Saturday, April 30, 2022

When is a Penis Too Big?

Most men don’t think that their penis is big enough. Sure, there are plenty of guys on forums & in casual conversation say that they don’t need extra inches. But you can rest assured that secretly they would love to have more penis size. Most men want to increase the size of their penises, even if they are reluctant to admit it or tell anyone about it.

Even though modern medicine has made it easier than ever before to achieve a permanently larger penis, men are still shy about talking about size honestly. Unless a guy is well-endowed, then it becomes habitual to brag about the size of his member.

I mean this is the age of big things. Big buildings, big trucks, big planes. So why not big penises as well? It’s not hard to find an effective penis enlargement method & jump on the bandwagon.

Guys with small penises are quick to join this trend & rightfully so. What surprises me is the number of guys with 6-inch members (average size) who are interested in penis enlargement.

Obviously, enlarging the penis is a personal choice. But if a guy is already average size, why would he want to be bigger? That’s easy! Because he can. The only thing to keep in mind is that most women have difficulty accommodating a man whose manhood is 8 inches or longer.

Sure, this is a challenge for many women, but this does not make sexual relations impossible by any means. Even though one must be careful so as to not bash into the woman’s cervix, causing her pain, penis size of 8 inches or greater is seen as a symbol of power & the ultimate tool for pleasing women.

Even though the majority of nerve endings in the female vagina are in the outer 4 inches, guys want to be able to sport a meaty penis since it gives them a feeling of sexual superiority.

Remember though, enough is enough. There is no reason to make your penis 10 inches long even though that is a distinct possibility if you are already at a 7" & you decide to get serious about penis enlargement.

Since this size is not practical for most women, some will actually refuse to deal with a penis that is that size. However, there are a few that would relish the opportunity to tackle that monster with pleasure.

If you are well-endowed, just treat your woman with respect. I know it’s tough. The last thing on your mind when you are about to get busy is being careful.

But if you practice penis enlargement with the right methods, you could soon have a penis that is 8 inches or even longer. Heck, I myself went from below average to above average & I am still using my extender device. Of course, my goal is 8". What’s yours?

Would you like to have an 8" penis? It’s not difficult to achieve when you use the best penis enlargement method available today. Gain up to 30% more penis size permanently. Clinically proven to add length & width so that you can honestly say that you don’t need to add any extra inches to your already massive penis.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Let’s be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man’s life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver.

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the “Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement”, it’s written by this guy named John Collins and it’s called the Penis Enlargement Remedy.

What I found mind-blowing about John’s program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don’t work. The Penis Enlargement Remedy is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, Read this review to discover some of the secrets behind this incredible system.