Saturday, May 21, 2022

How to Warm Up the Penis Before Penis Enlargement Exercises?

Learning how to warm up the penis is the most vital thing you could learn before delving into penis enlargement exercises. After all, learning how to warm up the penis will ensure that your manhood stays safe during the actual exercises.

Plus, it will help make stretching and growth easier. The best part, though, is that it will hardly involve any effort at all on your part.

Use a Rice Sock, Warm Washcloth, or Heating Pad

To warm up the penis, you can choose between using a rice sock, a warm washcloth, or a heating pad.

Rice Sock

A rice sock is convenient and inexpensive — it’s made with three items sitting around your house. To make a rice sock you need:

A sock — any sock that fits around your penis will do, but cotton socks tend to work best.

Uncooked rice — it doesn’t matter if it’s white, wheat, or wild, as long as it’s uncooked.

A microwave.

Once you have the above materials, prepare a rice sock by following these three steps:

1. Take your sock and fill it with approximately one to two cups of uncooked rice.

2. Tie the sock shut. Make sure to leave enough room in the sock so you can comfortably move it around your penis.

3. Put the rice sock in the microwave and heat for approximately 30 to 90 seconds or until you reach the desired temperature.

Warm Wash Cloth

Although a warm washcloth is one of the simplest warm-up aids — all you do is run it under hot water — it’s the least effective. That’s because a washcloth tends to cool down much more quickly than any other technique. Only use a warm washcloth when the other options are out of the question.

Heating Pad

Moist heating pads are generally used to relieve pain and muscle spasms. They usually plug into an outlet and take a few minutes to reach the desired temperature. Moist heating pads are fairly cheap and are sold at nearly any retail store.

Infrared Massager

Infrared heat is able to warm up the penis best as it heats the deeper tissues in the penis. An IR massager is also great because massage increases circulation, improves blood flow, and — as anybody who has had a massage will attest — relaxes tissue. Combine these effects with the benefits that an IR warm-up already provides, and you have a penis that is exceedingly flexible and ready to expand.

Use a Heating Lamp

Since sperm tends to die at body temperature, it would be vital to cover up your testicles with some kind of fabric while warming up your manhood. Most men prefer using socks for testicle protection while they warm up the penis because socks can cover them up tightly and can prevent slippage during the actual penis enlargement exercises.

Once ready, set your heating lamp around 18 inches away from your penis to prevent burning it. If you want to stay extremely safe, you can set it up 3 feet away. Then, just heat up your penis this way for around 10 minutes before moving on to your penile exercises.

While exposing your testicles to the infrared light of a heating lamp will only affect your sperm count in the short term, it’s still best to be safe than sorry.

If you are interested in using a heating lamp to warm up the penis but don’t have one yet, you will be happy to hear that these heating lamps can be found in practically any home improvement store nowadays. You might even find them on the World Wide Web or in pet stores that sell reptile supplies.

If you have a spare lamp at home, then you can simply buy an infrared bulb and use it on your spare lamp. Conversely, you can also buy an infrared lamp that already comes with the bulb at the reptile section of your local pet store.

Ideally, you should look for an infrared light with 250 watts. If you end up with an infrared light with more watts than that, then it would be advisable to keep the lamp at least 2 feet away from your penis when you use it in order to stay safe.

When using infrared light, you also have the option to keep the light on while you do your penis enlargement exercises. In fact, a lot of men keep their infrared lights on during their whole penile exercise routine.

If you decide to do this, though, it would be extremely vital to keep your testicles covered the entire time in order to block the infrared light as needed. This would be especially important if you plan on leaving the light on for a very long time.

If you seem to be having trouble experiencing the gains that you want from your penis enlargement exercises, then make it a point never to skip warming up your penis before your routine. A lot of the time, the only problem lies in not warming up the penis before the routines or doing a bad warm-up that hinders enlargement altogether.

Other Warm-Ups

A few other common ways to warm-up include:

  • Using a steamed towel
  • Using a moist heating pack
  • Using a heated gel pack
  • Placing your penis into a thermal mug with hot water
  • Sitting in a sauna or spa
  • Standing in a hot shower or sitting in a hot bath

Warming Up: Step-by-Step

Once you have chosen your warm-up method, follow the steps below prior to every penis exercises workout:

1. Prepare the warm-up. If you are using a heating pad or an IR massager, plug it in and let it heat up. If you are using a rice sock, warm it up in the microwave. If you are using a washcloth, run it under hot water.

2. Once you’ve reached the desired temperature, check the warm-up with your hand. If it’s too hot, let it cool down to a comfort level. A good rule of thumb: lukewarm isn’t hot enough and burning is too hot.

3. Once the warm-up material is heated, cover your entire penis and keep it wrapped for ten minutes. If you are using a rice sock, wrap it around your penis — don’t put it in the sock with the rice. If you are using an IR massager, move it around and massage the entire penis. If the warm-up gets cold, then reheat and reapply.

4. As soon as you’ve warmed up, start performing penis exercises.


Penis size DOES MATTER when it comes to sex. The majority of women would prefer their men to have a bigger, longer and stronger penis and give them sensational and explosive sex.

To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis you should have a complete natural penis enlargement exercise workout. You can try the most reliable award-winning exercise program to help enlarge your size in just a matter of weeks.

You will be amazed as your woman won’t stop thanking you for the whole night with a strong orgasm. You can do it at home by just using your hands.

Here is the good news.

Over 2,315 men used these techniques to naturally and permanently enlarge their penis WITHOUT useless pumps, painful surgeries, or dangerous weights.

You’re about to see how they did it, and how you can do it too!

Now it’s your turn to enjoy these results using the same time-tested techniques.

Join the PE Method and finally get the penis you’re happy and confident about.