While jelqing videos are an excellent way to get a glimpse of what the exercise looks like, I have found that 90% of these videos can be very misleading as they skip many important aspects of jelqing.
After watching such videos, you walk away with the thinking that you simply have to massage your penis for a few minutes and you have successfully jelqed. Not the case!
This is a penis enlarging exercise routine which like most exercises involves warming up, performing sets and repetitions in a certain fashion, adding in an extra exercise or two, and finally cooling down. Or in the case of the jelq, "warming down".
Here are 5 misleading elements in exercise enlarging jelq videos:
1. They never show the warm-up and warm-down.
This is a crucial part of the jelqing exercise. Yet most jelqing videos fail to show the warm-up and warm-down. Part of the reason is that it simply is not very interesting. You wrap a hot washcloth around the penis and leave it there for a few minutes for the warm-up, and you do the same after you finish your exercises for the warm-down.
2. They skip the lubrication step.
This is another crucial aspect of performing jelqs, yet most jelqing videos skip this part. Unlike the warm-up and down, lubrication is a simple step that should be included.
You simply take some lubrication, water or oil-based, and spread it around the penis. It's actually important to get a visual of this process since many guys are curious about how much or how little lube they should apply.
3. They don't show stretching exercises.
Most jelqing videos only focus on the jelq itself. Yet a full jelqing routine will usually include stretching exercises. These are performed at the end of the jelqs. They take place before you finish and warm down, so they should be considered a part of your routine.
Stretching simply involves gently extending the penis, holding for a few seconds, and releasing, then repeating. There are other exercises as well that serve as secondary, assistance exercises. That is, they don't create growth on their own, but when performed alongside a jelq routine, they can increase size, plus speed up results.
4. You never see a "start to finish" jelq video!
Now obviously this is going to be a longer-based video, but nevertheless, think of the potential of such a video. You could actually jelq along with the video for the first week or so, to ensure your rep count is accurate and your strokes are covering enough of the shaft while releasing at the right point just before the head.
These would also be great for getting a good idea of what it is going to take to practice jelqing. It's better to sit through a 15 or 20-minute jelq video and see if it's right for you, rather than start the exercise and realize a week later that you are not comfortable with it or that it takes too long.
5. Real jelqing videos are rare, and usually of poor quality.
Now, most videos are simply "simulation videos" using a dildo or banana. These aren't necessarily misleading, but they are made to believe that jelqing a banana is the exact same as jelqing a penis.
Now, these videos actually work well for a lot of guys who, honestly, do not want to look at a real penis being jelqed.
Nevertheless, if you are going to do the exercise, you should at least once, get a glimpse of a real jelqing video. This will give you a much better perspective on what the exercise looks like and how long each stroke takes. Most importantly, you will get a view of what the "semi-erect" state looks like. A banana cannot properly reveal a true semi-erection.
Now Listen Very Carefully Here:
As far as routines, here are a number of jelqing programs out there, but the Penis Enlargement Remedy has been proving to be one of the best so far, with many guys reporting gains in as little as 4-6 weeks, and even better gains when continued on for longer. There's a "secret sauce" in this program which may be why guys have been getting such great results.