Monday, October 31, 2022

Jelqing - 7 Tips For Achieving Positive Jelq Results

Here are 7 jelqing tips towards achieving positive jelq results. Check these out to ensure you are going to get the jelq results you are after.

1. What is Jelqing? 

The first key to positive jelq results is finding out what jelqing is all about. So many guys hear about jelqing and that night they start in on the exercise, failing to perform it right or even understand what they are doing. 

Jelqing for male enhancement involves bringing yourself to a semi-erect state, lubricating your member, and then proceeding to stroke your member from the base to just before the head in a slow and controlled motion. This is repeated for a number of sets and reps.

2. Jelqing Warm-ups

Again, this is another missed step. Many guys will skip jelqing warm-ups and get straight to the strokes. The warm-up is a vital part of the exercise. It simply involves placing a hot towel around your member for a few minutes. 

This prepares you for the exercise. Without warm-ups, you could be wasting your first 5 minutes of strokes because you simply are not warmed up.

3. Lubricate! 

Yes, there is such a thing as "dry jelqing" where lubrication is not needed. But this practice is reserved for advanced trainees. 

Most of us will need to apply a generous amount of water or oil-based lubricant to our members so as not to make the exercise as safe and effective as possible.

4. Slow Strokes

Anywhere from 2-5 seconds per stroke. You can probably imagine some guys going much faster because that's what they are used to doing when it comes to massaging their members. But this is an exercise and we need to go slowly and control the motion throughout.

5. Re-apply Lubrication

Many guys, especially those starting out, will need to re-apply some lubricant to themselves. Sometimes it is a case of not putting enough on, to begin with, and other times it is a case of stroking too hard or too quickly which can cause you to lose some lube. 

Have some lube on hand and quickly re-apply if and when necessary.

6. Re-apply the Hot Towel

This is also called the warm-down, as it is essentially the same as the warm-up. Get the towel hot and apply it once again for a few minutes. This causes relaxation and sets you up for rebuilding and growth to occur.

7. Wait for the Results

Do not expect size results overnight. Do not expect size results in a few days or even a week. Be patient as jelq results generally take several weeks. You may notice increases within a few weeks, but generally, the size you are after will take at least a few months.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Here is the recommended jelqing routine for both lengths as well as providing jelqing techniques for girth.

This routine has the benefit of adding supplementation along with the exercises for increased girth gains which one can experience quicker than most other typical jelq programs.

Check out the Penis Bible program and learn how to increase girth size as quickly as possible.