Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Penis Enlargement Bible - My Personal Results With This System

PE Bible by John Collins claims to show you
secrets that can increase the penis by 2-4 inches
in 6 months. This secret is a natural
"Biochemical Process" in the body to activate
penis growth. But does it REALLY WORK?

Here is what I say…

Hello everyone, thanks for coming up to my website. I am Gary Smith, and on this site, you will discover my unbiased PE Bible review. You may have read many PE Bible reviews, but I guarantee you this will go to the most in-depth review you will find on the internet because it contains my personal experience and the results I get with this program. 

Most men are not happy with their penis size. They want to make it bigger to impress their future wife, or girlfriend or just to boost their confidence. A small penis is the main reason for low confidence that is negatively affecting not only their relationship but also their professional career.

YES! Most of us do have average penis size but do we men ever satisfy ourselves on just average? We want a bigger car, a bigger bank balance and when it comes to a penis we do want it bigger than others.​

How I Discover This PE Bible System?

​With just 12 months away from my wedding, I was very worried about my penis size. I know I can’t be able to satisfy my future wife with this 5-inch tool, so I decided to do some research on penis enlargement.

Male enhancement pills or stretchers was not the option for me because I was tight on my budget and more importantly, I don’t want to go through all worries that come with ordering male enhancement product in my apartment (at that time I was living with my college buddy). First two months I tried different penis exercises, but they didn’t increase my penis size even by one centimeter.

I was on the edge of giving up when I discovered about creating a puberty-like environment through Biochemical methods can make the penis grow. My further research on this topic takes me to John Collins PE Bible which is based on the biochemical method. 

In the beginning, I got some difficulties, but once I saw a gain in the first month, I decided to follow this program for 10 months. 

At the end of the 10th month, when I measured my penis, it was just above 7 inches.

The great thing about this Biochemical method is it works for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are in your mid 20 or early 50s, this biochemical method is designed to work for anyone. It is similar to the method bodybuilder uses to activate muscle growth.

If you are interested in finding out more about this Biochemical method, then you need to read this PE Bible eBook review. At the end of this review, you will be able to decide if it is worth a try or not.

Let’s start this PE Bible Program review

[Note:] If you are looking for an official ​PE Bible site or you want to download the PE Bible book then you can visit this special link to get all bonuses and a 60-day money-back guarantee.

What Is PE Bible System?

PE Bible system ​Created by John Collins, a sex research leader, the PE Bible program is based on creating a puberty-like environment with a 2-step biochemical method to increase penis size naturally. 

John claims this proven method can increase penis size by 1-4 inches in just two months. Although, you may not get that quick results however you will see some gain.

When one individual invests his money, he wants to see RESULTS. No one wants to waste his money. By investing your hard-earned money in the PE Bible book you will see one thing and that is RESULT!

This program delivers RESULT. I am living proof of it. As you already know, I gained 3+ inches within 10 months by following this method. Some men think this is a great achievement. 

I can’t explain in words how it changes my confidence level. I don’t feel shy anymore about comparing my penis with my GYM buddies because I know I am bigger than most average penises.

You can also gain 1-4 inches within 10-12 months if you follow this 2-step biochemical method. It is affordable and easy to implement and more importantly, you can follow it right from the privacy of your own room.

If you want to learn how this Biochemical method activates penis growth then I suggest you watch a short video by clicking the video image below: (You have to scroll down to the next page to watch the video)

So, How Does John Collins’ PE Bible Work?

​PE Bible system is based on a 2-step method. Let’s see how it works:

1st Step – Biological Growth (Biochemical Method):

Trillions of cells in your body go through a chemical reaction to help in everything from recovery to growth. The body is like a miraculous machine that works on autopilot to help you to breathe, grow, digest, and even remember.

One thing that body does is STOP GROWING after a certain age.

With the help of some nutrients and training, you can enhance muscles and tissues to grow.

This first step teaches how you can use your body’s natural process to activate penis growth. Some natural supplements are recommended by John Collins to make your penis grow in length and girth.

2nd Step – Exercise Growth (Mechanical Growth)

Many of you may know that penis exercises work very slowly. In the beginning, you may see a few additional centimeters within a week or two but then results stop coming. However, when your body is going through the biochemical method, you will see results every week.

Do you ever wonder why some guys in the GYM get quick results while others take so long to see any results?

​It is all because of DIET and TECHNIQUE

​With the right training techniques, you can see an inch gain in your penis size within just eight weeks. If you failed to get results from penis exercises in the past, then it means you are using the wrong technique.

With over 95% satisfaction results, you must try John’s PE Bible plan for once. Did I mention it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee?

Within 60 days if you didn’t get any results or you are not satisfied with the results, you can simply send the refund request to John Collins, and you will get your money back without answering any questions.

Note: This is a review of the PE Bible Program. If you’re looking for the Official website click here.

What Do I Like About John’s PE Bible?

