Thursday, March 2, 2023

Restore Your Foreskin With This Basic Penis Enlargement Exercise for Beginners

In the 1970s, most male American infants were circumcised. In this day and age, the amount of male American infants that are circumcised are significantly lower. If you are circumcised and are wondering whether you can restore your foreskin somehow, then you aren't alone. 

A lot of circumcised men are actually wondering the same thing. While you probably never heard about this before because of how accepted and expected circumcision was back in the day, people are more open-minded now. In both social and medical fields, for example, there isn't wrong or unhygienic about not being cut or circumcised.

So, how can you restore your foreskin without the use of expensive surgery then? Also, what are the benefits of following a basic penis enlargement exercise to restore that foreskin?

With the basic penis enlargement exercise mentioned below, you can create a brand new hood of penis skin that can cover the head of your penis and bring it back to its original form. 

While it isn't possible to actually get the original foreskin back from when you were younger, you can still enjoy various benefits by restoring your foreskin with this basic penis enlargement exercise in the long run. Here are some of those benefits:

1. Since your penis head will be covered by skin again, you will no longer have to experience your underwear's fabric rubbing against it. This means that the utmost sensitivity of your penis will be maintained. Your penis won't get too dry, either, since it will no longer be too exposed to air the way that a circumcised penis tends to be.

2. Both masturbation and sex will be much more pleasurable to you since the new skin that will cover your penis will give you more "slack". With this new skin, your penis will also be able to glide more pleasurably and more freely during intercourse.

3. It will be much easier to do a basic penis enlargement exercise with this new skin since, as mentioned earlier, your new skin will make it easier for you to slide it up and down. Since it will be easier to do both dry and wet jelqs with this skin, you will therefore be able to increase the size of your penis much faster and by many more inches to boot.

Here is one basic penis enlargement exercise that you can do:

1. Gently massage your penis until you get a full erection.

2. Do 30 to 50 PC muscle contractions to send more blood into your penis. This will help you get the strongest erection possible.

3. Firmly grip your skin at the base of your penis with an OK sign and then slide the OK sign up along the shaft of your penis without releasing your grip on the area of skin that you were holding onto from the beginning. 

In other words, don't move your hand over your penile skin. Once you start feeling the skin stretching a lot, hold the position until you start losing your erection or for around 10 seconds tops, depending on which comes first.

4. Repeat all of the aforementioned steps and do the exercises for around ten minutes a day. When it comes to the last 5 repetitions, try to stretch your penis a little bit more, so that you actually pull the skin toward the head of your penis as hard as possible. This shouldn't hurt in any way, though.

Ideally, you should do this basic penis enlargement exercise every day. In two weeks' time, you will then start seeing brand new skin developing on your penis.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Secret Growth Discovery Will Increase Your Penis Size +3.81cm Per Week

I had been looking for years for a way to increase my size. But everything I research is either a scam or a dead end. But this book really changes all of that just using the knowledge of this book for a month has improved everything. 

I read this book cover to cover carefully with an open mind and quite frankly if you open your mind and be completely honest with yourself you'd see that it makes sense. 

As men, one of our main causes of failures is that our pride gets in the way. This writer speaks bluntly and honestly, just what we need to do. It's not going to make your penis big right away, that's all on you but it gives you a great way to enhance it. I have seen improvements in the first couple of weeks of having it! Just stay consistent with the techniques. 

My wife can't stop touching me. I swear I've grown an inch and a half and my penis is even thicker too... what girth! Excellent and simple and easy to follow advice. No harmful drugs or surgery. Helpful exercises to grow your man muscle! I have already noticed some better-quality erections.