Friday, May 13, 2022

Here Is a Voodoo Spell for Penis Enlargement to Make Your Penis Much Bigger

Voodoo may be one of the first religions that ever existed. This is because it can trace its roots back to 7,000 years. “Voodoo,” itself is defined as “spirit” or “mystery.” Its history is filled with many “spells” that have enabled people to prosper and even fight back during times of oppression.

There is a voodoo spell for penis enlargement that was shared with me. It is as follows:

Get a piece of brown paper and cut it into as near perfect of a square as you can. Any size will do, but most people find that 1" x 1" is fine. The best source for the paper is a “barrel” bag.

This is simply one of the brown bags that is used in grocery stores to carry your purchases. Ensure that there are no stains on the paper and choose the cleanest and least-wrinkled portions. An unused bag is considered best.

Take a clean and unused cotton swab and “swab” the areas of the penis that you want to enlarge. For example, if you wish to enlarge the penile head, then linearly stroke the “head” with the swab from top to bottom, in the areas you would like to see an increase in size. Do this to the same areas (in the same, one-stroke, linear fashion) on the penile shaft. One stroke is sufficient.

With each stroke, stroke the swab on one side of the piece of paper. Don’t stroke different areas of the penis and then stroke the paper. No. After each swabbing, swab the paper. Do not touch the areas that have been swabbed and hold the paper from the edges. Only swab one side of the paper.

Now, close your eyes and concentrate on your penis. Visualize your penis slowly growing in length and girth. As you visualize your penis getting bigger, fold the paper three times in any fashion you are moved to do so.

Fold the “swabbed” portion of the paper inwardly; so that, for example, with the first fold, the area that you applied the cotton swab to, will be covered and not exposed.

Once finished, press the folded piece of paper against your penis. It should come in direct contact with your penis and there should be no clothes or material to separate the two. Just paper to skin.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the piece of paper as you press it against your penis. If you wish to enlarge the glans (penile head) then press the paper against this area (but only if you stroked it with the swab). If you wish to enlarge the shaft, push the paper against the shaft. Remember to concentrate fully during this process.

While you are pressing the folded paper (against your penis) and focusing your attention, chant out:

“I am one with the universe, the universe and I am one.

As I am one with the universe, I have the potential of the entire universe behind me.

This energy I feel comes from the universe.

I command and accept this power, which I bring back,

From my core connection to the universe of which I am one and part,

I command: Bring My True Penis Size To Me!

Hurry back this power. Hurry back this power.”

Each area that you applied the cotton end to your penis and paper, needs to have this portion of the penis targeted with the paper. So, the paper should be pressed against these areas while repeating the chant.

So, for example, if you did three areas of your penis, then you would say the chant once for each of these areas, so you will have started it three times.

After you have finished your chants, relax and slowly open your eyes. It is not uncommon for your heart rate to have increased during the process. Then, using a clean ashtray or other similar objects, light the piece of paper with a match (do not use a lighter). Hold the paper at one edge and feel your penis growing as it burns.

Once the paper is around 70% burnt, drop the rest of it into this ashtray to consume itself and turn itself fully into ashes.

Next, take the ashes and be careful not to lose any of them… Go outside (if you are inside) and close your eyes and release the ashes into the air. You should feel a sense of relief and an unshackling of your evil penis inhibitors as you cast these ashes to the wind.

Within 30 days (the incubation period) your penis will enlarge to its “true size” if it is the destiny of the universe.

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