Wednesday, October 6, 2021

How to Get a Huge Penis That Women Love With 2 Natural Tricks!

In this article, we are going to talk about a couple new penis enlargement “tricks” that are pretty effective for small men.

Why? Well, with so many of you who enjoy our articles indicating that you’ve had NO luck with some of the pumps, pills, pulleys, potions, and lotions that are out there, we figured would appreciate some tips and techniques that really DO work amazingly well, right?

I hope so…and if you could use some free advice in the “massive manhood” department, my hope is that this serves you well!

1. You ARE What You Eat (do it with diet)

Did you know that there is a growing body (no pun intended) of evidence that supports that your diet plays a large role in the size and strength of your erection? It’s true…and even if you’re a bit on the undersized side of the street, a long and strong erection will make UP for it in a hurry, don’t you agree? Common (and healthy) foods like:
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Whole Nuts
  • Flax
  • Blue/Blackberries
  • Cacao (unprocessed chocolate)
And more…..have been proven to dilate the blood vessels in the corposa cavernosa, leading to pretty immediate gains that you can REALLY see super fast!

2. Exercise is Amazing

And we’re NOT just talking about ordinary exercise here, men..:-) We’re talking about techniques that TARGET your shortcomings:
  • Jelqing
  • PC Elevation exercises
  • Traction techniques
  • Tension techniques
  • Torque techniques
  • Tissue stretching
And more……are ALL great ways to get great gains from home, and do it naturally, safely, and with complete and utter privacy and dignity. (and NO, you don’t need any pills or pumps to do it, either!)

And remember, with our modern-day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of ways…it is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how — to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your back…trust me, they won’t be for long!

Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, every day can yield a RADICAL increase in your penis size without worry. I did…and it was the best decision I ever made!!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Power Of Stem Cells

The only method that I know of which makes your penis bigger is one that relies on causing stem cells to become penis tissue cells in your shaft. This is a revolution in penis enlargement because it means that you are using all-natural, biological alchemy.

You’re turning stem cells, a blank canvas type of cell, into something definite, a penis cell. The more that you are able to turn into penis cells, and the more penis cells in your penis, the bigger your penis becomes.

That’s the simple truth of anything being bigger. The more muscle cells you have, the bigger your muscles are, for example. The more bone cells you have, the bigger your bones are. And the more penis tissue cells you have, the bigger your penis is.

With that fact, you can now understand not only why some penises are bigger than others (there are more penis cells in them) but also how to make your penis bigger (get more stem cells to convert into penis cells.)

And the great news is that penis exercises play a part in this.

When you do penis exercises, you hold stem cells in your penis for longer. That means the penis is forced to adapt, to find space for all the extra blood in it. The only way your body knows how to do this is to increase the number of penis cells in your body…

…But there’s a problem…

You see, most people don’t have enough spare stem cells in their bodies to cause an influx of stem cells to convert. And the worst news is that the amount of stem cells in your body drops with age. This is a huge problem if you want to grow your penis.

The solution is a simple one. It’s been turned into a complete system by a man called Tom Candow. What he recommends is a three-step method to increase your penis.

First, he tells you how to greatly increase the number of stem cells in your body, so you’re awash with stem cells that have nothing to convert into. Then you get them into your penis and cause them to make it bigger. This is the secret sauce to getting a bigger penis forever.

He has created his revolutionary stem cell enlargement system, called Penis Enlargement Remedy. And you can take a look here.