Monday, September 19, 2022

Penis Massage Techniques and Methods for Natural Enlargement

Massages are employed to improve the size and girth of the penis with normal lubricating agents or with specially formulated penis enlargement creams and gels. 

A good technique of massage can show even better results in a short duration and also can improve the performance of the male in the bed to give his partner a mind-blowing experience every time. 

Good technique does not focus only on improving the size but it casts all round effects to improve the functioning of the whole reproductive system.

If one is not using any special penis enlargement cream or gel for massaging the penis then it must be ensured that a good quality cream and gel shall be used which does not cause any damage to the outer and inner skin of the male sex organ. 

When it comes to sexual organs every male is as delicate as females, so care shall be taken in testing for allergies and irritation of the skin before using. Do not wash your penis immediately after the massage as it can cause serious damage to thin blood vessels and sensitive skin, if you need to wash it off immediately do it with lukewarm water and wipe it gently with a soft cotton cloth or towel. 

Massage to the penis increases blood flow and also the temperature of the area sudden stream of cold water can change the temperature quickly which can harm the nerves and sensation.

One should always remember that massaging your penis is one thing and punishing it is another, it is not similar activity by which you enlarge your biceps or triceps, so remain gentle and do not overdo anything as damage caused can be irreparable. 

Start rubbing gently your groin area first before that apply a sufficient quantity of lubricating agent on it, and move your hands from the lower area and towards your testicles. Gently moving your hands may cause some sensation or may not but you should start the massage in this way. 

After this, you can put some lubrication on your hands and on your penis and cover the entire girth of it with your index finger and thumb at the base and slowly move your hand towards the top with a bearable grip. Repeat this motion at least 20-30 times slowly and gently.

When your hands are at the tip of the organ move the ring of your finger and thumb in a circular motion clockwise and anti-clockwise for improving its girth. 

If you feel aroused and achieve an erection, control your ejaculation, if you are able to do so it will further increase the effects of massage.

While you massage your penis you can stop for a while to control your ejaculation this will teach you how to control your climax during sexual activity for lasting longer in the bed. 

Apart from this, continued erection and hand movement increase testosterone activity in the body and rush the blood to the genitals for improving the size and gain firmer erections. 

If you ejaculate early, need not worry, continue with your massage, slowly you will not only gain control over the ejaculation but also it will improve your capacity to make love more frequently.