Friday, December 30, 2022

Jelqing VS Kegel: 5 FAQs Every Man Ought to Ask Before Trying PE Exercise

What is the very BEST way to improve erection size? Are all male enhancement exercises created equal? How do some of the common PE recommendations differ? Do some techniques work better for length rather than girth, and if so... Why? Is jelqing safe? And if not... Why not? How do these exercises differ from other men's health issues we deal with every day?

Do any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like the millions of men who feel some sense of size insecurity and have unanswered questions about the best way to optimize your anatomy, this article was written with YOU in mind! 

Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a deeper dive, immediately below.

Q1: Is jelqing the same thing as Kegel?

No, absolutely not. They differ in some really important ways. First off Kegel exercises are much more mainstream, were pioneered by a well-known physician of the same name, and are far more widely accepted in medical circles than penis stretching.

Kegel exercises are essentially tension-based pelvic contractions and are designed to improve sexual function in BOTH men and women. Jelqing, on the other hand, is a very specific exercise designed to improve and optimize the spongy tissue in the penis.

Q2: How is it done?

Good question. There are many different ways the Jelq is "taught" by men's health professionals. Some focus on a very specific series of progressive steps that include a warm-up period, a lubrication period, a variety of hand grips, and ultimately a cool-down or wind-down process. Other more simplified exercises simply ask you to do a series of grips and deep tissue manipulations.

Some jelqing teachers even include very detailed dietary recommendations. The bottom line is, while NO two jelq teachings are identical, they all share a focus on thickening the spongy tissue, and optimizing blood flow to and through the male anatomy.

Q3: What about Kegel exercises? What is their purpose?

Kegel is also taught very differently, but many different professionals and amateur authors alike. The key idea? 

By flexing and tensing the pelvic muscles in very specific ways, we increase blood flow to the erection, increase ejaculatory control, and increase stamina and staying power as well. They are often done in a series of simulated lift movements and motions, tension and "hold" techniques, and quite often, lead to a pleasant tingly feeling in the pelvis as well.

Q4: How does jelqing differ from masturbation?

A common misconception is that jelqing is a similar method to self-gratification for men. The truth? Other than the area of the body being addressed, there is really NO similarity between the two at all. 

Jelqing is really NOT sexual in nature. Its science. And exercise. While its ultimate aim is to enhance sexual performance, size and enjoyment, there is nothing titillating about the technique itself. The focus is really on tissue stimulation and it's more akin to a nonsexual massage, with very specific therapeutic aims in mind.

Q5: Is jelqing dangerous?

Absolutely not. I've read various articles that have suggested there is some sort of dubiousness or danger to natural male enhancement exercise and nothing could be further from the truth. 

Done properly, jelqing is safe, easy to learn, and very effective. It can lead to better blood flow to and through your anatomy, longer and stronger erections, and dramatic differences in the thickness of your penis as well. Kegel exercises are also very safe. They are a great way to augment the exercises above, and can lead to a much better sexual experience, for you AND your lover, to boot!

You need to read this very, very carefully.

If you have read this far I would suggest that you are not as well endowed as you need to be. Many surveys have shown that a fatter and longer penis makes lovemaking far more pleasurable for women than smaller skinnier ones. 

A long penis will hit the G spot which is located deep inside the vagina and you need to stimulate this to make a woman climax. 

You cannot reach this with a small penis.

A thicker penis will stimulate the sensitive nerve end on the inside of the vagina that doesn't get stimulated with a "pencil" shaped penis. 

As you are serious about penis enhancement and giving your partner mind-blowing pleasure I have great news.

There is a stunning natural way to get a bigger penis and it doesn't involve popping pills in your mouth or walking around with a weight of metal hanging from your penis! What you will discover by reading the next page will blow your mind and hers.

Find out what other guys don't want you to know by clicking here.