​I successfully used John’s program to increase my penis size (length + girth). However, my overall sexual performance also increases, and now I can hold my ejaculation as long as I want without any delay spraying or pills, etc. Here is what I really like about PE Bible:

​Holistic System of ​PE Bible

​Many penis enlargement programs recommend only pricey pills or weights. I know there are penis enlargement programs that recommend penis exercises as well. 

However, I think it is impossible for a person to keep doing 30 minutes of penis exercises every day for a year just to see a mere 0.5-inch gain.

John Collins created this holistic system that is a combination of two proven methods. 

Both these methods work collectively to improve penis size much quicker than you achieve with penis exercise alone.

The less I say about penis enlargement pills, the better it is. We all know these pricey pills are nothing but multi-vitamin tablets along with some nasty chemicals.

PE Bible - ​Privacy:

​When it comes to purchasing penis enlargement products online, many people avoid it. Privacy is a big issue for most people. I also don’t like purchasing any PE product until and unless I ensure what will appear in my credit card statement.

Thankfully, PE Bible is available in Clickbank Marketplace which marks something like CLK*BNK in credit card statements. This means no one will know what you have purchased from Clickbank Marketplace. 

Clickbank is one of the biggest eBook marketplaces where there are 100s of eBooks in the weight loss, DIY, and home improvement categories from different authors.

PE Bible - ​Positive Side Effects:

​I have used the John Collins program for 12 months, and after these months I know how badass I have become with my girlfriend. She starts playing with my penis every night, and it doesn’t matter whatever sex position we create, I have full control of my ejaculation that was missing before using this program.

So, I can say PE Bible gives a positive side effect which I gladly accepted.

​PE Bible Money Back Guarantee!

​Every Clickbank eBook or program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. The same is the case with the PE Bible. You will get 60 days from the date of your purchase to test this program risk-free.

It is important to keep your expectations reasonable as you can’t get a 2-4 inch gain in these two months. Penis Enlargement needs dedication but these two months are enough to understand if this method is working for you or not.

How Much PE Bible Program Cost?

​As it is standard with products like these, you can get it for $47. Keep in mind, that this is a one-time payment, and you can use this program as long as you want without worrying about paying monthly.

Note: This is a review of the PE Bible Program. If you’re looking for the Official website click here.

​How Long You Can Use PE Bible System?

You can use this biochemical method as long as you want. However, I suggest you stop using this method when you are around 0.25 inches away from your desired length and girth. You will get gradual results without any effort.


It takes around six weeks for your body to activate biochemical in your body. Similarly, it takes the same number of weeks to shut off the biochemical and get things back to normal.

Keep in mind; that results are permanent. Once you gain extra inches in your penis, there is no way to go back. Make sure you set your goal so that doesn’t become painful for your woman 🙂

​What Is About PE Bible Delivery?

​You will get PE Bible in the email you will provide. You get this program in the email so you can easily hide it because it is not a paper book.

You will get instant access after purchasing this book and start learning secrets from the next minute.

Yes obviously! Delivery is free.

​Is PE Bible Billing Discreet?

​Yes, you will get all the information in the email you provide, and more importantly, your credit card statement will show CLKBANK*COM. It couldn’t be more discreet than this.

​My Results With PE Bible Program

My penis length was around 4.5 inches. It is around in the average range. Fast forward to 12 months, and now my penis size is 7.3 inches in an erect state and 5.2 inches in a non-erect state. I gained 2.8 inches within 12 months. For some, this is substantial growth, but for some it is normal.

In the beginning, just like everyone, it was difficult for me to stick with this program. I keep thinking, “how these exercises are going to increase my penis size?”. I think these types of thoughts are the main hurdle. One has to overcome this hurdle to achieve goals.

If you want to gain 2-4 inches within a week, then I don’t recommend you to waste your time and money with the PE Bible book. 

This PE program is a natural way to increase penis which takes around 6 to 12 months. In the beginning weeks, you may see noticeable gains, but you have to stick with this program for at least six months to get permanent results.

With just a one-time payment to PE Bible e-Book, you can enjoy a sexy life full of confidence for your whole life. God has gifted us this precious life why not you make full use of it by standing above just average? That’s it for this review. Best of luck with your beautiful and sexy life. 

Starting Penis Enlargement Too Young is Dangerous

Teenagers nowadays have more interest in their appearance, and how their peers and others around them perceive them. They want to be part of the "in" crowd and respected by all other boys and men. 

They will do almost anything including penis enlargement exercises so that they can "prove" themselves and their manhood. There are also porn movies that are more readily available where they see the well-endowed stars and want to be like them.

It is not advisable, however, for teenagers to start a penis enlargement program at a young age. They should wait until they are at least 18 years of age because until then their bodies are still developing and any interference with that process could cause damage and hormonal imbalances. 

If you really do want to start penis enlargement, it is best to wait until you are of the correct age before making that decision. You may find that you are happy with your size after all once your pubescent growth has completed naturally.

