A lot of men seem to think that they need penis enlargement, but then give up mid-way after trying out various penis enlargement methods due to the mere reason that they feel like they haven't experienced any gains in the long run.
Well, the eye can be very deceiving, and more so the brain. So, if you feel a bit insecure and actually believe that you need penis enlargement, then any amount of gains will not become evident until you have actual proof. This is where learning how to measure the penis comes in very handy.
It is actually very important to learn how to measure your penis properly and effectively, especially before you start your natural penile exercises, to begin with. In fact, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, this would be the ultimate key to finding out how successful you are being with your penile exercises. Fortunately, it is quite easy to measure your penis. You just have to make sure you measure it on a regular basis in order to chronicle your gains properly.
Ideally, you should measure the penis regularly and then log its growth in a chart or table while you're at it. This way, you will be able to see the ultimate power of your penile exercises and the progress that comes with them.
While the 'proper' way of measuring a penis may be debatable, a lot of men choose to follow the PBPT measurement, or the Pubic Bone Pushed Top Measurement when they think they need penis enlargement. There are three measurements that need to be done when it comes to this:
1. Measure Your Penis While It's Soft
Measuring your penis while it's soft basically means measuring it while it isn't erect. This floppy, soft, or flaccid measurement proves to be extremely vital early on when you are just starting out with your penile workouts because this is when your penis growth will generally be most noticeable overall.
To measure your penis while it's soft, simply hold your penis parallel to the floor. Then, take a ruler and place it on your penis, pushing it into your stomach. Your pubic bone should feel some resistance at this point. From there, just measure your penis to the tip to get your flaccid penis length.
2. Measure Your Penis While It's Hard
Measuring your penis while it's hard basically means measuring it while it is erect. It basically follows the exact same steps that come with measuring your penis while it's soft, but just with an erection.
So, get an erection and then hold your penis parallel to the floor. Then, take a ruler and place it on your penis, pushing it into your stomach. Once your pubic bone feels some resistance, measure your penis to the tip to get your erect penis length.
3. Measure Your Penile Thickness
Of course, measuring how thick your penis is would also be important, so that you can figure out whether your exercises are actually working in the end. To do this, you will need to get an erection first.
Once you have an erection, take some measuring tape or string and then wrap it around the middle of your penile shaft. This would be your penis girth measurement.
Once you have measured your penis at the beginning, during the stages when you believe you need penis enlargement, take note of your measurements and then make it a point to keep measuring yourself as time goes by. This way, you will be able to see and prove just how well your choices of penile exercises have been working with time.
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