Sunday, February 12, 2023

Penis Enlargement Methods Reviewed

Most men give the highest importance to penis size. For them, size does matter. Believe it or not, though, there are very few males who are unable to have sexual intercourse or father children because of their penis size. You certainly have a big enough penis as it is - but if you don't feel confident, no reassurance or statistics will convince you of that.

If you believe that penis enlargement may help you feel more confident around possible or current sexual partners, there's nothing wrong in trying it - providing you find a safe method. There will be no miracles, but there are proven ways you can increase the length and girth of the penis.

There are now a vast number of safe and natural options for increasing your penis size and girth, many of which are available on the Internet. There are so many choices, how can you be sure which products are reliable? Here are some facts about the different methods available to help you make an informed decision:

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum pumps work by sealing the penis in an airtight tube and removing the surrounding air. The negative pressure then pulls blood into the penis, inflating it. The process takes about a minute and the results can be very impressive.

But as soon as you remove the tube, the penis starts to revert to its normal size. Fitting a constriction ring around the base of your penis can prolong the effect of the vacuum tube for a few minutes before you have to pump it up again.

Although they're useful in the treatment of impotence (erectile dysfunction), the results are seldom permanent. Repeated use can damage tissues in the penis, leading to less-firm erections in the long term.

Conclusion: They don't work!

Pills, Patches, Lotions, Oils, Creams

These usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, or hormones. None of these products has been conclusively shown to be an effective method of penis enlargement. Worst case scenario: you can suffer an allergic reaction or you can overdose.

Conclusion: They don't work!


If you'll ever go to a medical doctor for advice, surgery is probably what they will recommend. Surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, but The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS) have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis.

Studies have shown that the majority of men who undergo penis enlargement surgery aren't satisfied with the results. At best, surgery may add an average of half an inch to the length of the flaccid penis but may not add any length to the erect penis.

Following various types of surgery, some men have needed further operations to correct deformities caused by the original procedure, including scarring, a shorter penis, excess hair, a low-hanging penis, loss of sensitivity, abnormal fat deposits, impotence, urinary incontinence, persistent pain.

In addition to these concerns consider the cost: as much as $10,000 for a typical penis-enlargement surgery - and that's before any additional corrective surgery that may be necessary. Because cosmetic surgery is unlikely to be covered by insurance you'll probably have to bear the entire expense.

Conclusion: It can work, but it's very risky and expensive

Penis Exercises

Penis exercises are a very inexpensive, safe, and effective way to enlarge your penis - use it or lose it! It's possible that this method has been used for hundreds or thousands of years for penis enlargement, although no studies have been done.

Penis exercises work brilliantly - and they come with the added bonus that you will also get to understand your body and its reactions better. This is bound to greatly enhance your sex life. If you have a partner you can even ask her to help - a great way to bring you closer together and help her understand your concerns.

Conclusion: They do work, but it will take quite some time to show results!

Traction Devices or Stretchers

Traction devices are the deluxe version of penis exercises. They are a way of taking the guesswork out of penis exercises since you can apply the same controlled force and pressure each time you exercise. This means faster results!

Conclusion: They are a lot more expensive than just an exercise program but they do give better faster results.

Penile Enlargement with Stem Cells

This technique of using stem cells is based on cell regeneration therapy, in which substances can be removed from the blood or fat, separating cell parts that are endowed with growth factors to be injected into other parts of the body.

Conclusion: Stem cell injections into the penis are likely to pose many risks including infection or irregular lumps on the penis or even possibly erectile dysfunction. Overall, this is an expensive, risky approach to men’s sexual health with little possibility of yielding good outcomes.

Stem Cell Accelerator: Boost Stem Cells By 357% Naturally

This guide will give you a complete rundown on producing stem cells naturally. This will provide you a natural surge of stem cells which don't just help to increase your penis size. As you've probably guessed, a healthier body finds it far easier to produce more stem cells. 

The more that are in your body, the easier and faster it will be to increase your penis size. However, there's another huge benefit too. Your overall health will skyrocket when you use this guide.

On the next page, you'll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. 

This quiz is something I've never seen before. Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

And this is the whole truth about penis enlargement methods. Hopefully, these facts will make your choice easier!