Even though many men have average-sized to large-sized penises, there are those who feel that this is still not good enough and that they need penis enlargement exercises to help. The main reason that teenagers have the urge to do these exercises is that they all start puberty at different ages and those that have developed a lot more than others might bully and pick on those that have not started yet. 

Some boys start developing at the age of 11 and some at 16 years. Many men, they worry about erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but you must remember that until you have completed your growth, you should not be trying to prevent or fix these things.

If you are under the age of 18 then you should resist the temptation no matter how difficult because you might regret it later on. Even when you reach the age of 18 you should consider it carefully. 

You can also ask your girlfriend if she is happy with the size, as it might be perfect for her. If you have an average size under the age of 18 then wait to see it fully develop first. 

Male enhancement is only recommended for those that are in desperate need of help and you should also remember that a smaller penis is not necessarily a bad thing.

One last pointer is that if you are under 18 and you insist on a penis enlargement program, rather start with natural exercise or an extender and check out some penis enlargement reviews first to find the best programs and products. 

You should not use a pump as you can injure yourself, and penis enlargement pills are also dangerous if you are too young. There is also the option of weights but only as a final resort. 

When you look for male enhancement programs or penis enlargement products make sure you look for some herbal remedies and natural products first, as these are found readily and can be far more effective and safer than chemical products.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Award Winning Natural Penis Enlargement Program Rated Number One!

The aim of the Penis enlargement remedy is to provide information to men who want to increase the size of their penis. They have researched every resource to provide you the latest and most exceptional guide possible, it is also tested and doctor-recommended.

Penis enlargement remedy has managed to produce the biggest natural male enhancement member section. As always, they offer a high-quality program and that is what the members get.

There are so many programs nowadays that take your money and are defectively designed. In fact, there are hundreds of sites all declaring they have the most effective techniques ever. No doubt many men are feeling cheated. Penis enlargement remedy is getting cheated as well. 

A lot of these sites steal some of our exercises and then charge you triple the price of our program. Please do not be fooled by signing up for a site like that. Most of these sites show only a few pictures. They will promise you things such as a guarantee but never give you information about it. Just stay away from fake sites like this.

Penis enlargement remedy is the unique and most effective penis enlargement system. Penis enlargement through our program is achievable but it is impossible that your penis size will double in length. 

They have had a few members who experienced this but it is unlikely to think it will happen to you. They never sell miracle pills which will increase your penis size. Penis enlargement remedy examines rogue products like this.

For your penis size problems, the penis enlargement remedy provides you the complete solution. It offers you the opportunity to develop a larger and meatier penis which will appreciably improve your sex life and astonish anyone who will see you naked.

Penis enlargement remedy extraordinary program does not involve pumps, surgery, weights, or any additional purchases. It is a 100 percent natural penis enlargement program that tells exactly how to add up to three inches to your penis length and girth with seven minutes of daily exercise. 

The Penis enlargement remedy system provides you with brilliant techniques that no other program does. Additionally, there is no harm because there is a six-month money-back guarantee.

Benefits You Can Expect

After a month, you can expect to see an increase of about half an inch in erect length and fullness. You will also have enhanced the function of your 'PC muscle'. This muscle plays an important role in ejaculation. By developing this muscle and developing control of it, you are able to slow down ejaculation and gain sexual stamina.

After several weeks of using the Penis enlargement remedy exercise program, you will notice that your erections become much harder and thicker. The reason is that blood circulation has developed and the volume of blood entering your penis has increased.

If you continue to exercise regularly over the following few months, it's usual to increase your penis size to around 2 inches in erect length and just over an inch in girth. This is a reasonable target and is achievable for the majority of men.

Natural penis enlargement is attainable. With a Penis enlargement remedy program, the effects will be larger and faster. Only a few minutes daily and within weeks, you can naturally and safely enlarge your penis size and attain a thicker, healthier, and more well-developed penis. 

Your size boost will become permanent and no longer will you feel insecure or embarrassed about your size. Over 8,000 men have benefited from this program which presently has a success rate of 99.8 percent.


Penis Enlargement Remedy is an exact blueprint - anything that produces a bigger penis for any man requires an exact series of steps.

However, it’s FAST, it’s EFFICIENT and it’s SAFE. Fair enough? Hey, if you’re looking for an EASY way out, then Google “Useless Penis Pills” and maybe you’ll get lucky. If you want results that have worked since they were discovered 10 years ago, then read on.

You MUST be okay with doing what the blueprint says. If you are, you’re about to learn the secrets to making your penis bigger, for real!

“So, what do I do next?”

Take this quiz. It will compute how big you can become using stem cell penis enlargement.

Remember: Stem cells are the only cells in the body that can become any type of cell... e.g. A brain cell, a muscle cell, or a penis tissue cell!

And the Penis Enlargement Remedy harnesses the power of stem cells to get more penis tissue in your penis, meaning natural penis growth. 

See how much this can change your penis by taking the quiz now!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Effectiveness of Shea Butter in Penis Enlargement

The vast majority are concerned about the size of their sexual organ and wish to increase their volume to better satisfy their partner. So, there are many remedies or natural products that help to increase the size and thickness of the penis, and this is what we will talk about below.

