Tuesday, December 20, 2022

10 Penis Enlargement Mistakes Guys Make

Here are 10 penis enlargement mistakes that guys will make in their attempts at trying to get a bigger penis. 

Learn what to avoid and find out what really does work for achieving a larger penis size.

1. Penis Pills. 

These are the most common forms of male enhancement. Unfortunately, as far as attempts to get a bigger penis go using penis pills, they fall very short. Matter of fact, they really don't work. They can provide temporary size increases due to increased blood flow, but as far as taking pills for permanent size increases, it's not going to happen.

2. Trimming pubic hair for bigger penis size. 

Some say that this is a mistake because it doesn't really increase the size of your penis. Well, of course, it will not lengthen or widen your penis, but what it will do is create the appearance of a larger size. 

And that's what we want anyway, to visually create increased size. It would be a mistake not to utilize this simple visual enhancement trick so that you can appear at your largest.

3. Penis pumps. 

Many guys believe that penis pumps are the answer. They think that a few sessions with a pump will give them an added inch or two. While pumps in the short term will create temporary size gains, they really need to be used over the course of several weeks for any permanent results to possibly occur. 

And you have to be very careful using them. It's a mistake to think they are some instant cure for small sizes that will work after a few sessions.

4. Foods will make the penis grow. 

There is always an article or two proclaiming that certain foods will somehow increase penis size. While foods will help with diet and may create an environment for better, stronger erections, they will not magically add inches to your size.

5. Losing belly fat. 

This is another common enlargement technique which somehow gives the impression that if you lose your belly fat, then your penis will grow bigger. It's as if they think the fat will migrate from your belly, down to your penis. 

Of course, this is not the case and once again losing belly fat to become bigger is a matter of visuals. If you are fat, you will visually appear smaller when it comes to your penis size. If you lose that belly fat, your size will visually appear much bigger (but in reality the actual size measurement will remain the same).

6. Weight hanging. 

This male enhancement mistake involves hanging some form of weight to the penis in an attempt to stretch it out. The mistake here may seem obvious in that this is much too dangerous to even consider. 

But of course, there are actual followers of this method that are risking injury by attempting penis weight-hanging techniques.

7. Wearing extenders all day long. 

This mistake involves the use of penis extenders, some of which recommend that you wear them all day long. In other words, you get on the bus, go to work, have lunch, stop at the bar on the way home for a few drinks, have dinner with your family or a date, and all the while, inside your pants, you have an extender attached to your penis. 

This is just plain ridiculous and risking all the potential pitfalls that could come from all-day-long extender wear is a big mistake.

8. Jelqing exercise. 

Many guys feel the jelqing exercise doesn't work because they have tried it for a week or two and didn't get any results. It would be a mistake to simply discount jelqing as something that doesn't work based on a week or two of trials. 

Jelqing takes several weeks to see results and it is one of the few methods that an enormous amount of guys have reported achieving positive results with.

9. Stretching. 

This involves stretching out the penis. It's a mistake to think that stretching will work well on its own. Results from stretching usually come from doing both the jelqing exercise and stretching techniques together.

10. Jelqing only. 

While guys have seen positive results from jelqing, they usually do not perform "jelqing only routines". That is to say that only doing jelqing would be a mistake when it comes to penis enlargement. 

You need to do warm-ups and warm-downs, and, as we just mentioned, additional exercises like stretching will greatly enhance results. Some programs even recommend certain supplements to take while jelqing to increase penis size gains.

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

There are definitely better alternatives to penis enlargement than penile surgery. In terms of effectiveness in enlarging the penis, nothing beats manual penis exercises combined with the use of a good supplement

These methods can be a lot more effective than penis surgery, and a lot less risky. Having said all of that, I hope that I have succeeded in convincing you to stay away from penis enlargement surgery!

Here is the good news.

To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout. You can try the most reliable award-winning exercise program to help enlarge your size in just a matter of weeks. You can do it at home by just using your hands.

You can download the full exercise workout IMMEDIATELY. You will be amazed as your woman won’t stop thanking you for the whole night.

“So, what do I do next?”

Take this quiz. It will compute how big you can become using penis exercises.