Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Penis Enhancement In 11 Days Without Using Pills Or Pumps Made Me Very Happy!

All right Guys, What Do You Think The Average Size Of A Penis Is?

Seemingly, the right answer is about 6 inches. Nevertheless, if you were to ask all of my girlfriends they think it is at least  8 inches !! 

Maybe they are being very optimistic but the reality is that all women would rather have a boyfriend with a bigger penis.

Consider this for a moment, will you? 

If you truly love hamburgers what would you prefer when you are hungry, a quarter-pounder or a juicy half-pounder? Do you get where I come from?

The same goes for girls.

Whoever made up the phrase ...."Size Doesn't Matter" was a man with a small penis!

As a woman, I am telling you that size does matter!

I have been with my latest boyfriend for about 8 weeks. He is cute and I like him. The problem was that he wasn't that well blessed in that department and while I never measured the size of his penis it was definitely no more than  6 inches. When we made love it never really did much for me and I was getting a bit disappointed with him.

Our Relationship Wasn't Working.

After a while, I had to let him know that things weren't working out between us. I couldn't let him know the real reason as that would have been too brutal. I was really shocked when he came out and said "Is it because of the size of my penis?"  I was amazed that he knew this all the time?

At any rate, I told him that I would stick around with him for now but I wasn't happy.  Now I was away on business for  2  weeks and when I came back he had a massive surprise for me. He had been through a penis enhancement program and I was truly shocked by the results!

3 Simple Exercises

My boyfriend showed me the three simple exercises that he was practicing while I was away.

The first one is a Kegel exercise (also known as the Pelvic Floor Exercise) that involves squeezing the buttock muscles and holding that squeeze for 10 seconds at a time. This also squeezes the penis muscles which over time will also allow a man to last longer in bed. 

Basic Stretch exercises are self-explanatory. It involves holding onto the head of the penis and stretching it up, down, and to the left and right. Do not overdo this exercise and if it starts to hurt then ease off and stop stretching quite as hard.

Jelqing. This is a special technique that is similar to masturbating. It results in more blood being forced into the penis and in 2 weeks made a big difference to my guy.

As with any exercise, it is important that if you wish to maintain your gains then you will need to do maintenance exercises for a few minutes a day. These exercises shouldn't hurt and if they do you are doing them too vigorously.

Are you serious about increasing the size of your penis?

My boyfriend grew to 8 inches in four weeks with no pumps, pills, or weights!

I wouldn't have believed it was possible without surgery to achieve penis enhancement results. If you want more confidence and more girls you need to get working right away by clicking here.