A few years ago the hot topic in male enhancement was the introduction of Enzyte and Extenze tablets. These pills were supposed to be the easiest way ever to make your penis grow! Of course, there is still no scientific proof to back up that claim. The fact remains that men want an easy way to add size to their manhood. That is probably why there is so much talk today about using masturbation for penis enlargement.
What could be easier? Most men have been doing it since they were young boys, and they will continue for years to come! Will it work to make you bigger? Can masturbation help you get a bigger penis? Well, probably not! In fact, it is doubtful that your penis size will be affected at all. Here's why.
You indeed need to use your hands to stimulate penis growth. This may be why the assumption that masturbation will work as an enlargement method has gained popularity.
Unfortunately, your hands will only work if you are doing some very specific exercises, or movements designed to create growth. The cells of the corpora cavernosa must be gently torn and stretched to generate penile growth. The corpora cavernosa are the two large chambers within your penis that fill with blood each time you get an erection. The tearing of the cells may seem harsh, but they will heal themselves.
As they heal they grow back larger, enabling them to hold more and more blood. The more blood they can hold, the larger your erection will become. Masturbation is actually just friction to create pleasure, and will not properly work the corpora cavernosa to create the desired effect of growth.
It is easy to understand why men think using masturbation for penis enlargement would work. Some of the movements in a good penis exercise plan even resemble the hand movements used to masturbate. The jelq is a perfect example. Make no mistake, though. Jelqing is not to be confused with masturbating! Jelqing is an ancient form of exercise designed to add length to the penis and is not intended as a vehicle for pleasure.
Now, it is not painful, either. It is just a specific exercise, one of many, that is included in good enlargement programs that use your hands to perform the movements.
Penis exercises have been clinically proven as an effective way to increase both the length and thickness of your manhood. While masturbation is quite enjoyable, it will never make your penis any bigger. Think about how long you have been masturbating. If it would work for enlargement wouldn't you already have a monster penis? Get a good exercise program with specific exercises, follow it exactly as suggested, and watch the real gains take place!
Only a good penis exercise program can make your penis bigger! This program will help you get a bigger penis... GUARANTEED! You will add both length and thickness, and it only takes about 10 minutes a day!