment or a hefty financial investment; all you need is determination and a desire to see real results. So get ready—let's dive in!

What Is Penis Girth and Why Increase It?

When it comes to penis size, length is often the first thing that comes to mind. But don’t forget about girth—it can be just as important for your sexual satisfaction and pleasure. So what is girth, exactly? Simply put, it’s how thick your penis is when erect.

So why increase your penis girth? A thicker penis increases friction which can lead to more satisfying sex for both partners. It can also improve the sensation when penetrating and increase pleasure through the added bulk. Plus, a larger girth can stand up better and last longer during sex.

While there’s no proven way to increase the size of your penis, there are a few exercises you can do to help increase girth. Keep reading to find out which exercises may help you see an increase in girth!

Jelqing: The Most Popular Exercise for Penis Girth

Jelqing is probably the most popular and well-known exercise for penis girth. Although it's considered an ancient practice, it's still widely used by men today— and you can do it too!

Essentially, jelqing is a penis stretching technique that increases both length and girth. It's done by using your thumb and index finger to form an “OK” sign around the base of the shaft. You then slide down to the head of the penis and gradually remove your hand in a milking motion, lasting for two to three seconds. You repeat this for up to 15 minutes per session, twice per day for best results.

Although there are variations on the jelqing exercise, all variations can be done easily at home or even on the go. Plus, according to some studies, this particular exercise can also help increase blood flow—which helps reduce risk factors associated with erectile dysfunction.

Stretching Exercises: Achieving Length and Girth

Stretching exercises are a great way to improve both your penis length and girth. You can use stretching exercises to make your penis naturally longer and wider, with just a few simple techniques. Here are the five essential stretching exercises you should be doing to gradually increase your penis girth:

The Jelqing Exercise: This is a tried-and-true exercise that involves stroking your semi-erect penis from the base to the head using an “OK” sign with your index finger and thumb.

The Penis Squeeze Exercise: This exercise involves squeezing the head of your semi-erect penis inwardly for a few seconds at a time, to increase blood flow, resulting in bigger girth.

The Kegel Exercise: Kegel exercises involve contracting and releasing the muscles in your pelvic floor, which can help strengthen them over time, resulting in better erections, improved ejaculation control, and increased penis size.

The Penis Shrink Wrap Exercise: This exercise involves wrapping paper or tape around the circumference of your flaccid or erect penis and leaving it there for a few minutes at a time to increase blood flow, resulting in bigger girth over time.

The Hanging Weight Exercise: This exercise involves hanging weights from the head of your flaccid penis several times each day for several minutes at a time to stretch it out over time, resulting in a bigger girth when you’re erect or flaccid.

By consistently following these five stretching exercises for optimal results, you’ll soon be able to achieve both

Kegels and Squeezes to Increase Girth

If you want to increase your penis girth, Kegels and squeezes are two essential exercises. Both work by increasing the amount of blood flowing to your penis, but with different movements.


Kegels are simple: all you have to do is tighten your pelvic muscles as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine. Hold them for a few seconds, then relax and repeat 10-15 times. This exercise helps strengthen your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which can help lengthen your penis and make it wider during an erection.


Squeezes involve using your fingers and thumb around the base of your penis while it’s in a semi-erect state. Hold the squeeze for 10-15 seconds, then release and repeat 10 times. You can also do squeezes with a partner for added control, or hold onto a towel with both hands at the base of your penis to apply extra pressure when squeezing. Doing this regularly will not only increase blood flow but will also help build up tissue in the penis over time, making it wider long-term.

Combining Exercise Routines for Optimal Results

It's not enough just to do one exercise for penis girth—for the best results, you should combine your workout routine. Here are some essential exercises that you can do in combination for maximum gains in penis girth:


Kegels are a popular exercise that helps increase the strength of both your pelvic floor muscles and the PC muscles, which control ejaculation and urination. To perform Kegels, contract your PC muscles in a series of pulses, holding each contraction for 10 seconds at a time. Repeat as you feel comfortable building up to longer holds as time goes on.


Jelqing is another popular exercise that's been around for centuries. It involves milking your penis using your thumb and index finger to create a circular motion along the length of the shaft. This helps to increase blood flow and stimulate tissue expansion while strengthening the PC and pelvic floor muscles. Start with 30 reps, building up to 100 reps over time if it feels comfortable.


Stretching is an important part of any workout routine and helps increase penis girth by expanding tissue, promoting circulation, and improving flexibility. To perform stretching exercises for penis girth, take both hands and apply gentle pressure on either side of the penis head, starting from the base and then moving up to just below the head before switching sides and repeating. Do this for 10 reps or until you feel the tension build up in your penis shaft.


Squeezing can help improve penile girth by increasing blood flow and stimulating tissue expansion—it's also great for strengthening PC muscles! Start by squeezing at

Tips for Safer Gains With Penis Girth Exercises

So you want to increase your penis girth with exercises? Well, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you're doing it safely.

Warm Up Before Exercise

You should always warm up before you exercise your penis, just like any other muscle. It's best to start with warm water exercise and move on to light stretching before getting into the more intense exercises, like jelqing. This will help prevent injuries that can occur from straining cold muscles.

Stay Hydrated & Stop If You Feel Pain

Just like any other exercise routine, it's important to stay hydrated while doing the exercises, and be sure to take breaks if it starts to feel too intense or painful. Overworking your muscles can lead to injury and can even cause permanent damage when it comes to penis exercises.

Don't Push Yourself Too Hard

It's important not to push yourself too hard—listen to your body and don't try and do too much at once. Adding just five extra minutes each day is enough for improvement without risking injury or exhaustion.

If you want to gain girth safely, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises as your body adapts and gets used to the activity. With dedication, discipline, and consistency in mind—you'll be on your way toward achieving bigger gains!

Suggested Read:

75% of Men don't do the penis exercises correctly resulting in little or no growth. Guarantee success with this "HANDS ON" video series demonstrating different penis enlargement exercises... Click here for instant access.


All in all, there are a few different exercises for penis girth you can do to increase your girth. However, it’s important to take your time and start with the basics. Focus on your breath, consistently do more reps and sets, and use a program that is tailored to your goals. With a little dedication and practice, you can soon have a thicker penis that will make your partner fall in love with you all over again.