Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Which Penis Enlargement Methods Should I Choose?

The idea of having a larger penis appeals to a good many men. This has been the case for thousands of years. If you look back through history you will see that the size of the penis was very important even in many ancient cultures.

That is why the penis enlargement industry to this day is one of the most highly sought-after. Grossing billions of dollars a year, the industry has proven its salt many times over. Men the world over are enjoying the newfound confidence and such that comes with a larger penis.

Those of you out there that are still searching do not be in a hurry. The last thing that you want to do is pick the wrong method and end up disappointed.

Don’t rush. Instead, take your time and choose the correct enlargement method and product the first time.

Penis Enlargement Devices And Extenders

The penis enlargement device has really made a mark on the industry. While the device has been around for a good long time, it was not until internet marketing came into being that it really jumped forward. It is easily the highest-selling penis enlargement method on the market.

Using a traction device is very easy. You put the appliance on the penis, set the sidebars, and then forget about it. Normally you will wear the device for a minimum of six hours a day. Most people like to wear them at work and then relax at home without them on.

The device applies constant pressure to the penis. This pressure is what causes the penis to get larger as it is being taught to grow longer to keep up with the pressure.

Results will vary with the traction device. Most people report a three-inch permanent increase. This does not happen overnight though. You can expect to see the final results in about six months.

Penis Enlargement Pills

The penis enlargement pills that are on the market today are formulated herbal supplements. Do not be confused with the previously marketed pills that were nothing more than sugar pills. The new breed is a very good mix of naturally occurring plants and other items that work within the body.

Increasing the size of the penis with the penis enlargement pills takes place inside the penis itself. The chambers that house the blood for an erection are the main targets. If those can be enlarged then the penis will be larger during an erection. There is little that can be done about the size of the penis when it is at rest. That is not the focus of the penis enlargement pills.

The main thing to remember is that penis enlargement pills are not effective unless they are used in conjunction with another penis enlargement method. You should be prepared to use either an exercise program or a traction device when taking the pills for penis enlargement.

Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement exercises have proven to be one of the best, safest, and most effective methods for penis enlargement. That is the most common thing. They are looking for something that is just the best possible resolution to the matter and many are finding it.

The exercises are great for those people who do not want to use supplements or traction devices. They are safe, and all-natural and have been shown to increase the penis by as much as four inches.

That is a staggering number when you consider the idea that an average penis is five inches and when you add the four inches you will be well above average.

The best idea is to join an exercise program for penis enlargement. There is nothing to be gained by just going out and trying to find the right exercise or worse yet, just start pulling on your member. That will not be the best idea because you could cause severe damage if you are not careful.

Penis Enlargement Patches

Thanks to some new developments it is now easier than ever to get penis enlargement supplements. That is the new penis enlargement patch system. Using this system has proven that you can safely and effectively enlarge your penis without a lot of hassle in the meantime.

Penis enlargement patches make use of the new transdermal patch system for supplement delivery. The patch is applied to the skin and the supplements are on the patch. This causes the supplements to leach into the bloodstream through the skin. It allows you to effectively bypass the stomach and makes sure that the supplements do not lose power.

Penis Enlargement Pumps

Penis pumps are a simple device that has been around for a long time. Using this kind of device has never really been popular but they are still selling them to this day.

The penis pump works to increase the amount of blood that flows to the penis. This is accomplished through the use of vacuum pressure on the penis and the air-tight tube. When the blood rushes to the penis it becomes larger and more erect.

Well, that does not work for a lot of people because the results are only temporary. Keep that in mind when buying this product because you will have to continue to use the product over and over as the results will fade within an hour or so.

The penis pump is also been known to cause damage to the penis. That is why it is best to avoid the penis pump altogether.

Penis Enlargement Weights

Weight hanging can be dated back thousands of years. You are simply stretching the penis by applying weights that are hung from the end. Well, that is not the best idea as science has proven it to be very dangerous.

Never hang weights because there is the chance for not only damage to the penis but you will also cause the penis to be thin which is bad news for someone looking to better their sex life.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Penis enlargement surgery has long been held as a bad idea. The fact is that the doctors can only guarantee about a one-inch increase. At a cost of ten thousand dollars, the one-inch increase hardly seems worth the trouble. Best to stick with the natural forms where three and four inches are possible for a fraction of the cost of the penis enlargement surgery.

Penis Enlargement Hypnosis

There are many things that you could have hypnosis for. If you are looking to quit smoking then it may be a good idea. The same is true if you are having some kind of mental breakdown. What you should not do is seek this kind of treatment for penis enlargement.

There are several places trying to sell CDs that are supposed to enlarge your penis through positive thinking. Think positive and save your money for a proven method.

Penis Enlargement Creams and Liquids

Penis enlargement creams and liquids are other poor choices for penis enlargement. Even though they make lofty claims and so on, there is no proven variety that will enlarge your penis. Most of the companies that sell this kind of thing will actually guarantee the results but be gone long before you can make a claim.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple two-step system that REALLY adds 2–4 inches of length to your penis

John Collins is a Sex educator and researcher by profession. He began his research in this field because he was frustrated with his size. He spent a lot of money on pumps, weights, pills, and every other scam that the market had to offer.

After being duped time and again, he decided to do his own research and finally came up with a two-step method that increased his penis size to 9.1 inches. He has poured his entire experience into the 94-page guide.

The Penis Enlargement Bible

How the bible works

The PEBible is a two-step method. It helps to grow your penis anywhere between 2 inches to 4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth, within two months. This can be achieved in the comfort of your home without the need to invest in any pills, extenders, or any other equipment. The two steps in which this method works are:

1. Eating the right diet and supplements

The aim is to get as much nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to reach the penis. This helps the biochemicals to react with the receptors in the penis. These receptors help cells to regrow, just like during puberty, and in turn, help the penis grow.

2. Exercising

Exercising makes sure that your penis is able to take more blood and results in a thicker and more powerful penis. Apart from increasing the size of your penis, this method also has some positive side effects, namely:

  • Increased stamina during sex
  • Increased libido
  • Rock hard erections
  • Furthermore, this technique gives permanent, irreversible results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use this guide, when there are many other faster methods available in the market?

The PE Bible is based on scientific techniques and is completely natural. This book has been sold for more than 5 years in a row and still going strong due to the positive reviews that it has received from 5000 men who have used it. There might be other methods in the market, but the techniques outlined in this book are the safest.

Do I need to take any pills to enlarge my penis?

No. Pills/drugs of any kind are not advocated in this book. You do however need to take certain natural supplements and Chinese herbs that provide the required nutrients to achieve the final result

Can I enlarge my penis by just exercising?

Exercise alone is not sufficient to enlarge your penis. It can do more harm than help. The technique used in the pe Bible signals your body to start a penis re-growth. For this, you also need to eat nutrient-rich food.

My experience with the book

I was a 30-year-old male virgin. After being laughed at by my first girlfriend during my teen years, I never felt confident enough to show myself to another woman. Though I did date many women after that, I just made excuses for not sleeping with them.

I was completely devastated when a friend told me that there was a rumor going around that I was impotent. Then I met the girl of my dreams. Even though she said that my size did not matter to her, I wanted her to feel satisfied.

Just two months before our wedding, I started using the techniques given in the PE bible, and voila! It grew by 2 inches by the time we were ready to tell our vows. This is just my own personal review, but others have far more detailed ones.

Here is the official website that explains it better than I can