I already want to tell you very clearly that if you are wondering how to enlarge your penis, studies have indicated that the average size of a penis is 6 inches, which, in fact, for the vast majority of women is already more than enough. 

The problem is, that men always equate their organ size with potency and manhood, so even though they're above average, they're still looking for a way that they can increase even more.

But Anyway, How To Enlarge The Penis?

Shea Butter To Lengthen The Penis

Shea butter is a commonly used ingredient for skin and beauty products, but it can be especially beneficial for male health. If you use manual exercises in addition to a penis extender together then the results can be quick and permanent in the short term.

Before the massage techniques, discover some virtues of shea butter

Virtues of Shea Butter on the rod

Here's what you need to know about shea butter and why it's great to use it for penis enlargement exercises.

By combining exercises like Jelqing with shea the first effects are felt after a few:

  • Erections and Harder Penis
  • More relaxed and heavier penis in a flaccid state
  • The penis becomes thicker in a few weeks (in combination with jelqing)

Irrigation of the penis increased

The moisturizing agents in shea butter are chemically similar to those produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin, which makes shea an ideal natural ingredient for use on human skin.

Shea butter is very rich in vitamins A and E and has been shown to improve overall skin health.

This is ideal for use on the penis, as the area can be sensitive.

Want to get results much faster? Discover this method!

How Biochemical Penis Enlargement Works to Increase Penis Size

Puberty is that horrible time in our lives when everything changes, our moods irritate us, and the worst part at the time is that our bodies look alien even to us! That’s when a boy’s penis starts growing because the growth hormone kick-starts the creation of a chain which extends through the body.

This chain is made of nutrients and biochemicals which are active in the body and makes sure that the growth hormone does its job well. 

After a certain point, the process of puberty ends, and some of these nutrients and biochemicals are removed from the chain which basically means that they are not active anymore- they still exist in the bloodstream but as dormant elements.


With the help of biochemical penis enlargement, these nutrients can be made active once again, and hence, you can increase penis size in the right manner. What the above-mentioned products forget to mention is that until and unless the insides of your body agree with the external products, no change will take place.

This thought is the reason behind this method’s success and because it makes perfect sense, you honestly can’t go wrong with it! It keeps the external and internal resources in total harmony and makes sure that you increase penis size without unnecessary stress and sleepless nights.

Click here to know more about the biochemical penis enlargement System. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Penis Enlargement Patches

There is a greater demand for pharmaceutical patches these days. Different patches are coming out for different purposes such as anti-smoking, birth control, anti-depressants, and many more. 

And because there seem to be no side effects to the digestive system, no dizziness, and other common side effects, and, at the same time, patches are so easy to use and have a longer shelf life, their popularity has grown in the last few years.

No wonder why this method has reached the male enhancement market. The penis enlargement market used to be dominated by oral tablets, now, more methods are available in the form of devices, penis exercises, pumps, patches, making it more difficult to choose from. 

Enlarging the penis with the help of patches became men's solution to their different concerns including consistent longer sex urge, greater orgasm intensity, longer erections, natural penis enlargement, and better ejaculation control.

How do these patches work? The patches active ingredients are released directly through the skin into the bloodstream in a sustained and gradual manner over several hours. It does not have to travel to the stomach so one can expect a more predictable and efficient result. Moreover, compared to pills, patches are applied once a day.

Some of the most common ingredients of patches are ginseng, fo-ti, Gotu kola, saw palmetto berry, damiana, and Yohimbe.

Ginseng is used traditionally to overcome general weakness and provide extra energy. It is also known to have aphrodisiac properties. Ginseng aids to normalize blood pressure and at the same time rejuvenating the body so it is used to fight some cases of impotence and premature ejaculation. 

Another benefit of ginseng is that it promotes the growth of nerve tissue. It has an active ingredient that alters blood flow to the penis and can produce blood and sperm. Research proved that it stimulates physical and mental activity and has a very positive effect on the sex gland.

Fo-ti is widely known and used to prevent premature aging and gray hair. It is derived from a plant native to China and is extensively grown in Taiwan and Japan. Other benefits include improved memory and aid for mental depression. 

It also helps maintain energy and strength. Based on scientific facts, fo-ti contains anti-cancer properties, has sedative effects, and provides beneficial effects on fertility.

Gotu Kola is said to promote relaxation and calms the body. It also eliminates excess fluids, improves veins and capillaries circulation, and remedies pain.

Saw Palmetto Berry is said to work as an aphrodisiac. It is commonly used to soothe swelling of the prostate and it eases excessive urination.

Damiana is another sexual stimulant. It has tonic properties and helps relieve anxiety and gives a feeling of well-being.

Yohimbe also works as an aphrodisiac. It helps bring the blood near the surface of the sex organ. It helps lower blood pressure.

