Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Using Traction To Get A Bigger Penis

Most men want to achieve a bigger penis. So many do that in fact there are almost 2 million searches a month for penis enlargement and such. Today's products are very good and do what they say. 

However, the first PE pills and creams were just rip-offs and made men apprehensive about penis enlargement.

A little skepticism is good, of course. You should always check testimonials or see clinical proof that something works. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, chances are it probably is. Granted, a few good products can actually deliver on their claims.

"The Truth About Penis Enlargement"

Let's begin with what methods will not make your penis bigger. Penis pumps, patches, & pills all claim to make the penis permanently longer by as much as 3 inches. There is not one little bit of clinical proof to back up these ridiculous claims. 

Don't listen to some over-hyped-up sales pitch that says you will gain 2-3" just by taking pills or wearing a patch. It just won't happen in a few months like they say.

Out of the above three, the penis pump is actually the most dangerous of three. The pump works by creating a vacuum so your penis can expand to its maximum. A ring then is placed on the penis after the vacuum has been removed. 

Of course, size gains from this are temporary. Pumps may cause bruising or rupturing of blood vessels due to the pressure of the vacuum.

This is not the worst possible side effect, however. Penis pumps can actually cause the penis to curve. This is not a desirable result. Not to mention the fact that you or your partner may have discomfort during intercourse. Do not use pumps, even as a temporary solution for penile enlargement.

"The Truth About What Really Works To Make The Penis Bigger"

Right now there are only two ways to get a bigger penis that is supported by clinical results. And those are surgery & a penis extender device. However, surgery is by far the most expensive method and there is no guarantee as to your results. Very risky.

So that leads us to penis extenders. These work on the medically proven principle of traction. Traction works by placing a constant force on the limb you want to be lengthened. 

The body has a wonderful ability to adapt to this traction force by multiplying the cells (mitosis). As the cells fill in the void caused by traction, new tissue is formed.

You probably have seen photos of women who place brass rings on their necks in order to lengthen it. A perfect example of traction. They start young and add rings as they age. 

There are still a couple of tribes remaining that use traction to get a bigger penis. Traction works. Pure and simply the safest method of permanent body modification.

So, you are wondering if using traction to get a bigger penis will work for you? There is no safer method for making your penis bigger. And the effects are permanent. When you stop using penis patches & pills you will stop getting strong erections. 

But a quality penis extender can provide those very same rock-hard erections and more length & girth.

And the best thing is that most quality penis traction devices are guaranteed. Usually for 6 months. Try sending back 5 months of penis pill bottles after you are dissatisfied with them and see how that goes. Good luck.

Orthopedic surgeons have used traction for a very long time with great success. Different tribes have proven that traction works over and over by making their necks, earlobes, and even lips permanently bigger. When applied to your penis, you can definitely use traction to get a bigger penis.