Thursday, March 31, 2022

10 Questions That Will Help You Learn More About Penis Enlargement Stretchers

Penis stretching is now considered one of the most effective penis enlargement methods. A lot of men simply opt to go with this method because it uses a “believable” concept, it is more affordable, and it is backed by tons of testimonials.

Today, I will be showing you the 10 most common questions that most men are asking when they are trying to learn more about penis enlargement stretchers. I hope that this article will serve its purpose for you and you will become more knowledgeable when it comes to this penis stretching.

1. Will It Make My Penis Bigger and Longer?

Yes. Penis enlargement stretchers use the same concept as weight lifting. As you stretch your penis, the Corpora Cavernosa will be stretched, and your body will respond to it by filling the gaps between the cells with new cells. As a result, your penis will become bigger and longer permanently.

2. Will It Make My Penis Harder?

The more you train your muscles, the harder and stronger it becomes. Your penis is made up of muscles, and you can expect to have stronger erections if you are going to use penis enlargement stretchers regularly.

3. Will It Strengthen My Orgasm?

Yes, but you need to follow the correct program. There are penis stretchers being sold in the market today that come with manuals and tutorials that will teach you how to use the device properly. The Pubococcygeus muscle is responsible for giving you intense orgasms, and if you know how to train this muscle properly, you can expect stronger, or rather explosive orgasms.

4. Is Penis Stretching Painful?

There are two types of penis enlargement stretchers; the noose and the strap. Noose stretchers are uncomfortable to wear, and it prevents proper blood flow into the penis, which is why there are some complaints about pain while using penis stretchers.

Strap stretchers are the ones that were manufactured following the new regulations of penis stretchers. It is comfortable to wear and allows the blood to flow properly into your penis.

5. What Can I Gain From Penis Stretching?

If you are going to wear a penis enlargement stretcher — the one that is effective — for about 6–8 hours a day, you can expect to gain at least 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth after 6 months. The results may differ depending on the condition of your penis and the time you spend wearing a penis stretcher.

6. What Do I Need for This Penis Enlargement Method?

All you need is the penis enlargement stretcher and a program that should be followed strictly. This will help you achieve your desired length without any risks of side effects and complications.

7. Are There Side Effects Linked With Penis Stretcher?

Yes. we are talking about the penis here. This isn’t about getting bigger biceps or using an ab machine to develop washboard abs. This obviously is a very, very delicate area that you generally don’t want to take unnecessary risks with.

Putting your penis into some sort of stretcher, extender, or pump increases the risk for harm, especially considering the delicate nature of the part we are trying to improve. The dangers of penis stretchers specifically, and what common side effects many users have experienced are the following:

Raw skin, rashes — excruciating pain — temporary impotence — burst blood vessels — Peyronie’s disease — urinary incontinence

8. Are There Other Advantages?

Yes. Aside from gaining more inches in terms of length and girth, and harder erections, there are a lot of other benefits that you can get from using a penis enlargement stretcher. This method is known to promote better circulation of blood into your penis, better prostate health, and better sexual endurance.

9. How Much Will It Cost?

There are penis enlargement stretchers that can be purchased for as low as $350 dollars. Although we cannot say that these are technically cheap, stretchers are far cheaper compared to other penis enlargement methods available today.

10. Where Can I Find an Effective One?

Use the Internet and look for penis stretcher review sites. This website will help you learn more about these devices and how they can help you make your penis bigger and longer. All you have to do is to choose the best among the penis enlargement stretchers being sold.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

If you are going to gain permanent size you need to do special exercises that will make your penis bigger. There are good exercise programs that have entire routines from beginner to advanced stages. It takes about 10 minutes to do the complete routine, and the gains will be phenomenal!

It has been clinically proven that penis exercises will produce gains from 1 to 2 inches in length, and up to 1 inch in girth. Every inch gained is permanent, so you will never have to worry about your penis shrinking during a hot love-making session!

No stupid gadgets are used, either. The only equipment you need is your hands, and of course, your penis. If you want to make your penis grow big and thick, exercise is the only answer.

Here is the good news.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Remedy exercise program.

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

So, what do I do next?

Over 2,315 men used these exercise techniques to naturally and permanently enlarge their penis WITHOUT useless pumps, painful surgeries, or dangerous weights.

You’re about to see how they did it, and how you can do it too!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Puberty Secrets Cause HUGE Penis Growth — Get a Monster 10.5" Penis at Home

How can you change your life? Well, if like me you are a gentleman with a smaller than average penis, you can. You can get the size of penis you have always wanted, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. The doorway to a larger penis is natural enlargement.

By using a method of natural enlargement I watched in awe as my penis went from 4.5 inches to 9.1 inches in a matter of a couple of months. No, I am not exaggerating, that’s how much my penis grew, by just over half. Can you imagine what that feels like?

Well, you can get that feeling by following a method of natural enlargement just as I did. Before I discovered natural enlargement I had tried lots of other ways. No change. Well, not really surprising when you learn a bit more about it.

Why is it no surprise that natural enlargement works while other methods don’t?

There are literally hundreds of things pout there, all ‘guaranteeing’ to make your penis grow. They promise almost instant results and say that it works for something like 8 out of 10 men. That’s their escape hatch. You will always be in those other 2. I know, that was me a few months back.

Natural enlargement works because it does the one thing that all those other products do not. It works with your own body. It uses your own system to get your penis to grow. When you really think about it, this is not rocket science. During puberty, your penis grew.

It was your own body that made it grow through the production of stem cells specially designed specifically for this job. Products you can buy do not contain these cells. That’s why they fail, Besides, these special stem cells must come from within your body, they are not something you can buy in a jar and then rub in.

Natural enlargement gets your body to work for itself to make these stem cells which in turn make your penis grow. This is the only way to get your penis to grow. Without these cells, you won’t see your penis grow.

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer. And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the penis. And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact. Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Here’s a quickfire Q & A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I personally added 3.9 inches to my member and most men can expect gains of between 2 and 5 inches. It works for everyone! If you are serious about getting bigger manhood then this really is the only way to go.

“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a *revolutionary* quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race. This quiz is something I’ve never seen before.

Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Penile Enhancement Exercises Combined With These Foods Can Make Your Penis Grow

Millions of men out there are unsatisfied with their penis size and are looking to gain as many inches as they can.

Typically men can gain up to 4 inches. that has been scientifically proven. The beautiful thing is that you do not have to use any Pumps, Weights, or pills. You just need to use all-natural methods to gain as many as 4 inches. The secret is using Penile Enhancement Exercises and combining them with some Blood enhancing foods.

Foods Can Enhance Your Penis Size, But Don’t Expect Miracles!

While certain foods can definitely help you enhance the size of your penile organ, it would be unrealistic to expect gains of up to 2 inches or more. There is just no scientific proof for it!

Since most guys are unhappy with their penile size, they try their best to discover which foods could be used as a penis enlargement method.

If you are one of them, let me introduce you to the so-called “penis diet”!

The purpose of this diet is to increase or decrease the number of certain foods, which may help you grow your penis to a certain extent (or at least boost up your blood flow in that area, which can result in stronger and firmer erections).

Which Foods Can Increase Penis Size And Enhance Your Erections?

First of all, you are advised to eliminate or reduce the amount of white bread, white rice, and white pasta taken. You are not advised to take fast food as well.

After reducing the number of food supplements listed above, you may consider increasing the amount of chicken and fish. You can also consider taking brown bread, pasta, and rice.

The purpose of doing so is to reduce carbohydrate intake and increase protein intake.

As you know, our body tissues are made up of protein. The penis is also a body tissue.

If you want to increase the size of it, then the best thing you can do is to increase the content of protein in your body.

Of course, eating a certain portion of carbohydrates is also important because you will need to pay attention to your overall health as well, instead of just focusing on the enlargement of your penis.

It Takes Time To Increase Penis Size With Foods!

However, this is a gradual course and you may not be able to see an enlargement of your little boy so easily.

Food that is supposed to increase penis size can be effective, but in most cases, it will not be enough for you to see significant gains. Chances are you may not see any gains at all!

Combine Penis Diet With Other Penile Enlargement Methods For Maximum Results!

Instead of increasing your penile size with foods only, you may consider adding other penile enlargement methods to your program as well.

Here is the good news.

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer.

And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the pen1s.

And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact.

Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Why You Haven’t Heard About This

There’s a simple reason that you haven’t heard about stem cell enlargement…

…The scams…

The industry in which this solution operates is dirty. It’s scammy. It’s rotten to the core…

And no media company wants to touch it.

However, this hides something that will be a service to the world.

Men, anywhere, at any age, can grow.

I’m NOT telling you to buy the solution

At this point, scammers all say the same thing, ‘BUY, BUY, BUY!’

I’m not telling you to do that. Never have. Never will!

You are living your life, by your rules. And I deeply respect that.

I’m actually in a better position if you DON’T choose to get bigger.


Because I’m bigger than more men around me. I’m more of a catch…

So I’ll ask just one small thing of you — so you don’t regret years passing as I did: Just read what I’m about to share, to see if it makes sense.

Read it. If it sounds like garbage, never think about it again. Sound fair?


I know it worked for me. It made sense to me. But why should you believe me?

Don’t believe me…

…You’re smart enough to figure it out *by yourself*…

‘So, why are you helping at all?’

Why am I helping?

I’ve said it doesn’t benefit me. And that’s quite right.

It doesn’t.

Not, at least, on a romantic or sexual level.

But, I take something greater from telling you the truth.

I’ve *been you*, and I wish I had been guided to the next webpage.

I wish I could go back in time.

I can’t. So this — helping other guys who are just like I was — in the next best thing…

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favor, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

“So, what do I do next?”

On the next page, you’ll see all the fluff science and take a *revolutionary* quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age, and race.

This quiz is something I’ve never seen before. Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

What You Need To Begin REAL Penis Enlargement Today (The List Isn’t Long!) I Went From 5.5" to HUNG

If you have a small penis, hope is on the way! You can get started as soon as TODAY building a penis that is longer, thicker, more satisfying to women, and will be on a permanent basis. I know because I did so.

When I started with natural penis enlargement, not only was I well below the average size for grown men (I was endowed at only 5.5 inches long and not even 5 full inches around) but I had failed with other heavily marketed penis enlargement programs (notably pills).

What finally made me start growing was the same thing that has worked for thousands of other men internationally. I started using a structured program of natural penis enlargement exercises. In other words, I “exercised” my penis using just my hands.

The results were astounding. I went from well below average to very well-hung, and the size I achieved is the size I will always be. If you want to do the same (which you can), here is a list of things you will need.

1. About an hour of your time per week

And this hour will be split up over three to four days (I did my program four days per week). That is all the time it takes to do a very thorough and effective natural penis enlargement routine.

This includes a full warm-up (consisting of heating your penis for 4–5 minutes with a warm washcloth to make it plump and get the blood flowing) and I was even able to throw in a “warm-down” similar to my warm-up and stay under 25 minutes per session. The actual “workout,” which targeted both length and girth, took less than 15 minutes!

2. Lubrication

Some of the exercises that work best for penis enlargement are the easiest to do and most effective if your penis is lubricated. My lubrication of preference was Vaseline. Other options are K-Y jelly and baby oil. No matter which way you go, several months’ supply will run you a few dollars at the absolute most.

3. Two functional hands

Sorry Edward Scissorhands, this method of penis enlargement isn’t going to work for you. For most of you fellas out there, however, this shouldn’t be a problem. Your hands will be the instruments you use to apply the exercises to your penis which will make it bigger.

4. A washcloth and sink

As previously mentioned, penis enlargement exercises work best with a penis that is warm, plump, limber, and with blood flowing. In fact, I would never recommend doing any penis hand exercises without a proper warm-up, which is four to five minutes with a warm-to-hot wet washcloth wrapped around your penis.

The way I made this easy was I just did my whole routine in the bathtub, starting with the warm-up and ending with the warm-down. If you live with a spouse or roommates, this is also a great way to make your workouts very discreet. They can be completed so quickly, you can just play it off like you’re in there doing your showering and grooming routine.

5. A structured penis enlargement program

Here are the criteria I used when choosing which one to use. I wanted one that didn’t take up much of my time. I wanted one that focused on both length and girth. I wanted one that was gentle and not strenuous. 

And I wanted one where I could start seeing results fast. I compared different programs and went with the one that suited my needs the best.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let’s be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man’s life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver.

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the “Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement”, it’s written by a guy named Tom Candow and it’s called the Penis Enlargement Remedy.

What I found mind-blowing about John’s program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don’t work. The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Remedy here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Jelqing — How Many Reps Per Day For Penis Enlargement?

Many guys have discovered the most effective way to get penis size gains is jelqing. But what is jelqing and why does it work so well?

For those that don’t know, jelqing is a form of penis enlarging exercise that when done repeatedly and consistently, increases size, both in length and girth. The basics of this exercise consist of performing repeated massaging motions up and done with your semi-erect penis, using only your hands.

What this does is work to break down particular tissue which then gets rebuilt to an even greater size. It’s similar to working out a muscle, but with jelqing, you need to be more consistent with it.

For instance, trying to get bigger biceps only requires working out your biceps once or twice a week. With jelqing, you need to perform this exercise usually daily (most programs will have you take a day or two off each week).

The exercise itself generally takes around 10–20 minutes depending on which program you follow (some programs have shorter routines, while I’ve seen others with longer routines).

Keep in mind jelqing has been around for a long while. Tribes used to perform versions of this exercise as part of the ritual, as male size enhancement was seen as being superior and young men were encouraged to achieve the largest size possible by exercising.

Nowadays the routines are more refined, exact, and safer. Lubrication is used and the actual exercise, as mentioned before, is only 10 minutes or so long (tribes were reported to spend upwards of an hour jelqing). So a lot has been advanced with current-day jelqing routines.

How Many Reps Per Day For Penis Enlargement?

A common question with performing jelqs is “How many reps per day do I do for penis enlargement jelqing”?

This varies depending on which routine you are following, but one way to go about it is using the following jelqs per day method:

Part of being good at jelqing and gaining size is starting out slow and easy. You want to ease into it, get the technique down, and get used to doing the exercise.

Try 50 jelqs per day for the first week. This might go by quickly, but what it does is eases both your mind and body into performing jelqs. You are basically practicing for the first week, which is good. Doing too many jelqs in the beginning, and you’ll burn yourself out.

For the second week, if you feel you still need more practice with the technique, then continue with the 50-a-day scheme. If you feel you are getting better then you can go to 100.

The third week and following weeks increase by 50. So week 3 you should be doing 100–150, in week 4 150–200, and so forth.

Eventually, you can stay at the 250–300 mark per day. From here you can start incorporating some other techniques like stretching.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Power Of Stem Cells

The only method that I know of which makes your penis bigger is one that relies on causing stem cells to become penis tissue cells in your shaft. This is a revolution in penis enlargement because it means that you are using all-natural, biological alchemy.

You’re turning stem cells, a blank canvas type of cell, into something definite, a penis cell. The more that you are able to turn into penis cells, and the more penis cells in your penis, the bigger your penis becomes.

That’s the simple truth of anything being bigger. The more muscle cells you have, the bigger your muscles are, for example. The more bone cells you have, the bigger your bones are. And the more penis tissue cells you have, the bigger your penis is.

With that fact, you can now understand not only why some penises are bigger than others (there are more penis cells in them) but also how to make your penis bigger (get more stem cells to convert into penis cells.)

And the great news is that penis exercises play a part in this.

When you do penis exercises, you hold stem cells in your penis for longer. That means the penis is forced to adapt, to find space for all the extra blood in it. The only way your body knows how to do this is to increase the number of penis cells in your body…

…But there’s a problem…

You see, most people don’t have enough spare stem cells in their bodies to cause an influx of stem cells to convert. And the worst news is that the amount of stem cells in your body drops with age. This is a huge problem if you want to grow your penis.

The solution is a simple one. It’s been turned into a complete system by a man called Tom Candow. What he recommends is a three-step method to increase your penis.

First, he tells you how to greatly increase the number of stem cells in your body, so you’re awash with stem cells that have nothing to convert into. Then you get them into your penis and cause them to make it bigger. This is the secret sauce to getting a bigger penis forever.

He has created his revolutionary stem cell enlargement system, called Penis Enlargement Remedy. And you can take a look here.

Monday, March 21, 2022

The Physiology Of Penis To Understand How It Can Grow

Male penis enlargement is possible and this can be proved by explaining the physiology of the penis.

Knowing the physiology of the penis can tell you some methods that can be effective and the basic principle involved in using the body's resistance to tension to bring out the results since the penis is made up of tissues comprising of the cells which also possess the property of division like other cells of the body when stretched.

As a result, the penis tissues grow and become large.

The penis contains corpora cavernosa which is spongy muscle tissue and responds to physical stress applied to it. The penis enlargement exercises if done properly stretch the distensible blood spaces in the cavernosa thus increasing the size of the penis.

The penis is an organ of concern for every man, and the size of the penis matters to each and every man in this universe, whether they admit it or not. The penis is as important to men as the breasts are important to women. So men with smaller sizes look for male penis enlargement techniques.

But before all this, you must know some basic facts about the penis. The formation of the penis starts in the mother's uterus and men gain visible length during 10–14 years of age. The average length of the penis is 3 to 4 inches when flaccid and 5 to 7.5 inches when it is erect and 1 to 2 inches in girth.

A man is considered most active at the age of around 30. At this time two changes occur. First is the change in the color of the head of the penis and second decrease in pubic hair. After this, some men can experience a decrease in the length of the penis.

There are many enlargements that are available today and therefore every male should be aware of the advantages and the disadvantages of male penis enlargement so they would not be surprised if the consequences or ill effects.

The main benefit of a larger penis is confidence which will be reflected not only in your bed with your spouse but also in your work and interaction with your women colleagues will be improved.

Secondly, you can have a better, more passionate, and more pleasurable sexual life, it goes without saying that you can also fulfill the needs of your spouse and make them want you more.

For male penis enlargements disadvantage, is the trauma you can experience if the methods used are not properly done. 

So keep in mind that when going for any method check out first the pros and cons to avoid the health risks.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How Stem Cells Make IT Bigger…

Stem cells are nature’s cell-building force. They lie in your bones, waiting to build cells.

This is fascinating stuff that we all tend to ignore. However, stem cells are at the forefront of modern science. Scientists believe that they’ll help cure diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer.

And through the fog of all the data, an incredible fact has emerged…

Stem Cells Cause Growth

These little cells not only repair cells… They also create them…

And one man, a mad scientist, discovered how to focus this creation of cells onto the pen1s. And when you follow the proper steps in the proper way, growth always happens.

It’s not luck. It’s not just someone’s good genetic fortune. It’s scientific fact.

Don’t matter your age. Don’t matter your size.

Why You Haven’t Heard About This

There’s a simple reason that you haven’t heard about stem cell enlargement…

…The scams…

The industry in which this solution operates is dirty. It’s scammy. It’s rotten to the core…

And no media company wants to touch it. However, this hides something that will be a service to the world.

Men, anywhere, at any age, can grow.

I’m NOT telling you to buy the solution

At this point, scammers all say the same thing, ‘BUY, BUY, BUY!’

I’m not telling you to do that. Never have. Never will!

You are living your life, by your rules. And I deeply respect that.

I’m actually in a better position if you DON’T choose to get bigger.


Because I’m bigger than more men around me. I’m more of a catch…

So I’ll ask just one small thing of you - so you won't regret years passing like I did: Just read what I’m about to share, to see if it makes sense.

Read it. If it sounds like garbage, never think about it again. Sound fair?


I know it worked for me. It made sense to me. But why should you believe me?

Don’t believe me…

…You’re smart enough to figure it out *by yourself*…

‘So, why are you helping at all?’

Why am I helping?

I’ve said it doesn’t benefit me. And that’s quite right. It doesn’t. Not, at least, on a romantic or sexual level.

But, I take something greater from telling you the truth.  I’ve *been you*, and I wish I had been guided to the next webpage. 

I wish I could go back in time. I can’t. So this - helping other guys who are just like I was - in the next best thing…

Here’s a quickfire Q&A:

Can you get bigger? Yes.

How much bigger? I grew by just over 3.5 inches.

Does it really work? I know it does. But read for yourself. Use your intelligence. Make up your own mind.

Just do me a favour, don’t waste two years being insecure and unhappy when you could fix this today!

Read here and the truth in beautiful technicolor will be revealed:

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Why Penis Enlargement Pumps Don’t Work?

Men try to use penis enlargement pumps to increase their penis size. This is the common way for them to get a bigger penis. A penis enlargement pump is a device with an empty tube that enables you to put your penis in it. The handle creates a vacuum that can suck blood into the penis.

A rubber ring placed around the base catches the blood in the penis. This ring will help the penis to maintain an erection. From that, you are able to have sex without losing an erection.

The vacuum-type seal around the penis can pull blood to the surface; it will make your penis become bigger. However, your penis will just appear bigger in the beginning, it will eventually return to the former size you have.

Usually, men who have chronic insulin-dependent diabetes or circulatory disorders attempt to use this device. This is because the sugar metabolism will create poor blood circulation and causes the blood cannot to flow to the man’s penis.

The pump’s suction can stretch the penis skin and its underlying tissue. The ring press the blood flow and subsequently catch the blood in the penis. It helps the penis look bigger and able to sustain an erection. 

Men can make love with their partners with the firm clamps on their penis. Nevertheless, the erection goes away once you take off the clamp.

The most advantages of a penis enlargement pump will appear when you are under two types of conditions. One, your penis is already erect. Two, you still haven’t achieved a full erection.

By right, the penis enlargement effect is just for a short moment once the pumping is stopped or you take off the ring that pumped the blood to your penis.

In conclusion, we should say that penis pumps will not make your penis grow larger, but they merely enable you to get a fuller and harder erection temporarily.

Penis enlargement pump does generate benefits for men. However, this device is not very welcome by many guys and their partners. This is because it produces an “abnormal” erection. Some people claim that the pump makes their penis feels “dead”, discolored, distorted, and cold when touching it.

There are also couples who say that they feel uncomfortable with the interruption when having sex. Some men also comment that the ring causes a little uneasiness for them upon ejaculation.

Remember, it is dangerous if you do not use a penis enlargement pump in an appropriate way. Be more careful when using it, make sure that the pump has a reliable pressure gauge, and do not forget to follow the instructions.

Moreover, the blood vessels in the penis can burst, and the penis skin will be peeled which causes general pain and soreness if you are using the wrong vacuum pump or too many times.

It can also thin out the penis, make it weak and reduce the period of erection. Some cases show that the device will even distort the penis. The scariest part is some men found that they can only have an erection by using the pump after a period of time by using the device.

The major problems in using penis enlargement pumps are:
  1. It is not a permanent result. You are merely sucking the blood into the penis. The length and girth are not actually increased or strengthened.
  2. You are taking the risk that getting a sore of your member by using this pump.
  3. There is a risk that your penis might be suffered from bleeding because you are sucking a big amount of blood into your penis.
  4. The penis might happen to lose its power temporarily due to the blood forced into the penis.
Yes. We do not deny that penis enlargement pumps do work. But it’s just for a while about half an hour. This is not suitable for impulsive occasions. It will leave bruises, scars, and even gangrene in certain cases which cause bad pain to the penis.

Your penis is put in a tube and the air is pumping out of the tube, this is how the pump works. This will engorge the penis for the time being. 

However, we must understand that it is not making your penis bigger permanently because the pump does not enhance the blood's capacity in the cells of the penis.

Now, you have discovered many weaknesses of the penis enlargement pump. Have a second thought before you use it to sustain the erection.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

If you are going to gain permanent size you need to do special exercises that will make your penis bigger. There are good exercise programs that have entire routines from beginner to advanced stages. It takes about 10 minutes to do the complete routine, and the gains will be phenomenal!

It has been clinically proven that penis exercises will produce gains from 1 to 2 inches in length, and up to 1 inch in girth. Every inch gained is permanent, so you will never have to worry about your penis shrinking during a hot love-making session!

No stupid gadgets are used, either. The only equipment you need is your hands, and of course, your penis. If you want to make your penis grow big and thick, exercise is the only answer.

Here is the good news.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Remedy exercise program.

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

So, what do I do next?

Over 2,315 men used these exercise techniques to naturally and permanently enlarge their penis WITHOUT useless pumps, painful surgeries, or dangerous weights.

You’re about to see how they did it, and how you can do it too!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The 5 Most Important Rules For Exercising to Make Your Penis Bigger

If you want to increase your penis size naturally then exercising is the cheapest and safest way to go in my opinion. I have never been a fan of any other method to make your penis bigger and have had relative success with exercising.

However, for as many men who have managed to increase penis size naturally through exercise, there are equally as many men who have given up because they are unable to make their penis bigger. 

In this article, I wish to introduce you to the most important aspects of exercising your penis.

1. As with any exercise routine, you should warm up before you begin. Many of the men who have given up on exercising to increase penis size claim that they have injured their manhood and will never trust this method ever again.

Sadly, these are the same guys who are impatient and fail to follow the rules! You should always warm up your member first. Get the blood flowing and have your manhood primed and ready for its routine.

My favorite way is to stuff some cooked rice into a sock and heat it in the microwave. Allow a few minutes to cool down and you then have the perfect heating pad.

2. Never exercise your manhood when fully erect. This can lead to nerve damage or even bursting blood vessels. The optimum level for exercise is to be 60%-75% erect.

This allows a certain amount of blood in your manhood from the start and this will be increased by the stimulation you provide during exercise. You will also find that your manhood is far more flexible when NOT fully erect.

3. Always use lubrication. There is nothing worse, or indeed more painful than trying to make your penis bigger when you are completely dry. There have been numerous injuries, such as sores and blisters caused by a lack of lubrication.

It also makes the exercise process much smoother. You can try baby oil or Vaseline, however, these can be a little messy. My personal favorite is Vaseline intensive care.

4. Your grip needs to be firm, but not so tight that you completely cut off the circulation in your member. In order to make your penis bigger, you need to improve blood circulation throughout your manhood. Eventually, this increased blood flow can force the cells to expand, which will naturally increase your penis size.

However, if your grip is too tight, the blood will literally be forced into the penis and then immediately out. Being too firm can lead to bruising and numbness of the penis which can actually cause impotence.

5. Economic: You pay only one time for the knowledge about the enlargement exercise, whereas, with enlargement pills and other medicine, you have to pay for them whenever you need them. 

Also, with penis enlargement exercises, one would not need to buy any expensive exercise machinery, apart from the required towels or pieces of cloth.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

If you are going to gain permanent size you need to do special exercises that will make your penis bigger. There are good exercise programs that have entire routines from beginner to advanced stages. It takes about 10 minutes to do the complete routine, and the gains will be phenomenal!

It has been clinically proven that penis exercises will produce gains from 1 to 2 inches in length, and up to 1 inch in girth. Every inch gained is permanent, so you will never have to worry about your penis shrinking during a hot love-making session!

No stupid gadgets are used, either. The only equipment you need is your hands, and of course, your penis. If you want to make your penis grow big and thick, exercise is the only answer.

Here is the good news.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Remedy exercise program.

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

So, what do I do next?

Over 2,315 men used these exercise techniques to naturally and permanently enlarge their penis WITHOUT useless pumps, painful surgeries, or dangerous weights.

You’re about to see how they did it, and how you can do it too!