Saturday, April 23, 2022

How Do Penis Enlargement Oils Work? This Should Explain Everything

One of the most popular questions posted on blogs, forums, and men’s health magazines is on the ignominious topic of male enhancement issues. Men are constantly striving to improve their bodies in all kinds of ways, and it should be NO surprise that penis size is at the very TOP of the list of insecurities…and desired improvements.

As a consequence of this pressing and popular concern, penis enlargement oils have become fairly popular over the last few years — serving as an almost “magical” way to enlarge your penis in a hurry. 

Let’s take a quick look at what they are, and see if they live up to the hyperbolic claims made by their promoters, producers, and online affiliates pushing their praises, AND the proverbial envelope of honesty..:-) Read on.

First, a loose definition:

Penis enlargement oils are typically a topically applied conglomeration of various vitamins, herbs, and ingredients for the implied purpose of enlarging your penis during sexual activity.

As with many other transdermal creams, the EXACT ingredients in each brand are hard to discern; These products are NOT regulated by the FDA, and as such, there is a WIDE window of potential ingredients in the brew..with the specifics NOT necessarily required for public disclosure. Again — while they tend to fall into the same general groupings, each respective brand or product can be completely different for all intents and purposes.

How they “work”:

Well, if we are going to operate under the assumption that they do (which, for this article, we will..:-) they act as a sexual stimulant, or even a numbing agent to prolong your sexual experience, or to allow your erection to maintain a peak state of performance relative to your normal abilities.

This is the topical equivalent to Viagra, and oral medications designed to rectify E.D. The manufacturers of these products claim they work by stimulating blood flow in the penile cavity, much the way proven natural “self-help enhancement” exercises do.

Do the Benefits Last?

No, they don’t. Quite simply, even the most reputable of these oils acknowledge the size gains are NOT long-lived — but rather are useful for the duration of your sexual experience, and maybe a few hours beyond.

They do encourage you, however, to keep using the oils on a nightly basis to keep the party rolling so to speak…which, I guess if I was running their accounting department I would think was pretty good advice, too.

And remember, with our modern-day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of ways…it is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how — to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights, and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous — but they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your back…trust me, they won’t be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, every day can yield a RADICAL shift in your penis size without worry. I did…and it was the best decision I ever made!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple two-step system that REALLY adds 2–4 inches of length to your penis

John Collins is a Sex educator and researcher by profession. He began his research in this field because he was frustrated with his size. He spent a lot of money on pumps, weights, pills, and every other scam that the market had to offer.

After being duped time and again, he decided to do his own research and finally came up with a two-step method that increased his penis size to 9.1 inches. He has poured his entire experience into the 94-page guide.

The Penis Enlargement Bible

How the bible works

The PEBible is a two-step method. It helps to grow your penis anywhere between 2 inches to 4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth, within two months. This can be achieved in the comfort of your home without the need to invest in any pills, extenders, or any other equipment. The two steps in which this method works are:

1. Eating the right diet and supplements

The aim is to get as much nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to reach the penis. This helps the biochemicals to react with the receptors in the penis. These receptors help cells to regrow, just like during puberty, and in turn, help the penis grow.

2. Exercising

Exercising makes sure that your penis is able to take more blood and results in a thicker and more powerful penis. Apart from increasing the size of your penis, this method also has some positive side effects, namely:

  • Increased stamina during sex
  • Increased libido
  • Rock hard erections
  • Furthermore, this technique gives permanent, irreversible results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use this guide, when there are many other faster methods available in the market?

The PE Bible is based on scientific techniques and is completely natural. This book has been sold for more than 5 years in a row and still going strong due to the positive reviews that it has received from 5000 men who have used it. There might be other methods in the market, but the techniques outlined in this book are the safest.

Do I need to take any pills to enlarge my penis?

No. Pills/drugs of any kind are not advocated by this book. You do however need to take certain natural supplements and Chinese herbs that provide the required nutrients to achieve the final result

Can I enlarge my penis by just exercising?

Exercise alone is not sufficient to enlarge your penis. It can do more harm than help. The technique used in the pe Bible signals your body to start a penis re-growth. For this, you also need to eat nutrient-rich food.

My experience with the book

I was a 30-year-old male virgin. After being laughed at by my first girlfriend during my teen years, I never felt confident enough to show myself to another woman. Though I did date many women after that, I just made excuses for not sleeping with them.

I was completely devastated when a friend told me that there was a rumor going around that I was impotent. Then I met the girl of my dreams. Even though she said that my size did not matter to her, I wanted her to feel satisfied.

Just two months before our wedding, I started using the techniques given in the PE bible, and voila! It grew by 2 inches by the time we were ready to tell our vows. This is just my own personal review, but others have far more detailed ones.

Here is the official website that explains it better than I can