Saturday, October 1, 2022

Smart Men Know Penis Enlargement Works - Because They've Already Proven It Through Masturbation

I came across a website sponsored by a rather large and famous hospital in the United States that had a blurb about Natural Penis Enlargement on it. (Natural Penis Enlargement is the method where a man can utilize penis exercises to increase the size of his penis, without drugs or surgery.)

The website stated, matter-of-factly, that not only were there no muscles in the penis but that it was impossible to enlarge a man's penis in this "natural" manner.

Coincidentally enough, the same website, has numerous web pages dedicated to all forms of penis-enlargement surgery that they perform at this particular hospital.

Now, for the man who wonders if he can actually enlarge his penis via exercising, what should he think when he reads the ultimate "word" on Natural Penis Enlargement, from "expert" websites such as this one?

Clearly, he's likely to think that such "authorities" are 100% correct. And why not? We've been raised (brainwashed, actually) into thinking that the only way to cure our ills or to improve our bodies is via prescription pills and medical surgery. 

So, no one can blame a man for believing this sort of propaganda.

However, the "Expert Author" of that web page is completely incorrect. In fact, there are *many* muscles in the penis. These are, yes, skeletal-type muscles; but not only that, the overall penile tissue is believed to be composed of approximately 50% smooth-muscle tissue. 

Not to mention the muscle tissue that is part of the arteries and veins that feed blood to -- and bring blood away from -- the penis...

Now, if such "experts" make such boldly incorrect statements -- outright lies, really -- how can you trust anything else that they have to say? Honestly, anyone who even partially paid attention in histology, gross anatomy, or human physiology class, knows that the penis has lots of muscle tissue in it.

But such statements about Natural Penis Enlargement get even more ludicrous. The reason for this is that, in the realm of penis exercises, we are not just concerned with "working" out these muscles. 

Absolutely not. We are also interested in targeting other tissues. Other tissues such as anchoring elements, blood chambers, and related structures increase the size of our penises.

Now, how is it that smart men are already keenly aware that they can enlarge their penises with penis exercises?

The answer is simple: Most men have a pointedness to their penis when it is erect. In other words, when it is erect, it will "lean" to the left side or right side. Some men's penis also twists clockwise or counterclockwise in some cases. 

Some point at different angles than other penises. In other words, a man's penis can point in just about any direction that is in front of him.

Sometimes this is due to genetic factors, positional factors, and trauma. But in most instances, it is due to masturbation.

That's correct. A man who has been masturbating with his right hand, with a certain hand position, applying a certain amount of "twist" and "force" while masturbating in this way, will inevitably affect how and where his penis points when it is erect.

Now, why is this?

It's very simple. By a man applying these angled stresses (forces) during masturbation to his penis, for an extended length of time, he unknowingly stretches out certain ligaments/tissues in his penis more than other ligaments/tissues. 

By stretching these ligaments in a non-symmetrical fashion (which is what happens when a man, who let's say is right-handed, masturbates for years with his right hand, a certain way) the end result is that one part of his penis will have been "stretched" out more than another part of the penis.

This is why your penis, typically, points one way or the other. Surprise, surprise. If your penis angles to the left, that means that you have "enlarged" (lengthened) your penis on the right side. If it angles to the right, this means that you have enlarged (lengthened) your penis on the left side.

How simple is that? Now, again, what will you now think when an "expert" unequivocally states that there are absolutely no muscles in the penis and that it is impossible to enlarge the penis without surgery...?

But honestly, it's best to let the "experts" continue on with their groundless diatribes. For you see, Smart Men know that by realizing this simple fact about masturbation they can enlarge their penises. 

After all, they've already proven it to themselves. Then, the Really Smart Men will realize what kind of results they can get if they actually apply specific exercises that were intentionally designed to enlarge a man's penis.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

How Biochemical Penis Enlargement Works to Increase Penis Size

Puberty is that horrible time in our lives when everything changes, our moods irritate us, and the worst part at the time is that our bodies look alien even to us! That’s when a boy’s penis starts growing because the growth hormone kick-starts the creation of a chain which extends through the body.

This chain is made of nutrients and biochemicals which are active in the body and makes sure that the growth hormone does its job well. 

After a certain point, the process of puberty ends, and some of these nutrients and biochemicals are removed from the chain which basically means that they are not active anymore- they still exist in the bloodstream but as dormant elements.


With the help of biochemical penis enlargement, these nutrients can be made active once again, and hence, you can increase penis size in the right manner. What the above-mentioned products forget to mention is that until and unless the insides of your body agree with the external products, no change will take place.

This thought is the reason behind this method’s success and because it makes perfect sense, you honestly can’t go wrong with it! It keeps the external and internal resources in total harmony and makes sure that you increase penis size without unnecessary stress and sleepless nights.

Click here to know more about the biochemical penis enlargement System.