Penis enlargement patches are said to be a great alternative for many men. They say this is so far the best alternative. 

Still, we need to be careful and understand that in spite of all the testimonials and claimed scientific facts, many companies release market low-quality products, and only intense research can help us find the best product for our needs.

How To Get A Bigger Dick Within Weeks [PROVEN METHODS]

Male enhancement cream is great as a safe and natural method to temporarily increase your penis size, but the increase is modest and goes away fast.

If you’re needing more than an extra ¼ inch—and if you’d like to keep that long and thick penis—you have to look elsewhere. While there are countless claims on fast and simple ways to boost your dick size, almost none of these work without big risks and a hefty price tag (ie surgery).

The good news is this: thousands of men from around the world have used a revolutionary program that combines cutting-edge research into penis enhancement to add over 3” to their erect length! 

Penis enlargement bible is an easy-to-follow step-by-step plan that uses natural exercises and stretches to get you to the penis that you, and your lover, have always dreamed of.

Click here to find out how you can get a thicker, longer penis in just 7 minutes a day

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Penis Enlargement Bible Review - Does It Really Work?

Are you the type of man that wishes he had just that little extra in the trousers department? Do you consider yourself to be just a little too lightweight down there? Basically, in a nutshell, are you self-conscious about the size of your penis?

Now, we have all heard about the studies which show that the majority of women don’t care about size and insist that it doesn’t matter. Ok, if this is indeed the view of women then great. Happy days. I personally don’t buy it. 

However, even if it is true, does it make men everywhere any less self-conscious about their penis size? Absolutely not!! No matter what the general consensus is, we all want to possess a penis that we can be proud of. It’s as simple as that.

So, without further ado, let me introduce the method that has helped thousands of men around the world to gain extra inches, and that can do the same for you.

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a sure-fire way of adding that few vital inches to your penis without having to resort to surgery or some magic pills that in reality have no effect in the slightest. 

This product has been tested and proven to be the most effective natural penis growth technique available on the market today.

The Bible itself is a 94-page eBook which delivers a two-step method that will help you to enlarge your penis by 2 – 4 inches in length and up to 1 inch in girth. This is all possible within the space of just two short months of purchase. 

By combining natural ingredients and gentle techniques, this PDF course shows you how to make the necessary biological changes that will help you reach your goal in a natural, safe way.

How exactly does it work?

You may not be all that familiar with the actual workings of your penis so let me explain a little bit. An erection occurs when the penis gets a rush of blood to it which leads to a rapid expansion in size. So, therefore, the key to getting a bigger erection, and a bigger penis, is to increase this blood flow.

This is what the PE Bible essentially is – a way to increase the blood flow to your penis which then results in the actual penis itself enlarging. This is achieved by the natural ingredients and techniques that can only be found in this product.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can:


  • No need for expensive surgery or pills
  • Say goodbye to ridiculous methods such as suction devices
  • All your need is your hands and some cheap, natural ingredients – nothing that will cause harm or side effects
  • Increase your penis size by 2 – 4 inches and watch as your confidence grows ten-fold!
  • This method guarantees significant results in the space of just two months
  • All the techniques are simple and extremely effective
  • Tons of bonus material that hold extra tips and guidance
  • The product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee which ensures that there is absolutely no financial risk on your behalf
  • Become a far better love as your stamina and lasting ability will also improve along with your penis measurements

The Free Bonus Material

Included with the PE Bible are several brilliant bonuses that really make this package a steal of a deal:

1. The Ultimate Penis Exercise Guide 

This bonus supplements the Penis Enlargement Bible by showing you in pictures and words how to exactly perform the required techniques. This guide is a must-have in order to do the techniques properly and thus achieve maximum growth.

2. “What Not To Do” Better Sex Guide 

A problem that many men with small penises face is that, even after they increase the growth of their penis with the PE Bible, they are then very nervous and shy about their performance in the bedroom because of their lack of practice. 

This is where this bonus comes in. Inside you will find all that you need to know about pleasing your woman. After all, the last thing you want to be described as is having a big penis but also having no clue what to do with it!

Word of Warning

If for some reason you choose not to buy this product, then at the very least please heed our following warning. Do not, under any circumstances, purchase and use any pills or devices that promise to enhance your manhood. They do not work…not even a little bit.

What they do achieve, however, is to make your wallet quite a bit lighter; make your confidence drop even lower; and make your penis stay the exact same size that it has always been.


Over 5,000 men have tried this method and have had nothing but positive things to say. The speed of this process, combined with the superb results, are guaranteed to make any man who is wise enough to purchase this product very happy.

Bottom line – confidence is key to a happy state of mind; penis size is key to a man’s confidence; therefore improving your penis size can only lead to a happier life!

Click Here To Try The Penis Enlargement Bible Now!

2 Manual Penis Enlargement Techniques That You Must Learn

Are you satisfied with the size of your penis? Do you feel that you have been gifted down there? If you are then you are very lucky. If you are not there is no need to fret. There are actually a lot of men who are not satisfied with the length and girth of their members. 

There are many men who are not well endowed. As you are reading this article, there are a lot of men out there who are also connected to the internet looking for various ways to increase the size of their members. 

The good thing nowadays is there are actually numerous options for them. Some involve machines and assistance from professionals. Others involve medications. Still, others are manual penis enlargement procedures.

Under these manual procedures are different forms of exercises that aim to increase the length and girth of the penis. Generally, penile enlargement exercises bank on the premise that to increase penis size, more blood should go into the blood chambers of the penis. 

Here are two manual penis enlargement procedures that you can do to increase the size of your penis. One is jelqing and the other is Kegel exercises.

To start jelqing, you need to do a warm-up first. Follow the procedure below.

  1. Soak a clean piece of cloth in warm water.
  2. Wrap this cloth around your penis for about five seconds.
  3. Remove the cloth then dry your penis.
  4. Put lubricant in your hands and on your penis.

Now you and your penis are ready for jelqing.

  1. Massage your penis so that you will have semi-erection. Avoid getting a full erection as this may prevent you from finishing the whole procedure.
  2. Make an okay sign with the thumb and index finger of your left hand.
  3. Wrap this around the head of your member such that you are grasping it gently.
  4. Gently stretch your penis with this hand.
  5. Make an okay sign with your right hand.
  6. Wrap this at the base of your penis as close to the scrotum as possible.
  7. Do a milking motion by pulling your right hand up toward the head of the penis.
  8. As soon as your right hand reaches the head, bring it back again to the base. Repeat the milking motion. When you bring the okay sign to the base do not slide it down. Doing so will stimulate blood to flow back. Instead, loosen the grip a little bit and bring it immediately to the base.
  9. Do the jelqing exercise for about five minutes every day.

You can also do the Kegel exercises to enlarge your penis. Here are the steps you should follow.

  1. Identify your PC muscles. These are the muscles that you usually use if you want to control the flow of urine.
  2. Sit up straight and relax your muscles.
  3. Tighten your PC muscles for approximately ten seconds. After ten seconds relax for the same length of time.
  4. Rest for some 30 seconds.
  5. Tighten your PC muscles again but this time extend it for 30 seconds while taking slow deep breaths.
  6. Relax your PC muscles for the same length of time. Take slow deep breaths as you do this.
  7. Do steps 5 and 6 three times.

These two manual penis enlargement procedures have been used by a number of men already with different levels of success. The idea is that the more you do these exercises, the better the result will be. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Most Powerful Penis Length Enlargement Method - Add an Inch to Your Length Within 28 Days

Most men know the truth, women want a man with a large penis. This has been a fact for quite a while now and more men are realizing this truth. Not only will a larger penis make the ladies happier, but it will also give the man a boost in confidence.

Many men are interested in increasing the length of their penis and quickly turn to the many penis length enlargement methods available out there. This is a bad move to just go out and try any and everything because most of these methods will put your health in jeopardy instead of increasing the length of your penis.

One of the biggest mistakes most men make is turning to penis pumps. This is a mistake because the pumps aim to make the girth of your penis bigger, not the length. 

Not to mention the gains you achieve using penis pumps only last temporarily for a few hours.

By far the best penis length enlargement method is the use of penis exercises, especially for those who seek natural techniques. 

Penis exercises that involve increasing the length of your penis require that you stretch your penis in specific ways.

For these exercises to produce the best results you must massage your penis with warm lubrication before you begin stretching. Rubbing your penis with this warm lubricant will allow the tissues inside your shaft to become more flexible, thus making it much easier to work with.

Many men have easily added at least an inch to their penis length within 28 days following these powerful exercise routines. It might seem unbelievable now, but you will understand the true power of penis exercises once you learn how they work.

As you do these exercises your penis tissues adapt and become bigger and stronger. So just like you need to give the muscles in your body rest when you work them out, you have to allow the tissues and ligaments within the penis rest time to grow. 

Related: The penis is not a muscle, so once you get the size you want, you stop and the results last for life with no maintenance. The method found here…

After this rest time, you can continue to stretch your penis and repeat the process until you are pleased with your penis length.

While you are performing these exercises it is a good idea to speed up the growth process by applying a topical DHT gel to your penis each day. A topical DHT is known as androgen and is a powerful compliment to the exercises you're performing because they can help you develop sexual male traits such as a deep voice and growth in the length of a penis.

Using both male enlargement exercises and a topical DHT gel is the most potent natural penis length enlargement method available today.

You can easily have the penis you desire using these natural techniques. Don't settle for penis enlargement products that have more side effects than results.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Penis Massage Techniques - Ballooning and Jelquing Technique

Penis massage has been employed by people since ancient times to increase penis size and quality of erections. These massages are done in such a way that helps the sponge-like tissues present in the penis to be able to hold more blood which eventually gives strong erections and enlargement of these tissues increase the length and girth of the organ. 

