Many men get discouraged with penis enlargement because they have tried various applications that have failed to increase their size. The important thing to realize is that there are real methods that do work. Don't give up if what you have previously tried has failed.
There is no such thing as a Free Lunch, as they say. Many men are sucked into believing some special supplement, penis patch, or penis cream is going to magically make them grow in size overnight. As I said, there is no free lunch. Most of these products don't work and if you expect to really increase your penis size, it's like anything else in life, you have to put some effort into it.
Unfortunately, many men get pulled into these gimmicky products, and after they don't work, get discouraged and think that penis enlargement is of myth and legend. This is truly unfortunate, as it makes these men believe that there is no way to truly enlarge themselves.
No magic patch, pill, cream, or pump is going to increase your size. It's just like if you want to have a set of six-pack abs. Nothing, apart from working out, is going to create that six-pack for you. You have to put in some physical effort and time if you want to have abs like this. There is no such thing as something for nothing.
The way to true penis enlargement is by utilizing penis exercises. These exercises are used to "work out" the penis to increase its length and girth. It does take some effort to enlarge your penis, but it can be done. Come on, do you really think applying some cream to your penis is going to make it grow...? Of course not. You have to work at it if you want true results.
The good news is that it is not as work-filled as it seems. Penis exercising is easy and simple to do and doesn't require much time or energy. You don't have to spend hours at the gym to enlarge your penis. Twenty to thirty minutes per day is all that is usually required and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.
The basic methods of penis exercising have to do with simply stretching out the ligaments and encouraging the penis to hold more blood. There are more advanced methods, but these are the simplest.
By stretching out the ligaments, you allow the penis to grow to longer lengths. This is because the ligaments that attach the penis to the body also restrict it. By stretching out these ligaments, the penis can, thus, become longer upon erection.
The other basic method is via milking the penis with specialized techniques. This encourages more blood to flow into the penis and increases the penile cavities that contain the blood. This works because it is these same cavities that fill with blood in order to create an erection. By learning how to properly milk more blood into these cavities, you re-educate these cavities to hold more blood. The results are that your penis becomes bigger.
As I said, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you are serious about penis enlargement, some effort must be applied. But it is one of the most rewarding efforts you will ever experience in your life.
To learn more about such basic penis enlargement techniques, all the way up to the gamut of the most advanced techniques, read PENIS ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM, and stop being disappointed by your attempts at enlargement and start getting enlarged.