Thursday, May 19, 2022

Preventing Blood Vessel and Valve Damage During Penis Exercising

When men set out to enlarge their penises, many of them are not aware of the sensitive nature of the tissues of the penis. The penis is a very interesting device in that it is the only external portion (organ) of the body that utilizes a hydraulic mechanism to become functional and realize its functionality.

This hydraulic mechanism is more aptly described by the term, “hemodynamical device;” in that it relies on hemodynamics to function. This simply means that blood is utilized as the “hydraulic” mechanism needed to provide the penis with its functionality — In this case to go from a “flaccid” state to the “erective” state when it is required by the owner.

The hemodynamics of the penis is quite simple. There are tubes (arteries) that carry blood to the penis and there are other tubes (veins) that take blood away from the penis. By increasing or decreasing the flow of blood in these vessels, we can regulate the amount of blood that flows “into” and “away” from the penis.

Further regulation of this blood and blood pressure is solved by the utilization of “valves.” These valves are found both in the arteries and in the veins.

The penis, itself, has chambers that have the ability to engorge with blood, depending on the flow of blood into and out of the penis via these leading arteries and departing veins. When these chambers are “filled” to an increasing capacity — the penis thus becomes “bigger” during the “filling” process.

Gaining an erection is thus: Sexual thoughts or stimulation triggers the heart rate to increase. This, in turn, increases the amount of blood flow and blood pressure made available to the penis.

The arteries that bring blood to the penis dilate (expand). This allows more blood (than normal) to flow into the penis. Any valves in the arteries (these are one-way valves) open up to allow blood to flow unencumbered into the penile chambers.

At the same time, the veins constrict (close off) and this stops blood from escaping the penis. The valves in the veins close off and this, too, helps blood to remain trapped in the penis.

As sexual thoughts and stimulation are continued, the heart rate continues at its increased rate, and this pumps and pumps and pumps blood into the penis — and this gradually creates the erection depending on the amount of sexual stimulation being received and perceived by the individual.

After orgasm is achieved (or boredom, perhaps, ensues), the reverse of this initial process begins. The heart rate decreases, the arteries constrict, the veins dilate and their valves are opened. Thus, the trapped blood escapes the penis and the penis thus returns to its flaccid-resting state.

Now, what is the importance of these valves? These valves are designed to handle the “normal” amount of blood volume/pressure that your penis was originally constructed to maintain.

Techniques, such as jelqing, are inevitably going to put a strain on these valves (and accompanying blood vessels). Since these valves were not originally designed for the increased amount of pressure that jelqing creates, this can damage and rupture these valves (as well as the blood vessels).

This is the last thing a man wants; as it can leave him with a penis that no longer is able to create or maintain an erection.

The best way to prevent damage to the blood vessels and valves is to Take It Easy and Go Slow. Do not get in a hurry! You’re better off extending one month of exercises into six months worth of exercises, rather than risk damage to these structures!

Taking things very slowly and cautiously will allow the arteries and valves to strengthen and compensate for the increase in pressure that they are being forced to deal with.

Not only is one trying to encourage the penile chambers to hold more blood, but in order to hold this extra capacity, the blood vessels/valves need to be up to the task, too. Taking it slowly will ensure that these delicate structures can strengthen during your enlargement process and won’t be overtaxed and damaged in the process.

At any moment if any sort of pain, stabbing, burning, or sharpness is felt in your penis during exercising, QUIT IMMEDIATELY! Give your penis AT LEAST ten days to heal up 100% before one starts to exercise again.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The penis is not a muscle, so once you get the size you want, you stop and the results last for life with no maintenance. The method found here…