Massaging oils, gels, and creams are also available in the market, these have ingredients that can penetrate the skin and promote blood flow to the male sex organs and also dilates the tissues to accommodate more blood for a better quality of erections and increase in size. 

Massages with proper technique can be done using these creams and gels for quicker results.

The ballooning technique may not be the easiest of all the techniques employed for massaging the penis but can increase the size as well as control ejaculation. This is done by massaging the groin, pubis, shaft, base, scrotum, and footing which will make the organ stiff and erect. 

Do not let the semen flow out, hold it back, this massage shall be done for at least 30-45 minutes and ejaculation shall be controlled during this time. This improves the flow of blood to the male genitals and also stimulates the testosterone hormone. 

More blood flow makes the penis grow in size and a person can gain control over his ejaculation too.

Another penis massage technique is called jelquing technique. This massage shall be done by using proper lubrication which can be normal oil or cream or any penis enlargement cream or gel. 

This massage technique is used when the penis is flaccid. After applying the lubrication to the penis hold it at the base by encircling it with the index finger and thumb. Slowly with sufficient grip move the hand towards the tip of the organ once the hand reaches the tip of the organ starts massaging again from the base with the help of other hand. 

The grip shall not be too strong or too light and this shall be done for 30 minutes at least 25-30 times. This improves blood flow and massages the corpus cavernosa to enlarge and hold more blood.

Another almost similar penis massage technique is the one which not only works well to increase the length of the penis but also for its girth. 

According to this technique, hands are moved from the base of the penis towards its tip, once the hands are at the glans they are moved in a circular motion first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. 

It is better to follow this technique with the help of one hand but precaution shall be taken to apply equal pressure on both sides of the penis.

Penis massage shall be done with extreme care though these techniques are trusted by many people any damage during the massage to the organ can be irreparable. It is important to practice these techniques in complete privacy so that one can focus completely on the massage. 

If there is even the slightest pain in the penis due to a previous massage session then massage shall not be done and if the pain does not subside in a day or two should see a doctor.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Penile Enlargement with Stem Cells

What is the most effective and permanent method for enlarging the penis?

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the stem cell method**. Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:**
  • It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.
  • It naturally enlarges the penis forever, improves blood circulation, and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.
  • You can increase the size of your penis by 1/2 or 1 inch in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!
“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you'll see all the fluff science and take a *revolutionary* quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race.

This quiz is something I've never seen before. Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

3 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Penis Enlargement Program

To ensure your penis enlargement program is successful, consider these four components to achieve eye-popping erections that your woman can't get enough of. Herbs, diet, cardio, and hand exercises!

We all want a massive erection we can be proud of. You're not alone if your self-esteem is tied to your penis size. There are many harmful and ineffective methods out there. Let's discuss some of the safe and effective ways to have the penis you've always dreamed of having!

1. Herbs and Supplements

Any effective penis enlargement program should include proper diet and exercise, but adding a few herbs can't hurt. Like you and I've tried many products promising increased penis size. While on the whole most penis enlargement herbal remedies are nothing more than "snake oil", there are a few that can complement your program.

Hawthorne berry, ginseng, ginkgo, and cayenne pepper actually do help increase penis size. What do they have that the other "magic pills" don't? They naturally increase blood flow, which is the only way to achieve a noticeably larger penis. If you like, you can add l-arginine and fish oils. Just be leery of those containing mercury.

2. Diet

Avoiding junk food, fried foods, excessive fat, too much caffeine, and red and dark meat will keep your heart and arteries from working too hard and help to increase blood flow. We're human and we want to have fun. Moderation is the key!

Adding these foods to your diet can and will increase circulation and therefore blood flow to your penis:

  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Onions
  • Watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Cherries
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Lots of green vegetables

If it's Good for the Heart, It's Good for the Penis!

Decreasing your heart rate increases blood flow, which in turn makes for a firmer and rock solid, thicker, and bigger penis! Running every day or even a few times a week, playing basketball, swimming, spinning, kickboxing, etc. will go a long way in your penis enlargement program.

3. Don't forget those hand exercises

It will be sufficient to say that if you don't enlarge the size of your penis with your hands, you aren't going to enlarge it at all. There is no method of penile exercise that would be more effective than manual exercises. 

The risk of getting injured is incomparably lower than when you use devices like penis extenders or pumps. All you need to succeed is a good penis enlargement program.

Patience is a virtue. You've heard this expression and it's true! Don't expect a larger-than-life penis overnight or even within a week. Give your new penis enlargement program some time to work and don't give up.

Are you happy with the current size of your penis? You can permanently enlarge your penis using your hands only in the comfort of your home.

Click here to learn how you can add the inches you always wanted. Start RIGHT NOW!

Confirmed: This Weird Trick Makes Any Penis Increase By 65%

There is a way to be better in bed than most guys. Women know. But they lie about it - except amongst themselves. Men know too. But they pretend it’s not possible.

You know what it is already:

Getting a bigger penis.

We all know it can be done. But we deny it. We don’t want to be humiliated or scammed. So we invent a mistruth:

‘Making it bigger is impossible,’ we say.

I said it. You may have said it. Millions of men have said it before…

But now there's a verified, tested, scientific way to make it happen.

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer.

And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the penis.

And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact.

Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Why You Haven’t Heard About This

There’s a simple reason that you haven’t heard about stem cell enlargement…

…The scams…

The industry in which this solution operates is dirty. It’s scammy. It’s rotten to the core…

And no media company wants to touch it. 

However, this hides something that will be a service to the world. 

Men, anywhere, at any age, can grow. 

I’m NOT telling you to buy the solution

At this point, scammers all say the same thing, ‘BUY, BUY, BUY!’

I’m not telling you to do that. Never have. Never will!

You are living your life, by your rules. And I deeply respect that.

I’m actually in a better position if you DON’T choose to get bigger.


Because I’m bigger than more men around me. I’m more of a catch…

So I’ll ask just one small thing of you - so you won't regret years passing like I did: Just read what I’m about to share, to see if it makes sense.

Read it. If it sounds like garbage, never think about it again. Sound fair?


I know it worked for me. It made sense to me. But why should you believe me?

Don’t believe me…

…You’re smart enough to figure it out by yourself

‘So, why are you helping at all?’

Why am I helping?

I’ve said it doesn’t benefit me. And that’s quite right.

It doesn’t.

Not, at least, on a romantic or sexual level.

But, I take something greater from telling you the truth. 

I’ve been you, and I wish I had been guided to the next webpage. 

I wish I could go back in time.

I can’t. So this - helping other guys who are just like I was - is the next best thing…

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed:

Success Stories 

These 3 Guys All Grew - Hear Their Stories

I’m sharing three real-life stories today of guys who have grown because of the stem cell method of getting bigger.

These aren’t extraordinary men. They’re normal guys, like you and me.

And their stories aren’t unique among guys who have grown bigger. They’re ordinary stories from men who understand that stem cell growth will cause long-term growth…

The results speak for themselves. And perhaps you’d like to have a story similar to one of these.

Nathan, 39

‘I got divorced and knew something needed to change. I’d been stuck in a loveless marriage for years, but who was going to take me? I mean, I didn’t have much to offer, being overweight, balding, and hardly a Don Juan in the bedroom!

‘I’ve always been on the small side and it’s bothered me since I was a teenager. Being 4.5 is hardly something to gloat about, and women obviously felt the same.

‘So I settled for a moderately attractive, moderately overweight girl who I made a trade with. You accept me with all my faults and drawbacks, and I’ll accept you with all of yours. And so a marriage was made and we settled into a life of little excitement.

‘Then she cheated on me with my drinking buddy and brother-in-law and I was out on my ass. I hadn’t flirted with a woman in over 14 years and I had the confidence of a death row inmate. I thought I’d be doomed.

‘Stem cell growth is the thing that enabled me to believe in myself, get hotter women, keep them interested after sex and overall made me a happier person. I am now above average at about 7.75 (inches).

‘Life is sweet these days and I have settled for a woman I’m far more attracted to, without having to compromise.’

Gene, 25

‘All guys want to do at my age is screw. I’m a red-blooded guy and screwing is something I think about. 

‘I got a bad reputation for screwing and it tampered with my screwing and it tampered with my mind, so I had to do something about it. 

‘A quick search online led me to finding out about this ‘Remedy’, and boy am I glad it did…

‘I moved away from town and into the big city recently, leaving my ‘small man’ reputation behind (thank God!) and opening my eyes to the reality of having a big thing in the big, wide world. 

‘Girls are going crazy for me because I finally got that porno package.’

Edward, 68

‘Tom Candow is a genius for bringing the Remedy to the world. I grew up with testosterone deficiency in post-war America. 

‘Everyone was happy where I lived. Yet I found out I had a problem when I was about 9. I was changing in the local pool and I noticed that all the other kids were way bigger than I was…

‘From that day, I realized I was different. I drew back, never being seen changing. And romantically, later on, I avoided sexual contact. In fact, I was a virgin until I was 24. In the swinging ’60’s that was a quite something.

‘And for decades I’ve shelled out money trying to get the problem fixed. Some things added a quarter inch or so. But when you start so small, such gains don’t exactly cause a rush of women.

‘I’ve been a bachelor for the longest time two. I was married for a few years a long time ago, but I vowed to lay off the women until they’d stop dreaming of being with other men.

‘My vow didn’t change until last year when out sprouted 3 & 1/2 inches. Now, this doesn’t make me special or unique.

‘It has done something far greater than that. It’s made me ordinary. I’m just like every other man!!! 

‘I’m proud to say that I’m average, instead of being a spectacle. 

‘Going from clinically micro, to clinically average has filled me with joy. It’s a revelation.’


I don’t know your story. I don’t know what size you are, or what size you want to be. It’s up to you to fill in the blanks.

What I do know is if you want a happy ending, this is the best place to begin:

Take action and live the life you deserve,