Sunday, April 3, 2022

Penis Extender Checklist for Choosing the Right Penis Extender

Looking for a penis extender, but don’t know which one to pick because of the overwhelming and conflicting information out there. Your one and only ‘willie’ is an important part of your anatomy and not just any penis extender should be attached to it.

Understanding this dilemma, I have compiled a checklist of the most important characteristics to look for when choosing the right penis-extending device for your ‘willie’.

1. Comfort

In order for a penis extender to work, your ‘willie’ needs to be in it for long periods of time. Your chances of SUCCESS increase with the length of time you are able to wear it. If it is not comfortable, you will never use it.

No comfort= No use = no penis extension. So, comfort, in my opinion, is the number one consideration. You don’t want an unhappy ‘willie’, that is for sure!

2. Safety

You only have one penis! It is not a good idea to subject it to a device that is not safe.

The penis extender you choose should have an AUTHENTIC medical device certificate and can produce it. Make sure the company uses medical-grade materials that do not easily bend or rust. I would not want my precious ‘willie’ surrounded by cheap, inferior products. There needs to be proof of regulatory control.

3. Testing

Be sure to choose a penis extender that has been tested. The device needs to be credible in both physical performance and proven results. Especially check that the ‘tension’ part has been tested properly. Tension is an integral part of extending your penis and if you choose an unproven and/or untested device, you may see little or no gains.

4. Doctor Endorsements

If a penis extender has been recommended by a doctor, I would personally take that as a good sign. With a doctor’s reputation on the line, the product is probably good and one you can trust. Make sure there is documentation to show that the device you are looking at is really recommended or approved by the medical community.

5. Company Stability Quality

Make sure the company behind the penis extender that you are investigating has been around for some time. It is important that the company has stability and experience in this penis market. Ask yourself: Are they reliable leaders in the penis-extending marketplace?

There are companies out there who just want your money and that, my friend, I am sorry to say, is the reality. Of course, you know that checking the reliability of the company is a very important check when making any type of purchase.

6. Customer Satisfaction

What are the guys out there, like you and me, saying about their experience with this penis-extending product? Forums, blogs, friends, media, and customer reviews are all good ways to get a picture of how the product is performing.

Reviews from real users can be very helpful and enlightening, but keep in mind that each person’s penis is different and unique. So what works for one, might not work for another. Use customer reviews as a guide. Honestly, you will only know what works for your specific ‘willie’ when you try a product and have your own personal experience.

7. Company Support And Guarantee

The Company needs to stand behind its product! There needs to be a guarantee-the norm right now is around 6 months. You need to be able to contact them with your questions and concerns if they do arise.

Many businesses may say they do this, but check to see if they are really approachable. This can be confirmed through customer reviews, available contact information, and clearing up your concerns by contacting them before you make a purchase. The company needs to be prolific and approachable.

8. Price

This penis device is for use on your #1 prized possession, so in my opinion, price should NOT be the #1 concern. Yes, it is important; especially with the way the economy is these days, but the cheapest is not necessarily the best option. Take time to research the physical traction device and evaluate the quality offered.

Often there are different packages offered. So, take the time to compare the extra features, benefits, and bonuses offered with each penis extender you are considering.

Plus, check to see if there are any discount coupons. Just search the name of the penis extender with the word discount or coupon. Discounts should not be your primary concern, but if they are available, you may as well take advantage of them and help alleviate the cost burden.

Again, in my opinion, quality and what you are getting in the complete package are more important than cost!

If you have decided to buy a penis extender, then do it right the first time.

Consider all the points we covered above. You do not want to end up with a poor-quality device that does not perform and has no money-back guarantee. If that happens, I am sorry to say that not only have you wasted your money, but your penis is still short

You only have one ‘willie’, so protect it by choosing the right penis extender.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer.

And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the pen1s. And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact.

Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Why You Haven’t Heard About This

There’s a simple reason that you haven’t heard about stem cell enlargement…

…The scams…

The industry in which this solution operates is dirty. It’s scammy. It’s rotten to the core…

And no media company wants to touch it. However, this hides something that will be a service to the world.

Men, anywhere, at any age, can grow.

I’m NOT telling you to buy the solution

At this point, scammers all say the same thing, ‘BUY, BUY, BUY!’

I’m not telling you to do that. Never have. Never will!

You are living your life, by your rules. And I deeply respect that.

I’m actually in a better position if you DON’T choose to get bigger.


Because I’m bigger than more men around me. I’m more of a catch…

So I’ll ask just one small thing of you - so you don’t regret years passing like I did: Just read what I’m about to share, to see if it makes sense.

Read it. If it sounds like garbage, never think about it again. Sound fair?


I know it worked for me. It made sense to me. But why should you believe me?

Don’t believe me…

…You’re smart enough to figure it out *by yourself*…

‘So, why are you helping at all?’

Why am I helping?

I’ve said it doesn’t benefit me. And that’s quite right. It doesn’t. Not, at least, on a romantic or sexual level.

But, I take something greater from telling you the truth.  I’ve *been you*, and I wish I had been guided to the next webpage. 

I wish I could go back in time. I can’t. So this - helping other guys who are just like I was - in the next best thing…

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed: