Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How To Dramatically Improve Penis Girth During Penis Enlargement?

I'm going to be more honest with you than most guys dare to be: Penis girth is the single most important aspect of penis size. Every guy on the planet either wants or should want to improve their girth. 

Why? Because women absolutely love it! Even if you have the longest penis in the world it won't make nearly as much difference as having a big girth for your woman. People are at last becoming wise to the truth - penis girth is vital. 

Let's not jump the gun here, length is also very important to penis size, but girth is what separates the average man from the incredible lover...

Penis girth can be found by measuring around your penis when it's erect. This measurement is so damned significant because a big girth will send a woman into raptures of unimaginable pleasure. It affects a woman in ways that even the longest length ever could. I mention all of this because guys are so caught up on length that girth is completely forgotten.

European surveys have been conducted into penis size which can help everyone in realizing the true state of play. 90% of women stated that they would take a big girth over a big length. The science behind why this is the case is both simple and relatively unknown to anyone outside the sexual sphere of scientific research - surprising considering how much humans seek and value sex...

What happens is that the walls of a vagina contract around a penis during intercourse - the bigger the contraction the better the feeling for her. A bigger girth requires a bigger contraction which is the reason why girth is so important. The contractions lead to the nerves in the vagina is stimulated.

As men prefer a tighter vagina during sex women prefer a tighter fit too (by way of a bigger penis). The couples who best complement each other in bed do so in this area. She is smaller, and he is bigger. Sex becomes wonderful.

Kinsey's famous sex report from the 1950s reveals that 4-5 inches were the average girth for men. Durex, the condom maker, found the average to be 5.2 inches. Women who tested various sex toys revealed that anything above 7.5 inches was 'intensely pleasurable' and anything below fell short.

I used to have a 3-inch girth. I then discovered how to make my penis huge with The Penis Enlargement Remedy.