Wednesday, October 6, 2021

2 Dangerous Penis Enlargement Habits

In this article, we are going to discuss a few penis enlargement tips you must understand to safely enlarge your manhood from home. 

Why is this an important consideration for those of you who are looking for an easy way to amp UP your anatomy…but without running the risk of injury, pain, or penile problems? Very simple.

In our experience of writing articles on men’s health and male enhancement specifically, there is a HUGE disconnect between fact, and fiction and this can invariably lead to many men hurting themselves due to being sold bad information.

Dangerous Enlargement Method #1:

Hanging Weights

The simple truth is that if you’ve been thinking about using hanging weights to lengthen, or grow your penis longer, you simply must learn to say “no”. Why? Not only is this method of male enhancement not effective, but it’s also very dangerous and you can tear ligaments, burst blood vessels, and even leave yourself temporarily impotent after a few short sessions. Not recommended, and anyone who tells you otherwise should be avoided at all costs.

Dangerous Enlargement Method #2:

Pumps and Pulleys

Yes, I understand that many of these are sold, and yes, I understand that many men believe they work. Want the truth? They don’t…and can be devastating to your penile health if you buy the wrong one.

The fact is, this is a totally unregulated market, and many products that have nice websites and storefronts are simply made in someone’s basement or attic…and have NO real eye on safety or proper manufacturer protocol either.

Key takeaways? If you want great gains and super size improvements, natural exercise remains the only true way to do it, without hype, injury, or risk, and the only method we recommend to our readers as well

As with everything else in the Men’s health domain, knowledge is POWER, and information is EVERYTHING!

And remember, with our modern-day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of ways…it is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how — to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights, and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous — but they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your back…trust me, they won’t be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how specific exercises and optimizations you can make, every day can yield a RADICAL increase in your penis size without the worry.

How To Get A Bigger Dick Within Weeks [PROVEN METHODS]

Male enhancement cream is great as a safe and natural method to temporarily increase your penis size, but the increase is modest and goes away fast.

If you’re needing more than an extra ¼ inch—and if you’d like to keep that long and thick penis—you have to look elsewhere. While there are countless claims on fast and simple ways to boost your dick size, almost none of these work without big risks and a hefty price tag (ie surgery).

The good news is this: thousands of men from around the world have used a revolutionary stem cell method that combines cutting-edge research into penis enhancement to add over 3” to their erect length! 

Penis enlargement remedy is an easy-to-follow step-by-step plan that uses natural exercises and stretches to get you to the penis that you, and your lover, have always dreamed of.

Click here to find out how you can get a thicker, longer penis in just 7 minutes a day