Curious about which penis enlargement method works best? In this article, I'm going to talk about the different parts of male enhancement that will actually enlarge a penis, and show you which methods that will actually do each and every part.
By the end of this article, you'll for one discover why it is HIGHLY recommended to increase your penis size, and for two, you'll see what works COMPLETELY and what doesn't work (and that you should also avoid by all means necessary)!
Take a few minutes out of your day and read on to learn more...
But First... Why Does It Make Sense To Grow A Bigger Penis?
"Man, penis size doesn't matter!" "Honey, I love you just the way you are!" "It's not the size of your penis, it's how you use it!" And on... and on! My friend, it's all nonsense! Penis size DOES matter.
The men who say it don't... more likely than not don't have a big penis... and it's as simple as that. And as far as women are concerned, they are sensitive, and unlike men, they don't like to hurt people's feelings... for the most part.
So, therefore, they'll more than likely avoid telling the truth about how they feel if their significant other's manhood is not pleasing her.
Now common sense will tell you that if a woman's vagina is small, then a robust penis size of let's say 10-12 inches plus is definitely going to put her off. Having said that, getting a 10-12 inch penis size is highly unlikely anyhow unless you were born with great genetics.
The average size that most men reach with NATURAL and REAL male enhancement is around 7-9 inches. This size is great for any woman. But, once you do reach this size, you must take it easy at the beginning of intercourse now.
Being small to average size (5-6 inches) meant you could start having intercourse like normal, but when you gain a bigger penis size, you must take it easy in the beginning to allow her vagina to become more adapted.
Listen, growing bigger manhood is a very wise decision. The reason why is that if you choose a natural method, you will not only enlarge your manhood, you'll also improve your prostate health, and your penis health, you'll last longer with intercourse, your orgasms will be more intense, you'll be able to have sex multiple times (which is a rarity among us men), and more.
Now, besides those great benefits above, having a bigger penis will cause your significant other to reach screaming multiple orgasms, she'll initiate sex much more often, and your confidence level will increase (contrary to popular belief).
I'm saying all of this because it has all happened to me. I once was small (5 1/2 inches) and I went around talking about how size didn't matter, it's how you use it, and blah, blah, blah.
It took for my significant other to start showing signs that she wasn't satisfied to squash my philosophy about penis sizes to finally look into growing a bigger penis!
Once I reached a larger penis size, my sex life took a 180-degree turn for the better... and that's saying the least!
Now, How Do You Know Which Method Works?
Well, after using a few different methods myself (pumps, pills, and penis exercises), and then doing a ton of research on other penis enlargement options, my conclusion is that an enlargement method must do 5 things:
1. Enlarge your penile chambers. Methods that claim to do this are surgical procedures, pumps, clamps, and penis exercises.
2. Stretch your suspensory ligament. Methods that claim to do this are surgical procedures, extenders, and penis exercises.
3. Strengthen your PC muscle. Methods that claim to do this are penis exercises.
4. Increase blood flow into your penile shaft. Methods that claim to do this are pills, clamps, pumps, and penis exercises.
5. And do all the above 100% naturally and PERMANENTLY. The only method that does this is penis exercises.
After using pumps and pills and then doing penis exercises, and then doing research on all the other methods available (surgery, extenders, clamps, creams, patches, etc.), my conclusion is that the male enhancement industry is a very crooked industry... to say the least!
There is only ONE method that will do all of the above and certainly ranks high as being the best OVERALL option, and as you can clearly see above, that method is penis exercises.
What I learned is that all of those things I mentioned above must happen together in order for you to SAFELY enlarge your penis.
You can't just lengthen your penis OR thicken it OR harden your erections, etc. It all must be done together to avoid complications and to gain all the benefits of proper penis enlargement. And that is what penis exercises are all about.
Also, this is the only method that will not just bring about TOTAL male enhancement, but it will also improve the health of your penis and prostate as well, the routines do not cause side effects, and the results are permanent.
By the way, after having a miserable time with using pumps and taking pills, and then I started doing penis exercises, I ended up naturally increasing my penis size by 2 inches to reach a 7 1/2-inch erection.
The average growth is anywhere from 1-4 inches within 8 weeks with this method. If you stick with doing the exercises, and if you choose the right guide, you too can NATURALLY enlarge your penis size... along with gaining many other benefits as well... permanently.
Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Advantage exercise program.
This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!
So, what do I do next?
Revolutionary Quiz
- How old are you?
- What is your current penis length?
- What is your current penis girth?
- What do you want your length to be?
- What do you want your girth to be?
- What is your relationship status right now?
- Why do you want a bigger penis?
- Are you circumcised?
- What race are you?
Take this quiz. It will compute how big you can become using this penis enlargement programe.
This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48–72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.