There is a greater demand for pharmaceutical patches these days. Different patches are coming out for different purposes such as anti-smoking, birth control, anti-depressants, and many more.
And because there seem to be no side effects to the digestive system, no dizziness, and other common side effects, and, at the same time, patches are so easy to use and have a longer shelf life, their popularity has grown in the last few years.
No wonder why this method has reached the male enhancement market. The penis enlargement market used to be dominated by oral tablets, now, more methods are available in the form of devices, penis exercises, pumps, patches, making it more difficult to choose from.
Enlarging the penis with the help of patches became men's solution to their different concerns including consistent longer sex urge, greater orgasm intensity, longer erections, natural penis enlargement, and better ejaculation control.
How do these patches work? The patches active ingredients are released directly through the skin into the bloodstream in a sustained and gradual manner over several hours. It does not have to travel to the stomach so one can expect a more predictable and efficient result. Moreover, compared to pills, patches are applied once a day.
Some of the most common ingredients of patches are ginseng, fo-ti, Gotu kola, saw palmetto berry, damiana, and Yohimbe.
Ginseng is used traditionally to overcome general weakness and provide extra energy. It is also known to have aphrodisiac properties. Ginseng aids to normalize blood pressure and at the same time rejuvenating the body so it is used to fight some cases of impotence and premature ejaculation.
Another benefit of ginseng is that it promotes the growth of nerve tissue. It has an active ingredient that alters blood flow to the penis and can produce blood and sperm. Research proved that it stimulates physical and mental activity and has a very positive effect on the sex gland.
Fo-ti is widely known and used to prevent premature aging and gray hair. It is derived from a plant native to China and is extensively grown in Taiwan and Japan. Other benefits include improved memory and aid for mental depression.
It also helps maintain energy and strength. Based on scientific facts, fo-ti contains anti-cancer properties, has sedative effects, and provides beneficial effects on fertility.
Gotu Kola is said to promote relaxation and calms the body. It also eliminates excess fluids, improves veins and capillaries circulation, and remedies pain.
Saw Palmetto Berry is said to work as an aphrodisiac. It is commonly used to soothe swelling of the prostate and it eases excessive urination.
Damiana is another sexual stimulant. It has tonic properties and helps relieve anxiety and gives a feeling of well-being.
Yohimbe also works as an aphrodisiac. It helps bring the blood near the surface of the sex organ. It helps lower blood pressure.
Penis enlargement patches are said to be a great alternative for many men. They say this is so far the best alternative.
Still, we need to be careful and understand that in spite of all the testimonials and claimed scientific facts, many companies release market low-quality products, and only intense research can help us find the best product for our needs.
How To Get A Bigger Dick Within Weeks [PROVEN METHODS]
Male enhancement cream is great as a safe and natural method to temporarily increase your penis size, but the increase is modest and goes away fast.
If you’re needing more than an extra ¼ inch—and if you’d like to keep that long and thick penis—you have to look elsewhere. While there are countless claims on fast and simple ways to boost your dick size, almost none of these work without big risks and a hefty price tag (ie surgery).
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Penis enlargement bible is an easy-to-follow step-by-step plan that uses natural exercises and stretches to get you to the penis that you, and your lover, have always dreamed of.
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