Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How to Get Penis Bigger With a Clamping Exercise Method - How to Clamp Step by Step For Larger Girth

Some men are unhappy with their penis size, despite their partner telling them that the size of their penis is fine. It's perfectly normal to want a bigger shaft and there are a number of things you can do to achieve this goal.

A lot of men that want to know how to get their penis bigger are discovering a technique known simply as clamping. Although this exercise technique is effective, it has a high-risk factor and should not be performed by beginners who are not familiar with the penile anatomy.

What is Penis Clamping?

Clamping is a manually assisted penis enlargement exercise and is an advanced way to increase the size of your girth. The top reason why a lot of men like clamping is that it can be done virtually anywhere.

The way the clamping exercise works is by restricting blood circulation to the penis while still permitting little blood flow. This restriction of blood circulation caused by clamping will cause pressure to get built up.

This pressure that is built up while clamping will expand the tissues in the penis beyond its normal erection state. When this happens it will permanently create a large growth in the penis.

How to Do It?

Getting ready for clamping involves choosing and carefully preparing tools as outlined below

ClampThe most important of the lot, you will need a clamp which can be easily put on and removed, and which can snugly fit around the penis. You can find such clamps online or in local stores; some brands may be highly recommended by others who practice clamping but best use those you might find comfortable and easy to use.

A wrapAny cloth material you can use to wrap around the penis. Popular wraps include socks, bandages, magnetic wraps, and even strips of mouse pad.

LubricationMost men find it easier to stimulate themselves with lubrication. This will be a personal preference though but store-bought penis lubricants are recommended.

Ways to stimulate your penisPorn, significant other, hand, etc.

Timer Distractions are unavoidable. Best to set a timer to avoid exceeding the time limit per exercise and to prevent any injuries.

There are four major steps in performing Penis Clamping: stimulation of the penis, wrapping the base of the penis, placing and tightening the clamp, and leaving the penis clamped.

1. Stimulation of the Penis

The penis should be erect when performing this exercise, but based on your preference, you can clamp at a lower erection and then build upon it once the clamp is placed.

2. Wrapping the Base of the Penis

It is important that the wrapping used is soft enough to protect the penis from the clamp, at the same time it should prevent the clamp from slipping.

After choosing the wrapping that you are most comfortable with or something that is readily available, carefully place the wrapping at the base of the penis where the clamp will be placed.

3. Placing and Tightening the Clamp

Place the clamp over the wrap and the clamp should be as close to the pubic bone as possible. Stimulate the penis and once on the highest erection possible, tighten the clamp. If any pain or discomfort is experienced at any point, you may adjust the grip. 

The intensity can be adjusted after the clamp is tightened by the use of Kegel exercises. This exercise is mostly just tightening your pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for three seconds, and then relaxing for three seconds. This pushes more blood into the penis and can help with expansion.

4. Leaving the Penis Clamped

For beginners, it is highly recommended that the exercise should be done no more than five minutes. There should be no pain when clamping. If there is, remove the clamp immediately.

After 5 minutes (for beginners), carefully remove the clamp and the wrapping. You can wait five to ten minutes between clamping sets, should you decide to add more sets if you feel that you are not getting the maximum exercise.   

After a while or when you get used to clamping, you can leave the clamp on for up to 10 minutes. This is the safest way to go for clamping as it minimizes injuries.

How to Know It Is Working?

Over time, there should be positive signs after doing the penis clamping exercises such as an engorged penis, temporary growth (you may notice a temporary growth of at least half an inch in girth during and after clamping due to the pressure build-up), pronounced veins and apparent growth through regular penis clamping.

Danger Involved in Clamping

Though helpful in building the girth of the penis, there are dangers involved in the process of clamping if little or no caution is taken.

Since the exercise mainly surrounds the idea of swelling up the tissue around the penis, it can easily cause injuries, especially when the penis has not been conditioned for this kind of workout.

The most common injuries include overtraining and penile Mondor’s disease (inflammation of the vein). In some cases, it may also include temporary impotence.

There are signs that you need to watch out for to make sure that the exercise is not harming the penis. If you experience any painful or tingling sensation, numbness, coldness, or darkening of the penis’ skin color, immediately stop the clamping exercises. If these signs persist after discontinuing penis clamping, see a healthcare professional.

This clamping technique is effective in making your girth larger but will not give you any gains in your length. For effective exercises to perform that will increase your girth and length without any risk, look to perform jelqs, Kegels, and stretching techniques. Penis exercises such as these are very effective.

You can easily have the penis you desire using these natural techniques. Don't settle for penis enlargement products that have more side effects than results.

Here is the good news.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Bible exercise program.

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

So, what do I do next?

Over 2,315 men used these exercise techniques to naturally and permanently enlarge their penis WITHOUT useless pumps, painful surgeries, or dangerous weights.

You’re about to see how they did it, and how you can do it too!