Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Don't Enlarge Your Penis Without Mastery Of This!

There are so many options to enlarge your penis today. You have probably come across adverts for penis pills, pumps, extenders, and other similar traction devices. There are so many scams in the penis enlargement industry because it is such an important "asset" in our lives. These cost hundreds of dollars annually!

However, most men don't even spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on ineffective pills, pumps, and the like. Simple understanding and implementation of penis exercises like the Penis Jelq, Penis Extender, Ulis, and Mushroom head are all you need to add up to 4 inches in one year! 

Results are different for everyone, but the advantage of penis exercises is that YOU are in charge. You determine how fast and quickly you want to grow. And if you can spare just 6 minutes a day, you can get outstanding results.

Suggested article: The penis is not a muscle, so once you get the size you want, you stop and the results last for life with no maintenance. The method found here…

So what is the absolute best exercise for a bigger penis? Drum roll please...it is the Penis Jelq!

You may have already heard about this exercise (maybe you've even tried it) but there are nuances to it that you probably are unaware of.

First, we'll discuss the basic exercise:


Soak a small wash towel in warm water. Squeeze out the excess water and wrap the towel around your penis for 3 minutes. Remove the towel, re-soak, squeeze and wrap it around your penis. This gets the blood flowing well in the penis.


You need lubrication (baby oil or lotion) and a 70% or so erect penis. Make the "OK" sign as close to the base of your penis as possible and grip firmly. Milk your penis slowly upwards, stopping just below the base of the head. 

Use your other hand with the same grip and the base and repeat the motion. Keep alternating hands. Each stroke should last 5 seconds and you should never jelq the head of the penis. That is where the most delicate nerves are and you don't want any damage to them whatsoever in the name of getting a bigger penis.


The cool-down is performed exactly the same way as the warm-up. It is performed to soothe the penis after the exercise and prevent bruises or swelling.


There are ways to multiply the effectiveness of the basic Penis Jelq. These methods will further enlarge your penis. The first way is to keep the first hand with the OK grip at the base. 

Then use the other hand on top of the first to do the stroking, without releasing the grip at the base! You do not alternate hands but use the 2nd hand to do all the milking.


This variation keeps blood trapped in the erect penis and increases the pressure and force on the Corpora Cavernosa to grow in capacity allowing for A BIGGER PENIS! 

To get other in-depth variations of this basic exercise and others, I urge you to read each and every word on the next page carefully ==>> CLICK HERE NOW!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Jelqing For Penis Enlarging — The Hot Towel Wrap

Performing jelqing exercises for penis enlarging requires a very important step which many people leave out, and thus don’t experience results as quickly as they could have. It involves the hot towel wrap.

Here’s how to add the hot towel wrap to your jelqing routine.

1. The hot towel wrap needs to be applied before you begin jelqing.

First, begin with light massaging to achieve a semi-erect state. Then take a very warm towel (obviously not too hot) and wrap it around, holding it for up to several minutes. Then you want to again perform light massages, and again the wrap. This should be repeated 2–3 times.

Essentially this is considered a “warm-up” before you begin the exercises, which in turn makes the exercises much more effective, as well as much safer. Many people jump right into jelqing, avoiding the wrap warm-up, and are usually disappointed when results don’t occur as fast as they should.

2. Wrapping should also be applied after your jelqing exercises.

After you are done performing your jelqing exercises, you should also use the wrapping technique. This can actually extend the benefits of your jelqing exercising because you are maintaining increased blood flow by performing a wrap.

Unfortunately, most guys finish their exercising and call it quits, rather than taking a few minutes to warm down with wrapping which not only greatly increases the jelqing benefits but brings on better, and quicker results than without it.

You can choose to do the post-warm-down in the same manner as the warm-up (wrap then massages then wrap), or you can simply just apply to wrap for several minutes and warm down in that manner.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

For complete instructions on penis enlarging exercises and for a routine that only takes 6 minutes a day, see Penis Enlargement Remedy.

Penis Enlargement Remedy is an online program that teaches you natural and safe techniques you can do to increase your penis by up to 4 inches. The approach is highly focused on the fact that stem cells are the only cells in your body that can be turned into any type of cell.

For example, a brain cell or a muscle cell can be turned into a penis tissue cell. You guessed it, a penis tissue cell. The more penis tissue cells your penis has, the larger it can grow.

This online program provides you with all the techniques needed to turn other cells in your body into tissue cells on your penis. It’s based on a three-phase process, which is:

  • Phase 1: The Stem Cell Secret
  • Phase 2: Body Exercise
  • Phase 3: Accelerate

Phase one reveals the secret to this stem cell discovery before moving into body exercises to turn your newfound knowledge into action. The last phase focuses on accelerating your results to maximize your growth.

Throughout the system, you not only receive step-by-step instructions but you also get schedules and regimes to follow that’ll help you enhance your penis size naturally.

So, what do I do next?

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. This quiz is something I’ve never seen before.

Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Penis Enlargement Formula — A Little Known Secret For Adding Serious Inches In Length

If you are after the penis enlargement formula that really works, you have come to the right place. Keep reading and learn how penis enlargement is possible and how you can add 4 inches naturally to your penis size much quicker than you ever thought possible.

I understand that you are not happy with your penis size. This is probably something that has been affecting you for most of your life, isn’t it? Perhaps someone has commented on it before, perhaps your sexual partners don’t seem overly impressed or aroused by it, or perhaps you have seen men in the locker room who are just so much more endowed than you are.

It’s not right that your penis size isn’t what you would like it to be. Even though men and women both joke about penis size, it is really a very sensitive issue and something that can really affect your self-esteem.

Once your self-esteem gets affected, it can also lead to depression and raise a whole heap of other issues. So it’s really important that you treat it seriously and do something about it before it affects your life too much.

As you are probably just starting out wondering about penis enlargement and whether it works, and what option is best for you, because there are scams out there it is really important that you follow my advice when it comes to purchasing any penis enhancement product, which means you need to read carefully my recommendations and advice below and follow them to the letter.

Here’s the penis enlargement formula 

Penis enlargement is actually possible through a number of methods. One method is by stretching the penis on a regular basis which stimulates new cell growth and the expansion of cell penis tissue.

The other method is by taking supplements that are scientifically formulated to increase the amount of blood that flows to and through the penis and also increase the size of the penis blood vessels.

Either way, both methods work and I will now touch on what these methods are, and then advise how a combination method has been clinically shown to give the biggest enhancement results over the shoulders period of time.

As far as stretching goes, there are penis exercises. Exercises will give you some penis enhancement results, however, they a very labor-intensive, they are quite inconvenient, and most men give up even though they start with the best of intentions.

So that is why research has shown that penis exercises give the permanent enhancement results that men are really after.

“So, what do I do next?”

Take this quiz. It will compute how big you can become using penis exercises.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

31 Penis Exercises Any Exercising Program MUST Have — These Routines Can Add 1–4" In 8 Weeks

Do you want to add 1–4 inches to your penis size in 8 weeks? Do you want this to happen without side effects, without embarrassing tools, without embarrassing packages to receive in the mail, and without losing your new size? 

Well, the only enlargement option out there today that can make all of those things happen collectively are natural penis exercises.

When choosing to do penis exercises, it’s important that the program you choose contains the best exercises packaged in a strategic way that is sure to naturally expand EVERY ASPECT of your manhood.

In this article, I’m going to talk about those exercises (around 31 to be exact) that are contained in the program I used which helped me add 2 inches to my size in less than 2 months (and many other men gained even better results than I did).

What All Programs Must Have In The Beginning…

Okay, first things first. Any exercise program must contain the following…

A. Pre-Workout — Tips on what you need to do prior to beginning an exercise program. These tips can make the world of a difference.

B. Safety Precautions — Of course, every program should include information on how to ensure you stay safe while doing these routines. Although all of the exercises are safe and do not cause any side effects, doing them while ignoring safety precautions can in fact cause problems.

What The Exercises Are Based On…

In all reputable penis exercise programs, you’ll find that the programs are all based on the following 6 principles…

A. Warm-up — This is to ensure you don’t suffer from any soreness and it will also ensure proper and consistent development of your penis size.

B. The PC Muscle Exercises — These types of exercises are designed to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle for short). Strengthening this muscle will make you last longer during sex, it will make your orgasms explosive, it will make your penis look more muscular looking, improves the health of your prostate, helps you stay harder for longer, and more.

Clearly, any program or any other enlargement method (such as pills, pumps, and extenders) that does not strengthen the PC muscle is absolutely pointless! The benefits of having this muscle strengthened are just amazing… to say the least!

C. Stretching Exercises — Stretching exercises are designed to naturally stretch the ligaments of your penis to add length… permanently. Unlike extender tools, using your hands and performing gentle stretching exercises will naturally extend your penis… permanently.

D. Wet Milking — This is a type of jelqing exercise designed to increase girth and length through increasing blood flow into the penile shaft. These workouts are done using lubricant (hence WET milking).

E. Dry Milking — The same principles as wet milking, but without lubricant.

F. Warming Down — At the end of all workouts, doing a quick warming-down routine is highly recommended to ensure proper growth and no soreness.

Now, The Exercise Program Should Include The Following 31 Exercises…

1. Intro workout — This is to get you and your manhood used to doing these exercises during the first week.

2. Beginners workout — In week 2, you should be beginning the Beginners Workout. This workout will consist of PC muscle exercises, stretching exercises, and jelqing exercises.

3. Standard workout — In weeks 3–6, you should be doing the Standard Workout. With this workout, you’ll be doing the usual routines, but with longer time periods and with more reps. By this point, you should be seeing a significant difference in the size of your manhood!

4. Custom workout — In week 7, you should have pretty much mastered all of the basic workouts, and you are now able to create your own custom workout. Or, you can choose to do a workout designed by another member of the penis exercise program you’ve chosen.

5. Speed combination — This workout is designed to be done in 8 minutes.

6. Advanced PC muscle exercise — This exercise takes the basic PC muscle exercise and extends it. Of course, this means faster development!

Targeted Workout section

7. Erection strengthening — If you are having problems with erectile dysfunction, then the routines in this section will help with strengthening your erection.

8. Impotence cure — These workouts will help cure impotence.

9. Premature ejaculation — If you are ejaculating too early, then the exercises in this category of workouts will put an end to this embarrassing issue.

Targeted exercises (Advanced)

10. Head exercises — To get that large mushroom head on your penis, these exercises are designed to do just that.

11. Cure curvature — If you have a banana shape curve to your penis when erected, these exercises will help cure this problem and get your erection straighter.

12. The super dry jelq workout — This is an advanced version of the normal dry jelq exercise.

13. The super wet jelq — This is an advanced version of the normal wet dry jelq exercise.

14. Erection builder — This workout routine helps strengthen your erections and helps maintain how long you are erected.

15. Advanced length exercise — This exercise is ONLY for those who have been on the program for at least 6 weeks. The workout is designed to stretch your penis and add some serious length!

16. Foreskin restoration — Workouts designed to increase the sensitivity of foreskin for more sexual pleasure.

17. Towel hanging — This helps strengthen your PC muscle.

Special Advanced Exercises Part 1

The following exercises are only for those who have been on the program for some time and have mastered all of the above workouts. This is basically grad school for penis exercise training!

18. 180-degree stretches — Get rid of that unsightly twist with the penis when in a flaccid state.

19. Crook tugs — Designed to stretch the different areas of your penis shaft to increase the flaccid size and erection length.

20. Section stretching — These workouts stimulate the different areas of the penile shaft.

21. Gap jelqs — This helps speed up blood flow into the penile shaft.

22. Slap ‘n squeeze exercise — As weird as that sounds, this workout helps with increasing length.

23. Fist 2 finger — Another strange-sounding workout! This exercise is an advanced version of jelqing.

24. Vulcan jelqs — This is an awesome advanced alternative workout to the standard wet jelqing exercise.

25. Mastur-milking — This fun exercise combines both masturbating and milk jelqing into one.

26. Pogos — This workout is a mult-directional dry jelqing exercise.

27. Shaft wringing — A stretching exercise to add length.

28. PC dry jelq combos — A great advanced workout for increasing girth.

Special Advanced Exercises Part 2

29. Advanced length workout.

30. Advanced girth workout.

31. 6-minute exercise — This is a compact version of the best workouts designed to be done in 6 minutes.

So, there you have it. 31 exercises that must be included in a reputable penis exercise program (such as the one I chose to download) if you desire to add 1–4 inches to your penis size, increase the thickness, increase firmness, last longer in bed, have mind-blowing orgasms, improve prostate health, and gain these PERMANENT benefits without side-effects.

If you stay consistent with the program you choose, I can assure you, that you WILL see amazing results develop.

WARNING: This video series is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48–72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.

Friday, June 10, 2022

The 3 Rules of Penis Enlargement — Advice From a Gambler Who Loves The Ladies (No Space Cowboy)

I have only one vice and that is that I like to play Blackjack. Well, that’s not entirely true, as my other vice is real women. But that’s not really a vice, that’s the greatest gift from God as far as I can tell. In my book, women make life worth living for a man who loves women. And I do.

Anyway, that’s where I got the nickname “Blackjack” and that’s because I love to play blackjack. 

Yes, I know gambling isn’t the best of things a man should be doing but I do know my limitations. Even though I am a bit of a gambler, there is no way I would ever gamble on penis enlargement.

Let’s talk about that. I like my penis and he is my friend. That may sound stupid but it’s the truth. He takes care of me and I take care of him. We are one and the same. I get the feeling that he’s sort of a smaller version of myself. 

Sometimes sensitive, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, and always ready for a bit of excitement or spelunking (that’s fancy language for cave exploration).

Now, with my little pardner always by my side, ready to go exploring with me, the last thing I want to do is bring any potential harm or dissatisfaction to him. After all, it’s up to me to look after him.

So, I’ll admit, I’m a bit choosy with the lady friends I introduce him to. The last thing I want is for him to be mad at me for introducing him to some little bacterial or viral critter that will give him a headache. In other words: I play it safe.

Of course, everything can usually be improved upon in life. This is what the human race is all about. We’re not just satisfied with living in some cave. Absolutely not. 

We have to build skyscrapers and mansions to live in. Which is great; you know, to each his own. Why settle for mediocrity when you can have the best?

So, it just makes sense that men would stumble upon the idea of enlarging their penises and wonder what it might take to enlarge their little friends. Why not? If we can shoot a rocket and put a man on the moon then we should be able to enlarge our penises… Really, can it be that impossible to do?

Well, that’s where the gambler in me comes in. But this is also where Mr. Sensible enters the scene. You see, there are methods out there that can help you enlarge your penis, but they don’t always give you the results you want.

Imagine enlarging your penis to realize that it won’t function any longer!? Imagine enlarging your penis only to lose the wonderful feeling and sensation that God has given to him and you!?

You can see where I’m going with this. There are ways to enlarge your penis that have a degree of risk to them. I won’t spell them out because it’s not polite to speak of others when they are not present to represent themselves.

The bottom line is that you can figure out for yourself what techniques for penis enlargement have a high degree of risk. It’s called common sense. Use it and you will be surprised at how much easier your life will be.

So, back to penis enlargement and gambling. The truth is I’m not going to gamble with my penis. This is why, after I did my research, I felt that the method of enlargement that uses regular penis exercises is the way to go. Yes, this is what I decided.

However, I will tell you something from experience. Don’t go crazy with this stuff. Take your time. “Low and Slow,” as we say when you want to make the perfect barbecue. 

Take it easy. This isn’t some competition you are in. You’re not going to get a trophy to put on your shelf if you are the Fastest Guy in the West to enlarge yourself.

Just like gambling, remember this proverb: “If you must gamble, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.”

To you and me and our penises, that means:

  1. Learn the best way to enlarge yourself
  2. Figure out what it’s going to cost to enlarge yourself
  3. Know when to fold those cards if you aren’t getting results or see no improvement in your program

Not that I’m the smartest guy walking around, but I try to live my life by these rules. Just like dating a woman: Find out what she’s REALLY like as a person, see what it will take to make her happy and see if you can fulfill those needs, and have the sense to realize that if she is really out of your league, then you’re best off finding another sweetheart to love and please.

This is true grit, I tell you. I’ve seen too many of my friends sacrifice all they had to try and impress some sexy filly that there was no way they could possibly ever impress. Use your big brain. You know, the one in your skull and not the one in your boxers.

Now, to tell you some of my own personal wisdom, if you want to go about enlarging your penis, then you need to catch a ride on the Natural Penis Enlargement Train that’s zooming through your city just as you read this!

A comfy seat on this train puts YOUR own skills at work and lets you be the BOSS of your enlargement program. You’re not relying on anyone else, any sort of pills or stuff, and you are in total control of monitoring what’s going on.

Now that’s something that every sensible and logical man really wants. You are in the driver’s seat. You are the engineer on this penis-enlargement train. Your destination is WHEREVER You Want To Go!

That sounds great, doesn’t it? But it gets better; as with Rule #2 — It won’t cost you much. Start by doing some research on the Internet or get a good and reliable book on the subject. It should cost you less than a full tank of gas.

And finally, since you are in control, you’ll be able to monitor your own improvements to extract the best bits out of your exercise cycle. 

You’ll be able to gauge what exercises you need to perform to get the most out of your exercising, or you’ll have the sense to find some form of enlargement that will give you the results you really need.

Taking responsibility for your own work and effort means that it is up to you and only you to get improvements. Tell the Space Cowboys to take a hike on another train.

Men should never be led around and be told what to do. With stuff like the Internet available to us, it’s only a fool that goes around doing dumb things anymore. There are no more excuses, guys, for screwing up.

Most of us have the time to research anything we want, all from the comfort of our favorite chair, right in front of our computers with a cold beer at our command. 

Do your homework and find out what’s best for you. This isn’t like playing the game of hiding and seek; this stuff is easier to find than you can imagine.

Don’t gamble with enlarging your penis. That’s a fact from me, Blackjack.

So, get with it. Here’s a great place to start: Penis Enlargement Bible.

This promotes a natural way of making your penis grow as if you were back in the puberty stage. It talks about natural growth without needing to do exercise, attach a weight, or wear an extender. 

The hormones that caused your penis to grow during adolescence may be switched on again so your penis can get bigger again-- effortlessly. The more amazing thing is you can call when enough is enough. 

If you want your bulge to continue growing, then you can just let it for as long as you want! Now that's unbelievable. Perhaps this one's worth a try.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

The Penis Enlargement Remedy incorporates scientific techniques and explains it in simple easy-to-understand words. It is completely natural and gives a permanent solution with no side effects. 

If you have always suffered from low confidence due to a small penis, this method is worth a try at the very least.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Penis Enlargement Exercises — Dry Jelqing Vs. Wet Jelqing

If you are a newbie to the world of penis enlargement exercises, then this article is perfect for you. Here, you can learn about dry jelqing and wet jelqing and how you can build the perfect routine with this core technique.

Out of all of the penis enlargement exercises out there, jelqing is the most popular one for men who want to increase their penile girth. This technique has similar motions to masturbation, so if you have ever masturbated before — which you undoubtedly have if you are like any other regular man out there — then jelqing should come as second nature to you.

While there are a lot of jelqing variations out there, they all usually use the same core technique. If you are a beginner, though, then here is the perfect guide on how to come up with the perfect routine of penis enlargement exercises that you can follow without taking up more than 10 minutes of your day.

How does jelqing work, though? Well, first and foremost, you should know that the overall effectiveness of these penis enlargement exercises mostly lies in the man who does them. So, if you do not see any positive results, in the long run, you really won’t have anyone to blame but yourself.

To start, let us take a look at dry jelqing. Before dry jelqing, you will have to warm your penis up if you want to make the most of your efforts. Warming up your manhood will help send as much blood as possible into your penis.

It would be important to do this warm-up without getting a proper erection, though. An easy way to do this would be by lightly slapping your manhood back and forth between your thighs.

After that, wrap your thumb and index finger around your penile shaft while forming an OK sign. This will be the default hand sign that your hands will use throughout these penis enlargement exercises.

After that, lightly squeeze your grip and start milking your shaft up to behind the tip. Pause for a while and then continue doing the whole motion over the glans. This will count as one repetition. Do the same thing with your other hand and do two jelqs to complete one set.

Most beginners start a regular routine of 20 to 40 sets, depending on how their manhood reacts to the exercise. Either way, make sure you keep clean and try to use some lotion if you don’t have any penile problems that you need to worry about. This should make the exercise easier for you overall.

Wet jelqing, on the other hand, involves proper skin lubricant, like baby oil. Wet jelqing is most often used by more experienced practitioners, though, since an erection will be needed all throughout the practice.

To do this exercise, warm up your penis in the same way that you would warm it up for warm jelqing. Then, rub some lubricant onto your hands and stimulate your manhood until you get a semi-erection. Then, do the same steps as mentioned above for dry jelqing.

Keep in mind that your manhood will be much more vulnerable in this case because of the erection, though. So, if you feel any pain while doing these penis enlargement exercises, make sure you ease up on the pressure or apply more lubricant to your hands.

Generally speaking, wet jelqing is the better option when it comes to expanding penile girth faster. Since it is done with an erection, it has already expanded your penis more than usual. As such, doing this exercise on a regular basis will bring about better results, as well.


Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in just weeks PERMANENTLY without unknown pills, surgery, or contraptions?

To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout. You can try the most reliable award-winning exercise program to help enlarge your size in just a matter of weeks. You can do it at home by just using your hands.

Friday, June 3, 2022

How to Get an 8 Inch Penis by Using the Most SIMPLE Penis Enlargement Method Around!

Is your penis big enough? You might find yourself asking this question quite frequently, insecurities about men and their penis size are a common fold. The average penis size is between 6–7 inches fully erect, but in a recent survey 8 in ten women weren’t happy with their partner’s penis size.

So if you do the math, you can begin to see that 6–7 inches aren’t big enough. To truly pleasure your partner in bed, you want to get an 8 or even 9-inch penis that will make your woman come back for more and more. This article will tell you how you can get that 8-inch penis.

Exercise To Stimulate The Penis

Penis exercises are different from other methods of penis enlargement because instead of trying to force something upon your body to shape it into a new position as weights and extenders do, exercises actually work with your body and make your penis stronger!

It’s one of the most simple methods of penis enlargement around due to how easy exercises are to perform whilst delivering results.

The Jelq

The jelq is an ancient Arabic technique that used to be performed to enable the thickness of the penis to grow. To perform the jelq, warm your penis up first using a warm cloth or have a hot shower first, then make sure your penis is lubricated well.

The jelq action is similar to how you would milk a cow. With your forefinger and thumb make an ‘’ok’’ sign and milk your penis down when it’s in a semi-erect state. This is how you jelq the penis.

Make The Jelq Extremely Effective

By using exercises alone you might have to wait a very long time before you see any growth at all, it will take you at least a year before you see an inch growth and that involves constant jelqing and exercising every day for a year.

This can all be solved however by using a biochemical system that allows the penis to grow by proving the key growth hormones and biochemicals that support penis growth.

These were the same nutrients that were in the body during puberty which is proof that these nutrients work, your penis grew once before and it will again if you use an exercise program combined with a biochemical system.

This is the best and your most realistic option for getting an 8-inch penis, because of the powerful combination of the systems that cannot be matched by other methods.

How Long Will It take?

You can expect to see penis growth of 2–3 inches within a few months of using biochemicals whereas using exercises alone can sometimes take up to 12 months just for one inch.

Watch this video to discover the secrets behind this biochemical system.

Click Here To Try The Penis Enlargement Bible Now!

Thursday, June 2, 2022

What's The Biggest 🍌 you Have Been With?

  What is the biggest 🍌 you have ever taken or eaten in your mouth?

Confirmed: This Weird Trick Makes Any Penis Increase By 65%