Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Arabic Jelqing Exercises For Penis Enlargement - What Are They and Do They Work?

There has been a huge amount of interest in Arabic jelqing exercises for penis enlarging in the past few years. These are exercises that you perform on your penis and are said to increase its size.

Men have always been interested in getting bigger. Whether small-sized or averaged size, most men would love to add some length, as well as thickness to their members.

In the past, we have been presented with a variety of so-called "male enhancement solutions" to get big. Everything from pills to pumps has been put out there. But despite the claims, the majority of men gain zero sizes from these methods.

Then Arabic jelqing exercises came along. What has gotten guys excited about this method for male enhancement is that for once it seemed to make sense. You go to the gym and exercise your muscles and get bigger. Why can't a form of exercise work on the penis increase its size?

Here's what Arabic jelqing exercises consist of:

Basically, you start at the base of your penis, and with your thumb and forefinger wrapped around it, you gently massage up to the head. Then you repeat again with the other hand and keep alternating for a certain number of sets and reps according to which routine you are following.

There are a few key factors you need to know when performing jelqs. First, you have to be in a semi-erect state which basically means maintaining 60% of an erection. Next, you need to lubricate your shaft in order to avoid causing any redness or irritation.

Learn The Jelqing Workout

Step 1: Warm Up

The heat literally involves applying heat to your penis. The common methods to heat your manhood include 

1. With a heating pad 

2. Using a warm, wet washcloth 

3. Taking a spa All the above ought to be applied directly to the penis. It is akin to warming up before you go running or lifting weights – it leads to more results and less harm. Warm up for five or more minutes, but your best bet would be to take for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Apply the Lube

Lubrication is important because it will enable you to jelq your manhood in a gentle manner.

Step 3: Get the blood pumping

You are going to need some blood into your manhood to jelq efficiently. However, at precisely the exact same time, you do not want to jelq having an erection – or even close to it. Jelqing having an erection is potentially harmful. Your penis should be someplace between semi-hard and semi-soft. The goal is somewhere about 70 percent erect.

Measure 4: OK, grip it

You’ll want to create an OK grip with your thumb and pointer finger and put it at the bottom of your penis. The clasp seems as if you are giving the "OK" symbol.

Measure 5: Jelq your penis

Apply pressure into the grip and then move it down the shaft. You want the pressure to be light and tender, yet at precisely the exact same time effective. Stop the jelq before you arrive at the head of your penis (do not jelq your mind ). 

The jelq should take roughly three or so instants. Then use your other hand to repeat the jelq. Switch palms every jelq rep till you acquire the number of reps. For the first couple of weeks, do no longer than 150 jelqs for each workout. 

Do not jelq daily, especially when you’re first starting out. Moving forward is a frequent problem for new jelqers – and this is a large reason that jelqing includes a bad wrap.

Do these exercises actually work for size gains?

Yes, many men have had very good results with jelqing. There are a few important factors though for getting results.

While the exercises work in a slightly different manner from traditional exercising, they share the common key elements - consistency and persistence. This is generally what separates one from making gains and one from not making gains. 

Many guys will fail at jelqing because they simply don't give the exercises enough time to work. 

How long do you need to jelq to see results vary from man to man. But the longer you keep at it, the longer you tend to get. And you will also experience gains in thickness as well.

Also here is something important you don't want to miss!

Here is one of the best Arabic Jelqing Exercises available, and it only takes 6 minutes a day to do.

This routine has worked for many guys, increasing their penis size both in length and width. You can read how much size they gained on the site Penis Enlargement Remedy.