Sunday, March 19, 2023

Penis Traction - Is a Penis Traction Device Safe and Effective?

Penis traction is just one of the many methods that are available to the hundreds of thousands of men who have dreamed since puberty of having bigger manhood. In an age where being "average" or being "more" is your choice instead of that of your genetics, it is important to know what the safest and most effective methods are.

What is a Penis Traction Device?

This device is worn on your manhood during the flaccid state. As the name suggests it provides adjustable traction or stretching force that over time causes the cells to split and grow. The science behind this idea is certainly not new. When we exercise our muscles at the gym we cause the same thing to happen.

More cells = more blood flow = bigger manhood in both the flaccid and erect state

It is worn for approximately 6-8 hours per day and fits discreetly under loose trousers. You can get the same results by wearing it in 2 sessions (eg. 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening if you desire).

Is Penis Traction Your Best Enlargement Option?

Penis enlargement traction has been the breakthrough solution for many men who have tried various methods in the past but failed. The reason is pretty simple.

It Takes The Guesswork Out Of Enlargement.

Most pills, patches, and creams do nothing, pumps usually cause injury and surgery is costly and often leaves men disfigured. Penis exercise programs can get results but there is always the question of whether you are performing the exercises with enough pressure or in the right way to be effective. With penis traction, there is no margin for error. A constant stretching force is applied and most men see noticeable results within the first month.

How Much Can I Gain Using Penis Traction?

The average user can expect to gain approximately 1 inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth within the first month. The normal usage period is 3-6 months and depending on the level of tension you set and how many hours you wear the device each day it is not uncommon to see gains of 3-4 inches in total. How much you gain is up to how consistently you use it.

Be Wary Of Cheap Penis Traction Devices

The only stretcher you should consider is a certified type 1 medical device that preferably also carries the European CE mark (devices with this mark have met the extensive standards of the European Union). You also need a stretcher that has replaced the outdated silicone noose system that restricts circulation at the head of your manhood with a rubber comfort strap and comfort padding.

Many guys have quickly been left out of pocket and without a bigger manhood by choosing cheaper imitations that were uncomfortable to wear and had tension bars that unscrewed themselves or warped within a few weeks.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How a Stem Cell Secret Can Grow Your Penis By 3.2"

For complete instructions on penis enlarging exercises and for a routine that only takes 6 minutes a day, see Penis Enlargement Remedy.

Penis Enlargement Remedy is an online program that teaches you natural and safe techniques you can do to increase your penis by up to 4 inches. The approach is highly focused on the fact that stem cells are the only cells in your body that can be turned into any type of cell.

For example, a brain cell or a muscle cell can be turned into a penis tissue cell. You guessed it, a penis tissue cell. The more penis tissue cells your penis has, the larger it can grow.

This online program provides you with all the techniques needed to turn other cells in your body into tissue cells on your penis. It’s based on a three-phase process, which is:

Phase 1: The Stem Cell Secret

Phase 2: Body Exercise

Phase 3: Accelerate

Phase one reveals the secret to this stem cell discovery before moving into body exercises to turn your newfound knowledge into action. The last phase focuses on accelerating your results to maximize your growth.

Throughout the system, you not only receive step-by-step instructions but also get schedules and regimes to follow that’ll help you enhance your penis size naturally.

So, what do I do next?

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. This quiz is something I’ve never seen before.

Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!