Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Why A Video Of A Man Jelqing Is The Best Way To Learn How To Jelq

The jelqing exercise is an exercise which is designed to increase penis size. First, we will briefly describe the exercise, and then we will provide some very unique, rarely mentioned jelqing techniques which make the exercise much easier to perform by turning it into a fun and engaging routine.

If you want to learn how to jelq, your best bet is to watch a video of a man jelqing. You can read about the technique, and look at drawings or diagrams, but until you actually see a video of a man jelqing you won't get the full picture of how to jelq properly.

The Jelqing Exercise

This is a male enhancement exercise designed to enlarge penis size. It is performed by using only your hands and lubrication. 

The thumb and the forefinger are joined to make a circle, and then the penis is gently massaged, one hand at a time, from the base to just before the head in a slow and controlled manner. The penis is in the semi-erect state and lubricated while the exercise is performed.

Simply reading about the jelq exercise leaves a lot of questions open to a guy who desires to enlarge their penis size. Some common questions are:

What do hand massages look like? How long does each massage last? What is considered semi-erect?

These are just a few questions that automatically come up after reading about jelqing. On the other hand, these questions are immediately answered when you watch a video of a man jelqing.

Unfortunately looking for video tutorials in regards to the jelq exercise may prove to be difficult. Before you start searching for jelqing videos, check out these helpful tips first:

These tips will save you a lot of time and will help you to understand what you are in for:

  • Most jelqing videos are simply advertisements. They only contain text and don't provide any actual tutorial or demonstration.
  • Many so-called demonstration videos use drawings or illustrations to explain how to jelq. These are not much better than simply reading about the exercise.
  • The videos that actually demonstrate the technique, are not "real jelqing videos". In other words, they will demonstrate on a hot dog or a banana. While these can be informative, you still are not getting the full picture of how exactly the jelq is performed. Having said that, these videos are better than nothing and will give you an idea of how jelqing is performed.
  • If you do find a real jelqing video, chances are they are very short (like 5-10 seconds worth of actual demonstration) and they don't include the lubrication process, which is an extremely important aspect of jelqing.
  • Popular video outlets, like YouTube, generally do not allow nudity, and thus do not allow real jelq videos. Now and then some will seep through the censors, but they are usually poor and very short. You will have to settle for banana videos on most of the popular video-sharing sites.

So what is the ideal type of jelq video? Here are three things you should look for:

1. A real demonstration. This is going to either involve nudity, or else a prosthetic of some sort is used. Now you can find good demonstrations with objects being used, rather than full frontal nudity. 

These videos can be favored by many men who would rather look at, for example, a banana, than a penis. Just keep in mind that it won't be an exact demonstration video, despite how detailed and descriptive it may be.

2. At least three or four strokes are being performed. Just a one-stroke demonstration doesn't really give you a good idea of the exercise. You want to see a transition from one stroke to the next.

3. Attention to lubrication and being semi-erect. Seeing a visual on lubrication can be helpful. Many guys wonder how much to use and how long they need to lube. It's also very helpful to get a visual of what exactly semi-erect looks like. Usually, it is considered 40-60% of a full erection. Being able to see it helps.

These can be hard to find, so definitely give it a look and see if the jelq exercise is for you if you are considering enlarging your penis. 

It's always recommended you follow a good jelq program that will have more videos as well as the fastest and most effective techniques for noticeable and permanent penis size gains. There are a few recommended programs on this same site to check out as well.

Here is a jelqing website that features a variety of different jelqing videos.