Saturday, January 28, 2023

The 5 Deadly Sins Of Penis Enlargement (And What To Do To Avoid Them And Get Amazing Results)

Penis enlargement can be very rewarding. You can end up increasing the length of your penis by up to 4 extra inches. You can make your penis much thicker. You can make your erections harder. 

You can increase how long you last during intercourse. You can make your ejaculate release more explosive. You can improve the appearance of your manhood. And you can enhance the health of your prostate and penis. That all sounds amazing, doesn't it? This is what you are hoping for when you get started with a penis enlargement method, right? Well, there may be a problem...

If you commit one of the 5 deadly sins with male enhancement, then your chances of gaining even just one of those impressive benefits above are very slim. Read on to find out what they are and more importantly... how you can stop or avoid them so that you can get the manhood you have always wanted.

1. Choosing to use tools...

Using tools to try to get bigger manhood is like putting something on your bicep to try to make it bigger. It's just not happening. If anything, you'll gain a temporary increase (slightly) in length or girth with your manhood... and that's it. To make matters worse, whatever results you may get are not going to last and you can most certainly count on getting some kind of side effect.

2. Opting for surgical procedures...

Go into the doctor's office. A few hours later you walk out with a bigger penis! That sounds freaking awesome, doesn't it? It also sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, there are 5 truths to surgical procedures. 

For one, you will get a bigger manhood (not really that significant, but it will increase in size). However, you will have side effects, a potentially disfigured penis, an incredibly long recovery time (without sex), and you WILL be spending A LOT of money (and I'm talking about THOUSANDS of dollars).

3. Not taking the rest of your body into account...

Just like building muscle, you can't just hit the gym and start lifting weights expecting to pack on muscle. There are many other things that come into play with building muscle (nutrition, sleep, water consumption, natural supplements, etc.). The same theory applies to getting a bigger penis.

You see, one of the key aspects of a penis erection is blood flow. If there is not enough blood flow, your penis erection won't be as big nor will it be as hard as it should be. Therefore, it is vitally important (and I recommend you do this anyway) that you eat healthier foods that will help with blood circulation (such as berries, nuts, and foods high in antioxidants) and ensure you are exercising more often. This will of course improve your overall health and body as well.

4. Trying to speed up development...

Please forgive me, but I'm going to use another muscle-building example one more time. If you attempt to pack on muscle too quickly, what happens? That's right, you'll end up injuring yourself and you'll end up with little to no growth. That same principle applies to getting a bigger penis.

Think about it this way...

The size you are at now was supposed to be the size you were meant to stay with for life based off of your genetics, right? Now clearly, changing something that was supposed to be one way based off of genetics isn't going to be an overnight accomplishment, right?

5. Avoiding enhancement of all areas of your manhood...

Penis enlargement should never be a pick-and-choose method. Okay, you're going to hate me here, but I just have to use a muscle-building reference just one more time (lol). With building muscle, you can't just work on your chest or arms, right? If you do, you will end up with a TON of issues. The same goes for improving your manhood.

Your penis functions (and looks) better when all areas are in unison. Increased length, increased girth, increased blood flow and strengthening your PC (puboccocygeus) muscle.

So, What Works Best To Avoid Those Deadly Sins?

Going the natural route and exercising your penis is by far the best and most effective method there is for improving every area of your manhood naturally, safely, significantly, and permanently?

Why is that you ask?

Well, penis exercises are for one very gentle. Secondly, the pressure from your hands (which is all you need to do the routines by the way) contains the perfect amount of pressure to stimulate growth. Thirdly, this is the only method that will naturally cause cell division and cell regrowth with your penile shaft. 

And lastly, this method improves every area of your manhood... quickly, naturally, permanently, and will do so without causing side effects.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? 

Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Remedy Program. 

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

For more information, Click HERE to learn more!

WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.