Penis enlargement is probably one of the less discussed topics nowadays, but believe it or not, this is one of the few billion-dollar industries today. This is due to the fact that millions of men are looking for ways to effectively make their penis bigger and longer, which is said to be caused by the high sexual activity in our society.
Today, we will be discussing the 4 internal penis enlargement methods that you need to avoid. These methods are associated with great risks, and it would be better to look for other methods before you try one of them.
Internal penis enlargement refers to the methods that are promising to make your penis bigger and longer internally. These methods rely on chemicals or surgery, which are known for imposing great risks and side effects. I hope that this article will help you learn more about internal penis enlargement methods, including the risks and disadvantages associated with it.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Should we even be discussing why you need to avoid surgeries? Of course, it is a well-known fact that surgeries can cost a lot. My research shows that a male enhancement surgery can cost up to $10,000. Who amongst us is willing to spend this much just to gain an inch or two in terms of length and girth? Aside from being expensive, it is also a well-known fact that surgeries are associated with great risks and side effects.
Did you know that 33.7% of people who have undergone penis surgery suffered from irreversible damage such as deformation and erectile dysfunction? Among the 66.3% of men who gained an increase in the size of their penis, 75% are saying that the price is not worth the results, while only 8% were really happy with it. When we say "really happy" it means that the result they gained from the surgery is well-worth its price.
Penis Enlargement Pills
There are dozens of penis enlargement pills being sold on the market today. Obviously, all of them are promising to make your penis bigger and longer. Some of the manufacturers are even claiming that their products are made from 100% natural ingredients. But can you rely on these products?
Although there are some pills that work, there are more complaints related to the results of pills over the praise that it receives. Due to this fact, it would be better to stay away from penis enlargement pills unless you are really sure about the effectiveness and safety of the product.
Penis Enlargement Oils
These penis enlargement products are promising instant enhancement which can be used as soon as you convinced your girl to hop in bed. These oils are promising to provide effective yet short-term penis enhancement, which will improve the sensation that you feel during sexual intercourse.
Although some of these enhancement oils work, most of them are associated with side effects. In addition, the price of these enhancement oils is not worth the effects that you will receive. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars just to make your penis bigger, harder, and better for 30 minutes or more.
Penis Enlargement Patches
Just like penis enlargement oils, penis patches are promising effective and temporary increases in the size of your member. Most manufacturers are claiming that their product is made from 100% organic ingredients, making it safe for regular use.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of complaints related to the results that penis patches can produce. Aside from being expensive, the results, according to some users, are not worth its price. My research shows that there are fewer people who are complaining about side effects, but its price is definitely not worth the results.
Finally!, We can share this with you.
Secret Growth Discovery Will Increase Your Penis Size +3.81cm Per Week
For the past 2 months, we've been sitting on this secret and we've been dying to tell you about it.
If you've been a reader for a long time, you know we often share exposes on natural cures and treatments - shown by science to work - that are, for one reason or another, hushed up by the mainstream.
And today we are going to share with you the secret of how stem cell has helped over 29 000 men to grow +5.08 - 7.62cm and improved their sex stamina and confidence.
Their wives and girlfriends are calling this discovery the " Secret Pornstar Maker" because of the sexual beast their partners have become.
Here’s a quickfire Q&A:
Can you get bigger? Yes.
How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.
Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.
Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!
Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed