Friday, March 31, 2023

Restoring Natural Penis Enlargement - Just Like It Grew During Puberty

It's simply a fact that during puberty your penis grew naturally, without the interference of penis pumps, pills, or extenders. Just like you had growth spurts with your height, you had growth spurts with your penis.

Using these devices, which are so heavily promoted on the internet, is contrary to natural penis growth - and could, potentially, put your penis in real jeopardy. But the penis enlargement industry is thriving. Last year they made record sales of $900 million. That is big business and something that many people want to tap into.

That's the main reason why many penis enlargement products exist. They serve to make a vast profit for those to create and promote them. However, some products do work and get real, positive results.

There are a few myths regarding penis enlargement. One is that the penis can be exercised like a muscle. The problem, of course, is that the penis is not a muscle. It has different attributes from a muscle and can't be enhanced in the same way. Penis growth and muscle growth are by no means the same thing! The main problem I have with many penis enlargement products, the ones which force your penis to grow, is that their side-effects are so negative; impotence, pain, scar tissue formation, bursting of the penis, Peyronie's disease and urinary incontinence, to name but a few.

Herbal penis enlargement pills have become very popular, and take up a large chunk of the penis industry's profits. Because of US law, the people who produce these pills can claim whatever they please, because pills that fall into the herbal category don't have to prove to any authorities that they actually do what they say they do. A study was done into what is contained in penis enlargement pills, and worryingly they found E coli, manure, and lead. The manure, the study report suggested, came from where grazing animals defecated on the crops.

Penis extenders lead us to believe that if you split one of the delicate blood vessels contained within the penis, cellular regeneration will take place. They use the theory of muscle growth, and causing micro-tears in muscles, to back up their claims. Anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that a muscle and a penis are two very different things. If they weren't then you could get your penis to pull all sorts of extraordinary poses as you sit there, reading this article right now.

Natural penis growth occurred during puberty because the biochemical levels which were in your body when you were growing up allowed for penis growth because of the equilibrium of oxygen, nutrients, growth hormone, and biochemicals.

However, once you've stopped growing this equilibrium shifts into maintaining your body rather than encouraging it to grow. But once you know how to replicate the environment which caused growth in the first place you can learn how to cause your penis to spurt in size again.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

I searched for products that do this for a long, long time; and along the way, I tried many of the vast variety of penis enlargement products out there. Sadly for me the two products that were available each cost over $5,000. But now there is a far, far less expensive option available to us, and it's called The Penis Enlargement Remedy. It could help you with your penis enlargement today.

After a cure of 4 months, It grew 2.8 inches, it is huge! But Penis Enlargement Remedy had a second unexpected effect on me, I gained so much confidence that I became a real magnet for girls, even though they didn't even notice me before, now they all want me! And they are never disappointed... My friends ask me what has changed, but that is out of the question I won't reveal my secret. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Increase Your Penis Girth: 5 Essential Exercises

In this day and age, men are looking for ways to increase the size and girth of their penis. You've seen the commercials and heard the jokes, and it's no secret that having a large penis is a symbol of masculinity and power.

But before you consider drastic measures to enlarge your penis, there are some proven exercises you can do to increase penis girth naturally. While there's no scientific evidence that these exercises will permanently increase your penis girth, there's plenty of anecdotal evidence from men who swear by them.

In this article, we'll tell you about 5 essential exercises for increasing your penis girth. These exercises don't require any special equipment or a hefty financial investment; all you need is determination and a desire to see real results. So get ready—let's dive in!

What Is Penis Girth and Why Increase It?

When it comes to penis size, length is often the first thing that comes to mind. But don’t forget about girth—it can be just as important for your sexual satisfaction and pleasure. So what is girth, exactly? Simply put, it’s how thick your penis is when erect.

So why increase your penis girth? A thicker penis increases friction which can lead to more satisfying sex for both partners. It can also improve the sensation when penetrating and increase pleasure through the added bulk. Plus, a larger girth can stand up better and last longer during sex.

While there’s no proven way to increase the size of your penis, there are a few exercises you can do to help increase girth. Keep reading to find out which exercises may help you see an increase in girth!

Jelqing: The Most Popular Exercise for Penis Girth

Jelqing is probably the most popular and well-known exercise for penis girth. Although it's considered an ancient practice, it's still widely used by men today— and you can do it too!

Essentially, jelqing is a penis stretching technique that increases both length and girth. It's done by using your thumb and index finger to form an “OK” sign around the base of the shaft. You then slide down to the head of the penis and gradually remove your hand in a milking motion, lasting for two to three seconds. You repeat this for up to 15 minutes per session, twice per day for best results.

Although there are variations on the jelqing exercise, all variations can be done easily at home or even on the go. Plus, according to some studies, this particular exercise can also help increase blood flow—which helps reduce risk factors associated with erectile dysfunction.

Stretching Exercises: Achieving Length and Girth

Stretching exercises are a great way to improve both your penis length and girth. You can use stretching exercises to make your penis naturally longer and wider, with just a few simple techniques. Here are the five essential stretching exercises you should be doing to gradually increase your penis girth:

The Jelqing Exercise: This is a tried-and-true exercise that involves stroking your semi-erect penis from the base to the head using an “OK” sign with your index finger and thumb.

The Penis Squeeze Exercise: This exercise involves squeezing the head of your semi-erect penis inwardly for a few seconds at a time, to increase blood flow, resulting in bigger girth.

The Kegel Exercise: Kegel exercises involve contracting and releasing the muscles in your pelvic floor, which can help strengthen them over time, resulting in better erections, improved ejaculation control, and increased penis size.

The Penis Shrink Wrap Exercise: This exercise involves wrapping paper or tape around the circumference of your flaccid or erect penis and leaving it there for a few minutes at a time to increase blood flow, resulting in bigger girth over time.

The Hanging Weight Exercise: This exercise involves hanging weights from the head of your flaccid penis several times each day for several minutes at a time to stretch it out over time, resulting in a bigger girth when you’re erect or flaccid.

By consistently following these five stretching exercises for optimal results, you’ll soon be able to achieve both

Kegels and Squeezes to Increase Girth

If you want to increase your penis girth, Kegels and squeezes are two essential exercises. Both work by increasing the amount of blood flowing to your penis, but with different movements.


Kegels are simple: all you have to do is tighten your pelvic muscles as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine. Hold them for a few seconds, then relax and repeat 10-15 times. This exercise helps strengthen your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which can help lengthen your penis and make it wider during an erection.


Squeezes involve using your fingers and thumb around the base of your penis while it’s in a semi-erect state. Hold the squeeze for 10-15 seconds, then release and repeat 10 times. You can also do squeezes with a partner for added control, or hold onto a towel with both hands at the base of your penis to apply extra pressure when squeezing. Doing this regularly will not only increase blood flow but will also help build up tissue in the penis over time, making it wider long-term.

Combining Exercise Routines for Optimal Results

It's not enough just to do one exercise for penis girth—for the best results, you should combine your workout routine. Here are some essential exercises that you can do in combination for maximum gains in penis girth:


Kegels are a popular exercise that helps increase the strength of both your pelvic floor muscles and the PC muscles, which control ejaculation and urination. To perform Kegels, contract your PC muscles in a series of pulses, holding each contraction for 10 seconds at a time. Repeat as you feel comfortable building up to longer holds as time goes on.


Jelqing is another popular exercise that's been around for centuries. It involves milking your penis using your thumb and index finger to create a circular motion along the length of the shaft. This helps to increase blood flow and stimulate tissue expansion while strengthening the PC and pelvic floor muscles. Start with 30 reps, building up to 100 reps over time if it feels comfortable.


Stretching is an important part of any workout routine and helps increase penis girth by expanding tissue, promoting circulation, and improving flexibility. To perform stretching exercises for penis girth, take both hands and apply gentle pressure on either side of the penis head, starting from the base and then moving up to just below the head before switching sides and repeating. Do this for 10 reps or until you feel the tension build up in your penis shaft.


Squeezing can help improve penile girth by increasing blood flow and stimulating tissue expansion—it's also great for strengthening PC muscles! Start by squeezing at

Tips for Safer Gains With Penis Girth Exercises

So you want to increase your penis girth with exercises? Well, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you're doing it safely.

Warm Up Before Exercise

You should always warm up before you exercise your penis, just like any other muscle. It's best to start with warm water exercise and move on to light stretching before getting into the more intense exercises, like jelqing. This will help prevent injuries that can occur from straining cold muscles.

Stay Hydrated & Stop If You Feel Pain

Just like any other exercise routine, it's important to stay hydrated while doing the exercises, and be sure to take breaks if it starts to feel too intense or painful. Overworking your muscles can lead to injury and can even cause permanent damage when it comes to penis exercises.

Don't Push Yourself Too Hard

It's important not to push yourself too hard—listen to your body and don't try and do too much at once. Adding just five extra minutes each day is enough for improvement without risking injury or exhaustion.

If you want to gain girth safely, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises as your body adapts and gets used to the activity. With dedication, discipline, and consistency in mind—you'll be on your way toward achieving bigger gains!

Suggested Read:

75% of Men don't do the penis exercises correctly resulting in little or no growth. Guarantee success with this "HANDS ON" video series demonstrating different penis enlargement exercises... Click here for instant access.


All in all, there are a few different exercises for penis girth you can do to increase your girth. However, it’s important to take your time and start with the basics. Focus on your breath, consistently do more reps and sets, and use a program that is tailored to your goals. With a little dedication and practice, you can soon have a thicker penis that will make your partner fall in love with you all over again.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Yes, Penis Pumps Work — Temporarily. Here’s What to Expect

Penis pumps can increase blood flow to your penis to help you achieve or maintain an erection so you can have penetrative sex. They cannot permanently lengthen your penis.

You may gain a teeny bit of extra length from using a penis pump, but it’s a temporary gain.

For someone with erectile dysfunction (ED), penis pumps are less expensive and generally safer than other options when used correctly. They can also be used alongside ED medication, like Viagra.

Penis pumps have also been shownTrusted Source to effectively preserve erectile function after prostate surgery and radiation therapy for prostate cancer.

1. How does it work?

A penis pump works by using suction to draw blood into the penis.

The blood fills the blood vessels in your penis, causing them to swell so your penis gets — temporarily — bigger and harder.

A constriction ring — better known as a cock ring — is usually placed around the base of the penis to help keep the blood in the penis and maintain the erection, er, longer.

2. Is it safe?

For the most part, yes.

According to the FDA Trusted Source, using a penis pump or other external rigidity device could aggravate penile conditions, such as priapism.

Too much air pressure in the cylinder can also cause mild bleeding under the skin’s surface. For this reason, penis pumps may be not be right for you if you:

  • Have a blood disorder
  • Have a history of blood clots
  • Take blood thinners

A cock ring that’s too tight or left on too long could cause your penis to become bruised, numb, and cold.

3. How do you know which pump is best?

For starters, avoid any pump that’s advertised as being for penis enlargement.

Ask your healthcare provider for a prescription. You don’t need a prescription to buy a penis pump, but having one can ensure you get a safe device.

You may also be able to have part or all of the cost of your device covered by insurance or patient assistance if you have a prescription.

Speaking of safe, the pump you choose should have a vacuum limiter. This helps control the pressure in the cylinder from getting too high and potentially — ouch — injuring your penis.

Finally, consider your penis size when buying a pump or tension ring (if not included with your pump).

Most kits are a one-size-fits-most deal, but if your member leans much smaller or bigger than average, you’ll want to choose accordingly.

4. How do you use it?

Some products have more bells and whistles than others, but the basic function is the same.

Here’s the gist:

  • You place a tube over your penis.
  • You pump out the air, using the hand pump or electric pump attached to the tube, creating a vacuum effect.
  • Once you’re erect, you remove the pump.
  • You can place a constriction ring around the base of your penis to help you maintain your erection.

5. Are there any precautions you should take?


Taking the following precautions can help make your experience safer and help you get the best results from your device:

  • Shave your pubes. Nothing kills the mood or a boner like snagging an unruly bush. Removing hair from the base of your D before use will prevent hairs from getting caught in the ring. It may also help you get a better seal against the skin.
  • Use as directed. Even if it looks pretty self-explanatory, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s directions to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  • Don’t leave the ring on for more than 30 minutes. Cutting off blood flow to your penis for too long could cause damage. Constriction rings shouldn’t be left on longer than 30 minutes.
  • Have lube on hand. Apply a bit of lube to your shaft and the base of your penis, as well as around the end of the cylinder, to create an airtight seal. Lube will also make it easier to slide the tension ring on and off. Plus, if you’re going to get handy before getting your pump on, lube can make masturbation even more pleasurable.

6. How long will its effects last?

Typically, expect around 30 minutes, but everyone’s different.

Factors like your arousal level and when you put it on during your sesh can also influence how long the effects last.

7. How often can you use it?

It depends on your situation and comfort level.

Most people can use it safely multiple times a day if needed, as long as they use it correctly.

8. Is there anything else you can do to help increase size or improve function?

Absolutely — at least as far as function goes, anyway. Increasing size, well, that’s a tad harder.

When it comes to improving function and getting stronger erections, a balanced lifestyle will go a long way. This means:

  • reducing your stress levels
  • getting enough sleep and regular exercise
  • limiting things like nicotine and alcohol, which can have the opposite effect on boners

Certain medications can also mess with your sex drive and cause erection problems — especially antidepressants and blood pressure medications. See your doctor if you think your medication may be the issue.

Though it should go without saying, being horny is a key part of getting hard and maintaining an erection. Spending a little more time on foreplay before penetration can help get the blood pumping.

Now regarding size…

There’s really no way to increase your penis size without surgery or stem cell method. Not that size matters or has any bearing on your ability to give or enjoy some serious pleasure anyway.

If having a bigger penis matters to you, you can make it look and feel bigger by:

  • keeping your pubes trimmed so every inch is on display instead of covered by hair
  • maintaining a balanced weight, which can make your D look bigger than it is
  • learning to work with what you’ve got using sex positions that allow you to go deeper so it feels bigger to your partner

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the stem cell method**. Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:**

  • It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.
  • It naturally enlarges the penis forever, improves blood circulation, and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.

You can increase the size of your penis by 1/2 or 1 inch in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!

“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you'll see all the fluff science and take a *revolutionary* quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race.

This quiz is something I've never seen before. Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

What’s the bottom line?

Penis pumps do work, but if you’re looking for a permanent increase in size, you’re out of luck.

Pumps are designed to help you get and maintain a firmer erection. And, like all boners, pump-induced erections are temporary.

Monday, March 27, 2023

4 Internal Penis Enlargement Methods That You Need to Avoid

Penis enlargement is probably one of the less discussed topics nowadays, but believe it or not, this is one of the few billion-dollar industries today. This is due to the fact that millions of men are looking for ways to effectively make their penis bigger and longer, which is said to be caused by the high sexual activity in our society.

Today, we will be discussing the 4 internal penis enlargement methods that you need to avoid. These methods are associated with great risks, and it would be better to look for other methods before you try one of them.

Internal penis enlargement refers to the methods that are promising to make your penis bigger and longer internally. These methods rely on chemicals or surgery, which are known for imposing great risks and side effects. I hope that this article will help you learn more about internal penis enlargement methods, including the risks and disadvantages associated with it.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Should we even be discussing why you need to avoid surgeries? Of course, it is a well-known fact that surgeries can cost a lot. My research shows that a male enhancement surgery can cost up to $10,000. Who amongst us is willing to spend this much just to gain an inch or two in terms of length and girth? Aside from being expensive, it is also a well-known fact that surgeries are associated with great risks and side effects.

Did you know that 33.7% of people who have undergone penis surgery suffered from irreversible damage such as deformation and erectile dysfunction? Among the 66.3% of men who gained an increase in the size of their penis, 75% are saying that the price is not worth the results, while only 8% were really happy with it. When we say "really happy" it means that the result they gained from the surgery is well-worth its price.

Penis Enlargement Pills

There are dozens of penis enlargement pills being sold on the market today. Obviously, all of them are promising to make your penis bigger and longer. Some of the manufacturers are even claiming that their products are made from 100% natural ingredients. But can you rely on these products?

Although there are some pills that work, there are more complaints related to the results of pills over the praise that it receives. Due to this fact, it would be better to stay away from penis enlargement pills unless you are really sure about the effectiveness and safety of the product.

Penis Enlargement Oils

These penis enlargement products are promising instant enhancement which can be used as soon as you convinced your girl to hop in bed. These oils are promising to provide effective yet short-term penis enhancement, which will improve the sensation that you feel during sexual intercourse.

Although some of these enhancement oils work, most of them are associated with side effects. In addition, the price of these enhancement oils is not worth the effects that you will receive. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars just to make your penis bigger, harder, and better for 30 minutes or more.

Penis Enlargement Patches

Just like penis enlargement oils, penis patches are promising effective and temporary increases in the size of your member. Most manufacturers are claiming that their product is made from 100% organic ingredients, making it safe for regular use.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of complaints related to the results that penis patches can produce. Aside from being expensive, the results, according to some users, are not worth its price. My research shows that there are fewer people who are complaining about side effects, but its price is definitely not worth the results.

Finally!, We can share this with you.

Secret Growth Discovery Will Increase Your Penis Size +3.81cm Per Week

For the past 2 months, we've been sitting on this secret and we've been dying to tell you about it.

If you've been a reader for a long time, you know we often share exposes on natural cures and treatments - shown by science to work - that are, for one reason or another, hushed up by the mainstream.

And today we are going to share with you the secret of how stem cell has helped over 29 000 men to grow +5.08 - 7.62cm and improved their sex stamina and confidence.

Their wives and girlfriends are calling this discovery the " Secret Pornstar Maker" because of the sexual beast their partners have become.

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed

Friday, March 24, 2023

Penis Enlargement Oils - How Effective Are They?

Penis enlargement is a topic that has gained increasing attention in recent times. Many men are looking for ways to increase their penis size, and one of the options available to them is penis enlargement oils. Penis enlargement oils are a popular choice because they are easy to use and have been proven to work.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of penis enlargement oils and provide you with all the information you need to know about them. We will also review some of the popular penis enlargement oils available in the market.

1. What are Penis Enlargement Oils?

Penis enlargement oils are topical products that are applied directly to the penis. These oils are made using natural ingredients that help to improve blood flow to the penis. The ingredients in the oils also help to increase the size of the blood vessels in the penis, resulting in a larger, firmer, and more erect penis.

2. How Do Penis Enlargement Oils Work?

Penis enlargement oils work by improving blood flow to the penis. This increased blood flow helps to nourish the cells in the penis, resulting in growth and expansion. The ingredients in the oils also increase the size of the blood vessels in the penis, which results in a more significant increase in penis size. The effects of penis enlargement oils are both temporary and permanent.

3. Benefits of Using Penis Enlargement Oils

There are many benefits of using penis enlargement oils. Firstly, they are easy to use, and there is minimal discomfort associated with their use. Secondly, they are made using natural ingredients, which means they are safe to use and have minimal side effects. Thirdly, they produce almost immediate results, and you can start seeing changes within a few weeks of use.

4. What Results Can You Expect from Using Penis Enlargement Oils?

The results of using penis enlargement oils vary from person to person. However, on average, you can expect to see an increase in penis size by about 1-2 inches. The results are both temporary and permanent. The temporary results are the immediate changes you will see in penis sizes, such as increased length and girth. The permanent results are the long-term changes that occur over time, such as an increase in penis size and improved sexual performance.

5. Popular Penis Enlargement Oils

There are many penis enlargement oils available in the market. Here is a review of some of the popular ones.

VigRX Oil

VigRX Oil is a popular penis enlargement oil that is made using natural ingredients. This oil is designed to enhance sexual performance, improve libido, and increase penis size. It works by improving blood flow to the penis and increasing the size of the blood vessels in the penis. VigRX oil has been clinically tested and has been proven to be both safe and effective.

Intimify Big Bull Penis Enlargement Massage Oil

This is another popular penis enlargement oil. It is made using a blend of natural ingredients that help to improve blood flow to the penis, resulting in increased penis size. Intimify big bull penis enlargement massage oil has been clinically tested and has been shown to be safe and effective.

Prosolution Gel

Prosolution Gel is a natural penis enlargement oil that is made using a blend of natural ingredients. This oil works by improving blood flow to the penis, resulting in increased penis size. Prosolution Gel has been clinically tested and has been proven to be both safe and effective.

Finally!, We can share this with you.

Secret Growth Discovery Will Increase Your Penis Size +3.81cm Per Week

For the past 2 months, we've been sitting on this secret and we've been dying to tell you about it.

If you've been a reader for a long time, you know we often share exposes on natural cures and treatments - shown by science to work - that are, for one reason or another, hushed up by the mainstream.

And today we are going to share with you the secret of how stem cell has helped over 29 000 men to grow +5.08 - 7.62cm and improved their sex stamina and confidence.

Their wives and girlfriends are calling this discovery the " Secret Pornstar Maker" because of the sexual beast their partners have become.

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed


Penis enlargement oils are a safe and effective way to increase penis size. They work by improving blood flow to the penis and increasing the size of the blood vessels in the penis. The results are both temporary and permanent, and you can expect to see an increase in penis size by about 1-2 inches.

There are many penis enlargement oils available in the market, and you should choose one that is made using natural ingredients and has been clinically tested. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Make Gains With This Penis Enlargement Diet Plan

Do you ever wish you could help your penis reach its full potential? If so, then you're in luck! With the right diet plan, you can make gains without having to go under the knife or use supplements.

That's right - all it takes is a few tweaks to your daily nutrition habits, and you can give your penis the boost it needs to help it grow bigger and stronger. And don't worry - this penis enlargement diet plan isn't complicated or hard to follow. In fact, you may already be on the right track without even realizing it!

In this article, we'll break down the basics of a healthy penis enlargement diet plan and cover some tips for getting started. Let's turn those dreams of a bigger package into reality!

What Foods Can Help to Increase Penis Size?

If you want to increase the size of your penis, eating the right kinds of foods can help. Certain nutrients found in food can help stimulate blood flow and help promote tissue growth and development.

So what kinds of food should you be eating? Here are a few tips:

  • Fruits: Fruits like mangoes, bananas, papayas, apples, oranges, and berries contain essential vitamins and minerals that can help to promote healthy blood flow throughout your body.
  • Nuts: Nuts are packed with micronutrients like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E that can help stimulate tissue growth.
  • Leafy greens: Leafy greens like spinach and kale are full of antioxidants that can help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, helping penis enlargement.
  • Fish: Fishes like salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids which can help boost circulation throughout your body.
  • Lean meats: Lean meats like chicken and turkey are great sources of protein which helps with healthy tissue growth.

Impact of Maca Root on Penis Enlargement

It's no surprise that you've heard about maca root in the context of penis enlargement. This root vegetable, native to South America, is a superfood that's been gaining in popularity for its ability to boost energy, libido, and fertility. But how does it help with penis enlargement?

Maca root has been said to increase testosterone levels, which contributes to penis size and strength. However, these claims are unproven and scientific studies haven’t been conducted to test the effects of maca on penis enlargement. But if you still want to try it out, it doesn’t hurt to include maca in your diet.

Including maca root in your diet can also provide other benefits such as improved energy and stamina, better skin health, and improved moods. It's easy to incorporate into your meals—try adding it to smoothies or sprinkling it over salads or roasted vegetables for a nutty flavor!

Boosting Testosterone With Zinc and Vitamin D

Did you know that hormones play a key role in penis enlargement? Particularly, the hormone testosterone can go a long way in boosting size and performance. And there are two key nutrients that you can get through your diet to naturally boost testosterone: zinc and vitamin D.


Zinc is an important trace mineral for testosterone production, with studies showing that men with higher levels of zinc have higher testosterone levels. You can find zinc in foods like oysters, beef, eggs, pecans, and cashews.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D acts as a hormone in the body—it helps turn on genes that help synthesize testosterone. The best way to get Vitamin D is of course through sunlight exposure; however, you can also get it through fortified dairy products and fatty fish like mackerel, trout, and salmon.

By adding these two key nutrients—zinc and vitamin D—into your diet, you'll be able to naturally boost your body's production of testosterone and make bigger gains with your penis enlargement plan.

The Role of Protein in Penis Enlargement

When it comes to penis enlargement, protein plays an important role. After all, you're looking to build muscle in your penis, and that means optimizing your protein consumption. And the good news is that boosting your protein intake can be done in a delicious way!

By incorporating more lean proteins from sources like legumes, fish, and eggs into your diet, you can increase muscle-building potential. In fact, studies have shown that upping your protein intake helps with muscle development and keeps muscles fed for longer periods of time. This key nutrient is also essential for maintaining healthy hormones and keeping fatigued at bay.

What You Need To Know About Protein:

  • Eating the right amount of protein is essential for building lean muscle mass.
  • Quality sources of lean proteins are legumes, fish, eggs, tofu, and organic chicken breasts.
  • Create meals that are around 30% protein to ensure the right amount is consumed each day.
  • Aim to eat complete proteins with each meal—complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids our bodies need but can't produce on their own.
  • Divide your extra calorie needs between carbs and fats to get an even split in nutrients when bulking up so your body has enough energy and nutrition needed to build a bigger penis!

The Benefits of Eating Fatty Fish

Adding fatty fish to your diet could be a real game-changer for your penis enlargement plan. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are some of the top sources of omega-3 fatty acids and can help with maximizing the gains in your plan.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids work to reduce inflammation which can help improve circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. They also work to increase testosterone production, resulting in improved libido and stronger erections. That could be the key to enlarging your penis through diet!

Additional Benefits

In addition to helping improve circulation, omega-3 fatty acids can also help boost muscle recovery. This is important if you're part of an active lifestyle and looking to maximize gains from both workouts and dieting. Plus, according to a study done on men's health, men who ate one or more servings of fish per week had higher semen quality compared with men who ate less than one weekly serving!

So next time you're at the grocery store, make sure you pick up some delicious fatty fish like salmon or mackerel - they could be the best way to give you that extra boost in penis enlargement results!

Strategies for Meal Planning and Preparing Penis Enlargement Diet Meals

Planning your meals ahead of time is the smartest thing you can do. That way, you don't have to cook each day, and you can easily incorporate the foods suggested in this diet plan into your day. That being said, there are a few strategies that can help make meal planning easier:

Group Foods Together

Group together foods that are similar in terms of consistency (e.g. proteins, veggies, fruits). Once grouped, it's easy to create meals that include all these food groups by simply combining them in different ways. This way your meals will be balanced and nutritious.

Get Creative

Don't be afraid to get creative with recipes and new ways of preparing the same ingredients. Cooking doesn’t have to be boring - every once in a while, add some new and interesting ingredients and spices to make your meals more enjoyable!

Meal Prep on Weekends

Meal prep ahead of time will not only save you time during the week but also make it easier for you to stick with the penis enlargement diet plan. On Saturday or Sunday (or both), take an hour or two and cook up a bunch of food that you can freeze or store in the fridge so all you have to do during the week is reheat it when it's time for a meal!


In conclusion, a penis enlargement diet plan is essential for gaining gains in the long term. It’s important to remember that when it comes to diet and penis enlargement, quality trumps quantity. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and proteins is key. Plus, don’t forget to drink plenty of water—hydration is the key to any good diet.

Finally, exercise is an important part of any diet plan, and it’s particularly important when it comes to penis enlargement. So, make sure you get in your regular workouts and get ready to see some amazing results!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the stem cell method. Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:

  • It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.
  • It naturally enlarges the penis forever, improves blood circulation, and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.

You can increase the size of your penis by 1/2 or 1 inch in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!

“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you'll see all the fluff science and take a *revolutionary* quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race.

This quiz is something I've never seen before. Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Truth About Penis Enlargement Pills: Debunking Common Myths and Warning Against Side Effects

Penis enlargement pills have become an increasingly popular topic of discussion in recent years, with countless companies claiming to have the solution to one of the men's most sensitive and problematic issues. Unfortunately, the truth about these pills is not always what these companies advertise.

In fact, many myths surrounding penis enlargement pills have been debunked, and warnings against the side effects of these pills have been issued. As a highly skilled assistant who specializes in digital marketing, I've seen firsthand the impact of these pills on men's health and well-being.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the truth about penis enlargement pills. We'll examine the common myths that surround them, explore the potential side effects, and offer advice on how to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

So, if you're considering penis enlargement pills, or just curious about the topic, keep reading to learn more.

The myth of "magic" pills

One of the most common myths surrounding penis enlargement pills is that they are a "magic" solution to a man's size problems. Many companies advertise their pills as quick fixes, promising significant size increases in a short amount of time. However, the reality is that there is no pill or supplement that can magically increase the size of a man's penis.

The truth is that penis enlargement is a complex process that involves a combination of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. While some pills may claim to increase blood flow to the penis, which can temporarily increase size, there is no evidence to suggest that any pill can permanently increase penis size.

It's important to be wary of any company or product that claims to have a "magic" solution to penis enlargement. These claims are often unfounded and can be dangerous to your health.

Understanding the risks and side effects of penis enlargement pills

While some companies may claim that their pills are completely safe and free from side effects, the truth is that many penis enlargement pills come with significant risks and potential side effects.

Some of the most common side effects of penis enlargement pills include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and stomach problems. In some cases, these side effects can be severe and may require medical attention.

Additionally, some penis enlargement pills may interact with other medications or health conditions, potentially causing dangerous complications. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any penis enlargement pill, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

The science behind penis enlargement

While there is no "magic" pill that can increase penis size, there are some scientific principles that can be used to improve the overall health and function of the penis.

One of the most important factors in penis health is blood flow. The penis requires a strong blood flow to achieve and maintain an erection, and poor blood flow can lead to erectile dysfunction and other problems.

Some penis enlargement pills claim to improve blood flow to the penis, which can have a temporary effect on the size and overall function. However, it's important to note that there are other ways to improve blood flow to the penis, such as exercise, a healthy diet, and quitting smoking.

Realistic expectations for penis enlargement

It's important to have realistic expectations when it comes to penis enlargement. While some penis enlargement pills may claim to offer significant size increases, the reality is that most men will only see modest gains, if any at all.

Additionally, it's important to remember that penis size is not the most important factor in sexual satisfaction. Many men with small penises are able to satisfy their partners through other means, such as oral sex or manual stimulation.

Alternatives to penis enlargement pills

For men who are looking to improve their sexual function and overall health, there are many alternatives to penis enlargement pills. One of the most effective ways to improve penis health is through exercises, such as Kegels or other pelvic floor exercises.

Suggested Read: 75% of Men don't do the penis exercises correctly resulting in little or no growth. Guarantee success with this "HANDS ON" video series demonstrating different penis enlargement exercises... Click here for instant access.

Additionally, a healthy diet and lifestyle can also have a significant impact on penis health. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, and avoiding processed foods and excessive alcohol consumption can improve overall health and function.

Tips for choosing a safe and effective penis enlargement method

If you are considering a penis enlargement method, it's important to choose a safe and effective option. Some tips for choosing a safe and effective penis enlargement method include:

  • Research the company or product thoroughly before making a purchase.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements or medications.
  • Look for products that have been clinically tested and have a proven track record of success.
  • Avoid products that make unrealistic claims or promise "magic" solutions.

Warning signs of fraudulent penis enlargement products

Unfortunately, there are many fraudulent penis enlargement products on the market that can be dangerous to your health. Some warning signs of a fraudulent product include:

  • Unsubstantiated claims of size increases or other benefits.
  • Lack of scientific evidence to support the claims.
  • Poor customer reviews or a lack of customer testimonials.
  • Overly aggressive marketing tactics, such as pop-up ads or unsolicited emails.

Case studies: success stories and cautionary tales

While many penis enlargement pills and products may not live up to their promises, there are some success stories out there. It's important to remember, however, that these success stories may not be typical, and that every man's experience with penis enlargement will be different.

Additionally, there are many cautionary tales out there of men who have suffered serious side effects or complications from penis enlargement pills and products. It's important to approach any penis enlargement method with caution and to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions.


In conclusion, while penis enlargement pills may seem like an easy solution to a sensitive issue, the truth is that they often come with significant risks and potential side effects. It's important to have realistic expectations when it comes to penis enlargement and to choose safe and effective methods that can improve overall health and function.

Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements or medications, and to be wary of any product that makes unrealistic claims or promises a "magic" solution.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Jelqing Results - Does Jelqing Work Better In The Morning or Night?

Many guys who try the jelqing exercising technique for increasing penis size, usually end up wondering how their jelqing results can be maximized. That is, how can they get the most out of this effective exercise technique for enlarging the penis.

Eventually, the issue of timing comes up. And a frequently asked question is in regards to when the ideal time should be to perform the exercises. Often this issue involves a decision between jelqs in the morning or jelqs at night. Which is best for superior jelqing results?

Does jelqing work better in the morning or in the evening?

Let's first examine a morning jelqing routine.

Many guys will be very tired upon waking and this is usually not the best time to engage in exercise activities. You generally want to be alert and focused mentally, and physically you want your body to be activated and woken up.

So on the surface, it may seem as if jelqing in the morning is not the best time for experiencing optimal jelqing results. While this very well may be the case for many guys, there is definitely another side to the coin.

Why morning can be the PERFECT time to jelq:

Morning can actually be a great time to do the jelq exercise. Think about what "state" the penis is in for many men upon waking. Many times it is a fully erectile state. This is often referred to as "morning wood". This is the reason many men enjoy having sex first thing in the morning, upon waking. Since they are already fully erect they are ready to go.

Now this "ready to go" state can also be applied to jelqing. Since you are already erect, all you need to do is wake up a bit and simmer your erection down a bit. You could relax for a few minutes, or even fix a cup of coffee and by then your penis should be settled down into a semi-erect state which is the exact state in which the jelqing technique should be performed.

Another excellent option for morning time jelqs is the shower. Since most men shower in the morning and some men prefer jelqing in the shower, then it can make sense to have this time be your jelqing time. Of course, you will need to set aside a few extra minutes for your extended showering.

Does jelqing work better at night?

For many men, jelqing will work better at night. More time will be available, and they will be more relaxed and not as rushed as in the morning. Unfortunately, this relaxed state can easily lead to a lack of discipline and jelqing can be neglected as a result. 

This is why many people exercise or go to the gym in the early morning. They make it a ritual and know that they only have a certain window available to get their workout done. At night time that window is greater and hence one can get lazier.

Nevertheless, jelqing at night is usually ideal for many men, especially those who are not "morning people" and find it difficult to accomplish much else than waking up, getting dressed, and heading out the door.

Since the actual effectiveness of morning VS. night has not been actually studied to my knowledge (and such a study would have a wide variety of variables based on the individual, making it difficult to come to a solid conclusion) the bottom line in answering the question "does jelqing work better in the morning or at night", is going to come down to the individual and what I call his "consistency comfort level".

Since the number one failure in seeing jelqing results often comes down to consistency, it's best to ask yourself the following question:

Are you more able to be consistent with the jelqing exercise in the morning, or is there a greater chance you will practice your jelqs on a more consistent basis at night?

This should be the determination of whether your penis enlarging exercises should take place in the morning or the evening.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

You are going to be able to achieve superior jelqing results with a short, yet highly effective routine. This is the best routine for increasing penis size in the shortest time possible - Penis Enlargement Remedy

For more information on the jelqing technique and discussions on how to get the best results possible, check out the blog - Penis Enlargement Remedy

Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Jelqing!

Jelqing is a natural penis enlargement technique, which includes massaging and exercising the penis. This article explains everything about this technique.

What is Jelqing Exercise?

Jelqing exercise involves applying pressure and pulling the penis, which is said to make the organ grow in length and girth. It is believed to have its roots in the ancient Middle East, which dates back more than 200 years. There are still a lot of controversies about the effectiveness of this exercise. Jelqing is believed to increase the size and girth of the penis in the following ways:

  1. It works on the idea that the pulling and squeezing increase the blood flow to the penis, thus training the penis to accommodate more and more blood during an erection.
  2. The other explanation is that the pulling and other motions produce extremely tiny tears in the penile tissue, and as new cells are produced to repair these tears, the size of the penis increases.

Does Jelqing Really Work?

There is not enough scientific research and evidence on jelqing, but men have reported gaining one and a half inches in length and girth respectively after practicing it for eight months continuously. But, if you want to retain any gains from this exercise, you have to keep practicing it.

Step by Step procedure to Practice Jelqing:

This exercise should be ideally performed for 20 minutes every session. To perform the jelqing exercise correctly, you can try following these steps:

Step 1 - Warm Up

Before beginning the practice, it is essential to warm up your penis by either applying a warm washcloth or with the help of a warm bath. Applying a warm washcloth to the penis sends more blood to it.

Step 2 - Lubrication

After warming up, it is important to put lubrication on the penis. Water-based lubricants are preferred instead of oil-based lubricants, as the later can clog the pores and cause infection. Using a lubricant will prevent any discomfort and friction burns. If the lubricant dries out, it can be reapplied.

Step 3 - The Exercise

Make an OK sign with your fingers to create a grip that completely encircles the base of your penis. Slide your fingers from the base to the top of the penis while applying light pressure. It takes about 3 seconds to move from the base to the tip, but do not squeeze the glans penis.

Once your fingers reach the tip, use the other hand in the same OK grip and start from the base again. This can be continued for about 15 to 20 minutes and can be done up to 4 to 5 times a week. Stop doing it if you feel any pain or if you reach a total erection. If you are new to this exercise, then start doing it for 5 minutes and gradually increase the time.

Step 4 - Practice The Grip

The grip plays the most important part in the overall success of this exercise. It is essential to maintain the same pressure throughout the exercise and avoid increasing the pressure with each stroke. This makes sure the penis grows proportionately.

What are the Types of Jelqing Exercise?

The different types of jelqing exercises are:

  • Wet Jelqing - In this, lubricants are used while performing the exercise.
  • Dry Jelqing - Jelqing without lubricant is found to be more effective in some men as they can retain blood in the penis better when it is dry.
  • Lateral Jelqing - It is done to reduce the curvature of the penis, which is done by making movements in the opposite direction to the curvature.
  • V-jelq - It is done to increase mainly the girth of the penis. Here, the penis is grasped between the index and middle finger with the palm facing you. As this grip forms a V, hence the name.
  • One-hand Jelq - Instead of using both hands alternately, here only one hand is used.

What are the Risks and Complications of Jelqing?

Do not put a lot of force and pressure while doing this exercise as it will cause large tears in the tissues and might damage the ligaments that connect the penis to the body. This can affect your ability to get and maintain an erection. If not done properly, jelqing might cause :

  • Itching.
  • Bruising.
  • Red spots.
  • Numbness.
  • The vein might rupture.

What are the Precautions to Be Taken?

The things to keep in mind before doing this exercise are:

  • It is to be only done when you are flaccid.
  • If it causes any pain or discomfort, stop it immediately.
  • Perform this exercise while sitting on a table or standing against a wall.
  • Always consult your doctor before starting this exercise.

What are the Other Exercises to Improve Erection?

The other exercises that have been shown to improve erections are:

  • Pelvic floor exercises.
  • General exercise.
  • Weight loss exercise.
  • Stretching devices - Penis pump and penis traction device.

All these exercises improve the blood circulation to your penis, thus improving erection. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions regarding your penis size, as the doctor will suggest lengthening options that are best suited for you. Do not pull or increase the force in the hope to get faster results. 

This exercise will take time to show any results, so be patient and follow the proper way to do it. If you feel pain or discomfort, or see any changes in your erection after performing jelqing, get medical attention immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should you jelq for best results?

Initially, you can jelq for 5 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. You can gradually increase the time and days to about 15 to 20 minutes and 4 to 5 days a week.

2. Does jelqing cause erectile dysfunction?

If this exercise is followed properly, it helps you become comfortable with your body and understand your erection. But, if you are doing it wrong then it might cause more harm than being useful. Doing it roughly can cause bruising, and pain, and can lead to erectile dysfunction.

3. How long does jelqing take to see results?

Some men claim to see some results after 1 to 2 weeks, but the difference might not be much. After a month, some see a slight increase in the girth and length. But most people see changes in thickness and length in 4 to 6 months. This is only true if the exercise is done properly and regularly.

4. How many times a week should you jelq?

You can start by doing it for 2 to 3 days a week and gradually increase it to 4 to 5 days a week.

5. How do you jelq properly?

Make an O shape with your thumb and index finger and place it at the base of your penis. Move your fingers toward the head of the penis while applying steady and mild pressure. Then start again from the base of the penis. Do not apply a lot of force or pull the penis, and stop if you feel pain.

6. How do you warm up before jelqing?

Before jelqing, make sure you warm up your penis. You can do this by taking a warm bath or applying a warm washcloth to your manhood. This will help send more blood to the penis.

7. What are the side effects of jelqing?

Some of the side effects if jelqing is not performed properly are:

  • Pain.
  • Bruising and permanent damage.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

To avoid such side effects, do not be too rough or apply a lot of pressure, and always warm up.

8. What happens when you stop jelqing?

The gains from jelqing are considered fairly permanent. But, if you stop doing it abruptly, you might lose some thickness and length. So, it is best to continue doing it, maybe less frequently.

9. Is jelqing permanent or temporary?

If you only do it for a few weeks, the gains might be temporary. The gains are fairly permanent if you continue it for several months.

Also here is something important you don't want to miss!

Penis enlargement is actually possible through a number of methods. One method is by stretching the penis on a regular basis which stimulates new cell growth and the expansion of cell penis tissue.

The other method is by taking supplements that are scientifically formulated to increase the amount of blood that flows to and through the penis and also increase the size of the penis blood vessels.

Either way, both methods work and I will now touch on what these methods are, and then advise how a combination method has been clinically shown to give the biggest enhancement results over the shoulders period of time.

As far as stretching goes, there are penis exercises. Exercises will give you some penis enhancement results, however, they a very labor-intensive, they are quite inconvenient, and most men give up even though they start with the best of intentions.

So that is why research has shown that penis exercises give the permanent enhancement results that men are really after.